Seeing Hua Zhao coming back, Miao Lanzhi was shocked, but she heard that it was Ye Shen who was away on assignment and that she only came back, and Miao Lanzhi was happy.

Hua Zhao came back early and blocked Ye Ming who didn't go to work.

The house was quiet, and he went home to live.

"Brother, I need two baby safety seats on the car," she said directly.

Ye Ming smiled and said, "I have already gone to buy it for you, but it will take a few days to arrive."

How could he forget something so important to the children? Yesterday he called a colleague who was investigating in Hong Kong City, asked him to help buy it, and then asked him to ask someone from the airline to bring it back.

He couldn't wait until the other party came back from a business trip.

Hua Zhao gave him a big smile, rushing tomorrow, she must give Ye Ming a big house! Repay him well.

Now that Wen Jing is no longer in the middle, she feels even more happy when she gives something.

"By the way, brother, find someone else to teach me how to drive, I want to learn it earlier." Hua Zhao said.

In fact, she can drive, but do you have to pretend?

Ye Ming thought for a while and said, "Liu Ming Zhou Bing will know, let them teach you."

Hua Zhao patted his forehead. He was really stupid. He didn't take Liu Ming's car once or twice, and now he remembered that they would drive.

It seems that supernatural powers can't save her from a three-year pregnancy.

"But I live in the mountains now, isn't it a waste to let them stay there?" Hua Zhao said.

I always feel that I have wasted my good youth.

Ye Ming nodded: "In that case, I usually leave one person to guard the old man Hua, and the others go to Liu Qian and they make money."

There is a lot of money to make, it is not wasted.

"That's good!" Hua Zhao agreed immediately.

Liu Ming and the others did not disagree, nor did they feel ashamed of selling things.

Liu Qian came to them when he had nothing to do, showing off what he was doing in his hometown and building a house. The whole family turned over, but they envy them badly.

Well this time, the chance finally fell to them!

The two happily drove Hua Zhaoxue with them.

Without a safety seat, she did not bring the children, and let Miao Lanzhi watch at home.

Miao Lanzhi is at home alone, with no outsiders, she can rest assured...

And she didn't go far, the car went around the community.

Now all the plants in this community have established communication with her. She can look wherever she wants. They are like countless cameras, and she is the host, and she can view any corner at any time.

If you are not careful, you will see the secrets of other people's homes. . . .

Of course she wasn't trying to peep, just to keep the kids safe.

"I think I can, you come down and I'll try." After another lap, Hua Zhao said to Liu Ming who was driving.

Liu Ming didn't want to move, so he just watched it for 2 laps, so it's time to watch it?

"I've been in the car many times, not just two laps." Hua Zhao said: "And driving is so simple, isn't it just a matter of the accelerator, brake, clutch, gear and steering wheel? My hands and feet are coordinated, don't worry. "

"Then slow down." Liu Ming came down uneasy.

Hua Zhao got into the car and did not pretend to be stupid. Although he was not skilled, he operated it completely and correctly. The car moved slowly and was abnormally stable.

Liu Ming's heart slowly let go.

Hua Zhao practiced starting, braking, and cornering all morning without any problems, and in the afternoon, he practiced parking and storage, and there was no problem.

Within two days, Liu Ming felt that she could graduate.

"Sister-in-law, you are amazing!" Liu Ming boasted.

Ye Ming sat in a circle where Hua Zhao was able to drive, and was a little shocked: "Your talent is no worse than those special forces."

As soon as you get started, it's like you were born with it. Coupled with Hua Zhao's divine power, it is a pity that she is not a soldier.

But out of selfishness, he still didn't want Hua Zhao to be a soldier, and if he trained like a King Kong, he would be the second Ye Shu.

Hua Zhao drove the car and walked steadily through the street.

There are very few cars on the streets now, most of them are buses, but the road conditions are quite complicated. Bicycles are in Wuyang and Wuyang. Now we are a big country of bicycles.

"How's the follow-up investigation? Are there any signs?" Hua Zhao asked suddenly.

Mention this Ye Ming's face a little bad: "There are no valuable clues, those people are unwilling to speak."

Especially Liu Su, who seems to be greedy for life and fear of death, but in fact he refuses to say anything.

This also shows that the people behind the scenes have a lot of background, and it may be worse if she said it than not.

"As for the suspects, there are too many. We are investigating them one by one." Ye Ming said.

This time, they must catch them! It was too vicious to attack Hua Zhao's children repeatedly.

Hua Zhao nodded and stopped asking, the car drove home smoothly, and then saw the safety seat arrive.

She immediately put it on happily, and took the babies back to the courtyard to watch Hua Qiang go.

If I want a car, I actually want to come back often to see my grandfather, otherwise he will live alone in the huge yard, empty and too lonely.

Ye Ming was very worried and wanted to go with him. After all, he only learned to drive for two days, but he had an important meeting in the afternoon and had to go back to work.

After repeatedly explaining that Hua Zhao called him when he got home, Ye Ming left.

Hua Zhao drove home and saw someone at the door who surprised her.

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