Su Yue stayed until dinner time before leaving. She couldn't leave if she didn't leave. She was too embarrassed to stay for dinner, and her brother wouldn't let her.

Seeing that Hua Zhao was busy, preparing a table of dishes, and smelling the tempting smell of meat, Su Yue left with a heavy heart.

When I went out, I ran into Ye Shen who came back.

Ye Shen smelled the fragrance from afar, and hurried home, his wife and children came back!

Seeing Su Yue coming out of the house, he was stunned for a moment, but nodded and passed by.

However, Su Yue looked back at his back, with broad shoulders and long legs, a gibbous waist... She blushed.

I don't know what's the origin of the Ye family? Does Ye Shen have a younger brother?

She is looking for a partner, and the choice must be her brother's comrades-in-arms, or relatives of comrades-in-arms.

She looked back at Hua Zhao again, and heard that she was only 19 years old this year, only two years older than her, and also from a rural area, how could she be so lucky.

Ye Shen entered the kitchen and gave Hua Zhao a big hug.

I haven't seen him for a few days, I miss him.

He buried himself in Hua Zhao's hair and took a few deep breaths.

Hua Zhao looked up and saw Su Yue staring at this side, but did not leave.

"Let people see it, get up quickly." She pushed Ye Shen playfully.

Ye Shen remembered the person he met at the door, stood up, and asked casually, "Why is she here?"

"Come and eat." Hua Zhao said.

Su Yue's thoughts were all on her face, Xiao Baihua's skills were immature, and she was probably on the same level as Hua Xiaoyu, or even almost.

Ye Shen raised his eyebrows without comment.

He hurriedly washed his hands and changed clothes to coax the child. Cuiwei was tired of raising her arms, and she would be in a hurry if she didn't hug her.

"Where's eldest brother?" Ye Shen asked strangely when he looked at the outside room.

He saw the car at the door and guessed that Ye Ming was coming.

"Big brother is gone, that car is mine!" Hua Zhao happily shared with him.

"Yours?" Ye Shen asked strangely.

He doesn't know about the melon seeds yet.

He has returned to the team, and he has a lot of things to do every day, so unless there are important things, the family will not call him to tell him this or that.

The matter of the melon seeds was actually implemented too quickly. Ye Ming finished talking the day before yesterday, and it was done the next day. The reward came down on the third day, and he didn't have time to tell Ye Shen.

Hua Zhao talked to Ye Shen.

Ye Shen looked at her speechlessly, but didn't ask anything.

"I'll teach you to drive after dinner." Ye Shen said.

He knew that his daughter-in-law was a daring one, and that little eyes were already eager to try it out. She was definitely going to drive this car, although he didn't really want to teach it.

too dangerous.

But....she can learn if she wants, he just needs to teach well.

"I will be very strict, don't cry then." Ye Shen said with a straight face.

"Yes! Instructor!" Hua Zhao stood at attention and gave him a military salute.

Seeing her naughty little appearance, Ye Shen couldn't help but rush over and hug the person in his arms and rub for a while, then took a deep breath and went to eat.

After the meal, he really took Hua Zhaohe's two babies into the car and taught her to drive.

Ye Shen is blooming in the front, Hua Zhao is listening in the back... She has to sit in the back with her two babies in her arms.

"I have to buy two baby safety seats. I don't know where to buy them?" Hua Zhao suddenly said.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to drive if she had a car!

Ye Shen really knew this thing: "Let Big Brother contact him, he knows."

"Okay... Almighty big brother." Hua Zhao laughed. When she was in the city, Ye Shu was her housekeeper, and she came to the mountains, so she couldn't run away from Ye Ming.

Ye Shen also smiled and asked how his eldest brother was doing recently, and whether he was affected by the divorce.

"Even if there is, he won't let me see it." Hua Zhao said.

However, her fiery eyes could still see it.

How is it possible that there is no impact at all? The elder brother was afraid that he was heartbroken, and he began to doubt his life.

If life was just like the first time....

This is also understandable, if Ye Shen also becomes unrecognizable one day, she is afraid that she will also doubt her life.

But this possibility is too small.

Hua Zhao told him about the Wen family's gossip, Ye Shen smiled, noncommittal, the family had nothing to do with them.

The two drove around the entire camp and went home after dark.

In the evening, Ye Shen still had a training camp. He wanted to bring people into the mountain. He could only kiss his wife and children and left with regret, and it would take three days to come back.

Hua Zhao is also very sorry, what else is he thinking about...

But forget it, it's a long time coming.

Early the next morning, she troubled the soldier who was going in and out of the city to help her drive and send her to the city.

This is a special camp, you can bring anyone out of the decathlon, let alone driving, you can fly.

They are tasked every year to go out and learn various skills.


Hua Zhao left early in the morning, leaving Su Yue, who had passed by with the child in her arms, to flutter. She was suddenly disappointed. Did something really happen, or did she deliberately hide from her?

Really, I can't bear to eat one bite!

"Mom, you've come to visit so early." Sister Wang came out of the house and said while standing in the yard.

She had a loud voice, and all of a sudden several family members came out.

Everyone just finished breakfast, the men just left, and it's not even 7 o'clock. It's rare for them to visit at this time.

"The house is all packed up, nothing to do, I'll come over for a walk." Su Yue raised a clean face and smiled at everyone.

She is good-looking, slender, and has a delicate appearance. Her big eyes are blinking and blinking, and she is a bit watery.

It looks pretty simple.

But there are basically middle-aged women with rich life experience around, who don't look at people, but look at things.

They really didn't like what Su Yue did in the past.

"Come to see Ye Shen's daughter-in-law again, she's not at home." Seeing her young age, Mrs. Wang didn't run against her.

Su Yue asked casually, "Where did she go? When will she come back?"

"I don't know about this." When Hua Zhao left, she was still eating in the house, and they didn't tell her that.

Su Yue had no choice but to leave angrily.

Back downstairs, she met a neighbor who was working, and she told everyone that Hua Zhao drove a car back yesterday, and that car will be used by her in the future. It's so good and enviable.

Everyone now knew that Hua Zhao had a car.

Really...Is there no need to wait for the bus to enter the city in the future?

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