Cuiwei and Yunfei quit this time, crying loudly.

The man didn't care, and kept walking into the park.

At noon, there were not many people in the park.

The woman who was selling steamed buns was waiting behind the tree. When she saw the two of them coming, she immediately took out a glass bottle and a handkerchief from her pocket, poured the anesthetic in the bottle onto the handkerchief, and put the handkerchief over the noses of the two children. superior.

Soon the two babies stopped crying and passed out.

The three of them got on their bicycles and quickly disappeared into the park.

Half an hour later, Wen Jing came back with a bag of food.

She just called to notify the person. As for how the person would take the child away, she didn't know, the other party didn't tell her, and she didn't ask.

Seeing her mother-in-law falling asleep from a distance, her heart skipped a beat.

It's outside, and it's impossible for my mother-in-law to fall asleep!

She ran over quickly, and sure enough, the two children in the stroller were missing.


Her palms and forehead were all sweaty.

"Mom, Mom!" Wen Jing pushed Miao Lanzhi, but she didn't wake up no matter how much she pushed.

She turned pale with fright.

What did those people do to her mother-in-law? !

She wanted to "cure" and change her destiny, but she never thought about killing her mother-in-law!

If you let Ye Ming know...

"Someone! Help!" Wen Jing cried out in a heart-wrenching manner.

Immediately, a few passersby were attracted to help send Miao Lanzhi to the hospital.

After some inspections, Miao Lanzhi only took a lot of sleeping pills, and it was not life-threatening.

Wen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the chair and slowly experiencing her complicated, excited and scared mood.

I have to think about what to do next, how she should react...

She didn't know anything, she just went out to buy ointment according to her mother's instructions, and then remembered that the two of them hadn't eaten, so she went to buy some dry food, and that's it when she came back.

She doesn't know anything, yes, that's how it is!

After being fully prepared, Wen Jing called Ye Mao.

Ye Mao came over ten minutes later, his face was terrifyingly black.

Wen Jing's mental preparation just collapsed suddenly, and she had never seen her father-in-law with such a terrifying expression.

"Tell me, what happened?" he asked Wen Jing.

"I, I don't know..." Wen Jing stammered and began to talk about today's experience.

Hua Zhao brought the child back, talked about the Li family, her mother had an accident, Ye Ming came back and took her away, she and her mother took the child out to play, then bought medicine, bought food, and came back like this...

Ye Mao came back with his assistants, and immediately ordered them to go to the place where the incident happened, as well as the train station, the bus station, and all kinds of suspicious people!

"Why are you here? What's wrong with my sister-in-law?" Zhang Guilan pushed in the door and asked worriedly.

After treatment, she finally woke up. The first thing she did after waking up was to go home, and then she saw Ye Mao's figure around the corner.

She thought she was dazzled, but came over to see if it didn't take a few minutes, and it turned out to be Ye Mao.

But why Miao Lanzhi was hospitalized? Still in a coma?

Ye Mao and Wen Jing were also surprised to see her, and they didn't expect Zhang Guilan to be here.

"Go and inform Hua Zhao, tell her that her mother has been found, and that the child is lost." Ye Mao said to his assistant with difficulty.

"What's missing?" Zhang Guilan immediately asked with wide eyes.


Hua Zhao is wrangling with the Li family.

Of course, in the eyes of the Li family, they are negotiating.

"If you want to know about your mother, we have to have a good talk." Old Man Li shouted.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Our first cooperation was very pleasant. Although there were some misunderstandings after that, you don't remember the villain, so please forgive us that time. We promise to cooperate well in the future, and we will never dare to do anything again. Small moves!" Old Man Li said softly.

A good seed is exactly the same, if you plant it, there will be no harvest!

Old Man Li was really scared.

He also inquired around and found out what hybrid seeds are. For this kind of seeds, you have to buy seeds every year.

Then they should be honest and earn tens of thousands of yuan a crop, which is not too little.

These seeds are ripening fast, and they can earn more than 100,000 yuan by planting two or three crops a year. They are content!

Hua Zhao sneered in his heart, but said, "Okay."

I didn't expect her to agree so happily, and Old Man Li was surprised, wouldn't he lie to them?

"But because of some misunderstanding, the conditions for you can't be the same as before." Hua Zhao said: "I left you with 8 cents of profit before, but now I can't, I can only give you 3 cents."

Old man Li was relieved, he really wanted to talk to them.

Also, apart from their Lijia Village, where did she go to find so many seeds to grow melon seeds for her and make money for her? She needs them too.

"30 cents won't work, it's too little, we have invested a lot of manpower and material resources, you don't have to do anything, just sit and wait to collect the money..." Old man Li began to bargain.

Hua Zhao also listened patiently, she made up her mind to promise them first, then give them a wave of "dead seeds" and teach them a long lesson!

There was a sudden roar of a car in the distance, and by listening to the sound, you could tell that the car was driving fast and violently.

Although Lijia Village is located on the outskirts of Beijing, few cars enter the village except for the cars that come to pull vegetables.

When everyone turned to look, they found that it was an army green jeep, sitting exactly like Hua Zhao.

Ye Ming squinted his eyes and saw the license plate, which belonged to his father.

Father knew what was going on here, and he told him not to intervene and let him deal with it. What happened now?

The jeep honked its horn all the way, rushed over without slowing down, and rushed into the crowd.

The crowd who had surrounded Hua Zhao and their car before, ready to lie under the wheels at any time, were afraid this time, and did not hesitate to dodge.

The car stopped all the way in front of Hua Zhao.

Ye Mao's assistant got out of the car and said to Ye Ming with a straight face, "Zhang Guilan has been found."

Ye Ming was startled when he looked at his expression. This assistant usually likes to joke and laugh. It is rarely so serious unless something major happens.

His throat was a little dry: "Where did you find it? What's the situation? How is the person now?"

Hua Zhao also looked at him eagerly.

"In the hospital, the person woke up, nothing happened, just an overdose of sleeping pills was given before." The assistant said.

"Oh, you scared me to death!" Ye Ming punched him in a funny way.

Hua Zhao also laughed, which also startled her.

But there was no smile on the assistant's face. Instead, he was more rigid than before. He glanced at Hua Zhao and then at Ye Ming.

He didn't dare to tell Hua Zhao about that news, he knew how cruel it was to a mother, so he only dared to tell Ye Ming.

The smile on Ye Ming's face was gone, and he asked calmly, "What else?"

The assistant swallowed and said, "Ye Yunfei and Ye Cuiwei, lost."

Hua Zhao only felt the darkness in front of him, and he fell backwards.

Ye Ming felt the same way. He felt his ears were buzzing, and he couldn't hear what the assistant just said.

"You, say it again? Who lost it?" His voice was hoarse.

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