"What's the matter? Talk about it." Hua Zhao said.

"Can you, don't pursue this matter..." Li Xiaojiang said with a guilty conscience.

I don't know why, Hua Zhaoming is very good-looking, and he also admits that this is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. But when he saw her, he was a little scared, and he didn't dare to breathe.

So even if he didn't know anything about Hua Zhao's background, it was a complete guess, but he just believed that she could definitely clean up the entire Li family.

Hua Zhao didn't speak, it was impossible not to teach the Li family a lesson this time, otherwise they wouldn't know the pain! There will be next time.

This time, Li Xiaojiang rescued his mother, what about next time? Who will save her? So she can't agree.

"How is my mother now? Is there any danger... Be careful!" Hua Zhao suddenly shouted!

Li Xiaojiang hadn't reacted yet, he only felt a pain in the back of his head, and he fainted.

Hua Zhao was going to be mad, but Old Man Li was really ruthless, even his own grandson!

Ye Ming and the others rushed out instantly, trying to **** Li Xiaojiang over.

But the Li family also knew the importance of Li Xiaojiang and desperately protected him.

A bunch of women and children rushed towards Ye Ming and the others, crying and howling, dragging them not to let go.

Behind him, Ye Shu also shouted.

People from Lijia Village also began to besiege her and Hua Zhao.

Ye Ming had no choice but to bring someone back to defend.

A chaos came and went quickly, and the two sides confronted each other again.

Li Xiaojiang has been "protected" by the Li family, and he is dizzy. Hua Zhao can't ask anything.

The chips are back in the hands of the Li family.

"If you want to know where your mother is, you have to show sincerity." Old Man Li said.

Hua Zhao looked at him and sneered: "The old man came from a bandit, right?"

"Haha." Old Man Li sneered and didn't answer.

He is so old, he came here in the midst of war, and he traveled all over the place, bandits or something, and he really made a cameo.

But no one knows it.


Hua Zhao and the others left, and Miao Lanzhi couldn't calm down and walked back and forth on the ground.

Her mood affected the two babies, and she became restless. She couldn't sit, lie down, or hold her.

"Let's go, grandma will take you out to play." Miao Lanzhi said helplessly.

If there are no special circumstances, as long as they go out, the two children will be honest, and the flowery world outside makes them overwhelmed.

Wen Jing naturally followed.

Two people pushed the child to turn around in the community.

Their community is very large, with a large area, few houses and few people.

The two babies have seen a lot of green mountains, green water, flowers and plants recently, and they are no longer interested in the big tree garden here.

"Ah! Ah!" Cuiwei stretched out her small arm and pointed in the direction of the gate. She wanted to go out to play and go to a crowded place.

"Okay." Miao Lanzhi said with a smile. Although there are still things to worry about outside, she couldn't help but be happy when she saw such lovely two babies.

Several people left the community and went to the mall.

Miao Lanzhi suddenly remembered that the two babies are so old that they haven't been to the mall yet! Today just happened to go to see and see, let them choose what they like.

Wen Jing followed behind her, her palms sweating a little.

The amulet given by the master really worked, she actually had such good luck.

I originally thought that I was going to the mountain compound today, and there was absolutely no way to steal the child there. Who would have thought that the child would be delivered to the door by herself, and her money was not wasted!

This amulet is very expensive, 500 yuan a piece!

Miao Lanzhi pushed the child to a nearby shopping mall. Today is the weekend. The shopping mall is very lively and crowded. The strollers side by side are a bit of a hindrance. Miao Lanzhi looked at Wen Jing and said, "You are pushing Yunfei."


The stroller is spliced ​​in the middle, and can also be divided into two separate ones.

Miao Lanzhi and Wen Jing walked in tandem, looking around the counters.

But the two little guys soon became annoyed. From their height, all they could see were thighs. There were many people and it was hot and smelly. Cuiwei protested a few times that Miao Lanzhi didn't hear it, and she immediately started to cry at the top of her voice.

This time Miao Lanzhi heard and understood what she meant, so she had to come out with two little guys.

There is a small park not far away, and there are several children playing in it, Cuiwei immediately stretched out her finger: "Ah! Ah!"

"Okay, go there and play there." Miao Lanzhi said with a smile.

The two parked the stroller in the shade of a tree and watched the children playing next to them.

When the parents of other children saw Yunfei and Cuiwei, they immediately came over and chatted with Miao Lanzhi.

Wen Jing was a little anxious, just wanted to find a chance to leave for a while, and notify the important event to send someone.

She also spent a lot of money and asked the master to do her a little favor.

She knew that it was impossible for her to carry the child away, and the Ye family would be able to eat her. But the matter of Hua Xiaoyu reminded her that she could create an accident, such as the loss of a child...

Then 3 days later, she will find the child again and make up for her faults, or, she is directly a great hero!

Wen Jing raised her head and glanced at Miao Lanzhi. It wasn't necessarily her who lost the child, it could also be Miao Lanzhi.

The opportunity is coming soon.

In summer, there are many mosquitoes, and this place is no better than at home. Regular mosquito repellent, two little guys were bitten by mosquitoes several times before they knew it. Although they didn't cry, they scratched and soon saw blood.

Hands are tough enough.

When Miao Lanzhi found out, she was heartbroken.

"Hurry up, hurry up and buy some ointment." Miao Lanzhi said to Wen Jing.

The two children followed Hua Zhao and had never been bitten by mosquitoes, so Hua Zhao didn't prepare anything for them to repel mosquitoes, and they didn't bring them when they came out.

Now I remember how powerful mosquitoes are.

"Okay, I'll go right now!" Wen Jing suppressed her excitement and ran away as if anxious.

Several parents who were playing together also began to check their children, and found a few bags. Now it is meal time again, a few people stopped playing and packed up and went home.

Miao Lanzhi just remembered that it was time to eat. She didn't forget to feed the baby before she came out, but she forgot to eat.

People who grew up in hard times basically believe that people are iron rice or steel. No matter how big things happen, as long as there are conditions, they have to eat. Only after eating can you have the strength to solve the trouble.

But now she can only wait for Wen Jing to come back first.

But Wen Jing didn't come back for more than 20 minutes.

"Really, did you just pass by a pharmacy and couldn't see it?" Miao Lanzhi muttered.

Suddenly, a woman with a basket came over: "Eldest sister, do you want buns? It's just out of the pot, and it's still hot."

Miao Lanzhi is not surprised, there are hawkers selling all kinds of food in the park, and it is not surprising that there are steamed buns at the meal point.

"What kind of stuffing?" Miao Lanzhi asked.

"In the summer, stuffed with bitter vegetables, clearing heat and reducing fire," the woman said.

Miao Lanzhi looked around and saw that there were no other hawkers: "Okay, give me 6." She also had to buy a few for Wen Jing.

"Okay!" The woman took out a few big white and fat buns, which looked good and smelled.

Miao Lanzhi does not choose, and it can be eaten with bitter vegetables. When I was young, for a few years, it was not easy to eat bitter vegetables.

But maybe she hasn't eaten bitter vegetables for many years, why does she feel so bitter?

However, in the spirit of not being wasted, she still ate both buns.

Then, while fanning the mosquitoes for the babies, I waited for Wen Jing to come back.

However, her hands became weaker and weaker, and she couldn't lift it up soon. Her eyes were blackened for a while. Miao Lanzhi felt bad, but she wanted to shout but found that she couldn't.

She widened her eyes unwillingly and fell straight forward. Even if she fell down, her hand was tightly clutching the stroller.

Soon, two men with baskets came around. They quickly helped Miao Lanzhi, put it on the chair, and pretended to be dozing off, then took out Cuiwei and Yunfei from the stroller, put them in the basket, and left.

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