"My wife took the two children out and was dazed, and the children were snatched away." The assistant said simply.

Hua Zhao didn't faint, she stumbled and stood firm. Now is not the time to faint!

"Take me! Take me to the scene! Quick!" she shouted.

The assistant opened the door without saying a word, and Hua Zhao quickly got in.

Ye Ming also quickly got back into his car.

Don't say hello to the first few Liu, get in any car you can get on, and walk if you can't fit!

The two cars whizzed away.

No one dared to stop her this time, everyone in Lijia Village heard it, Zhang Guilan found her, and everyone was fine.

They don't have the capital to negotiate with Hua Zhao, and they are anxious to find a child. They probably don't care about anything. Now lying under the wheel, death is a waste of death.

The car flew all the way to the city, Hua Zhao forced himself to calm down and asked the assistant for details.

From the details, Miao Lanzhi ate the stuffed buns and was stunned, and then the traffickers stole the two children.

Now it's time to go after the traffickers.

"Don't worry, we have sent a lot of manpower to look for it, and we will be able to find the child safely!" the assistant comforted.

Ye Zhenguo's grandson is lost! With his identity, the whole country can search for it.

But now everyone is afraid of scaring him, so they haven't told him the matter, but there are many people who should be sent out.

Ye Mao's qualifications are enough.

Rely on these people, slow! Hua Zhao still wanted to rely on himself.

The car quickly arrived at the accident site.

Hua Zhao is very fortunate that this is a park with many green plants.

She couldn't care too much, and immediately exchanged information with the big tree behind the baby's body.

Wen Jing was terrified at the time, and she only cared about taking Miao Lanzhi to the hospital, but she didn't care about the empty stroller, so the two strollers are still there.

There may be people around who heard about the child being stolen, and there are some people around, but no one moves the car.

With the crazy energy input, the branches and leaves of the big tree suddenly trembled. No one was surprised, it was just a breeze.

A few dead leaves fell, and no one cared. It's August, and autumn is about to begin, so it's not surprising that there are one or two leaves.

Fortunately, Hua Zhao's ability to control his abilities is now very precise, and there will be no phenomenon of promoting the crazy growth of plants as soon as the energy is exchanged.

A few fallen leaves slipped through the net because she was in a hurry.

Not long after the incident, it was daytime again, and it was under him again, and the big tree could see it clearly.

Hua Zhao also saw clearly the appearance of the suspects and the means of committing the crime, as well as the direction in which they left.

She searched along the track all the way, and saw how the woman fainted the two babies, and her eyes were bleeding with distress.

"Watching" the person walked out of the park and ran away on a bicycle, she immediately said to the assistant, "Go!"

The assistant didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, Hua Zhao's expression was scary now, he was afraid of irritating her.

Let him go wherever he goes.

The street trees on the roadside also rippled, making noises, no one cared.

The car drove to a residential area. There are many bungalows, but not chaotic. It is a planned urban village. Most of the people living here are one family, and there are few large courtyards.

The personnel are not complicated, and some are beyond Hua Zhao's imagination, but it doesn't look like the place where the traffickers live.

But that's right, this may be a cameo trafficker, and after stealing children, it's not suitable to go to a mixed place, where people have sharp eyes and a lot of thoughts, and maybe they can see their flaws.

On the contrary, this kind of residential area is safe, and the houses are closed, and they do not care about the outside world.

The hutong is a bit narrow, and there are some sundries piled up outside the hutong. It is difficult for cars to enter, so Hua Zhao can only get off.

The assistant kept peeking at Hua Zhao, wondering why she came here directly.

In the back of the car were Liu Qian and Sun You, who were also staring at Hua Zhao, afraid that she would suddenly collapse.

Such lovely two children, not to mention Hua Zhao, they are still holding back not to collapse!

Hua Zhao got out of the car and walked into the hutong. There were fewer plants and fewer trees here. She slowly communicated with the flowers and plants of every household.

The intelligence of flowers and plants is smaller, and it is more difficult to communicate, and most of them are in the yard, and they cannot see the outside situation, so it takes time to communicate.

This is messy.

An hour has passed, and the exact location of those people has not been found.

Hua Zhao is in a hurry, every minute and every second is the key, she is afraid that when she finds it, they have already left, get on the car, get on the train, and if there is no plant to see again, then she will lose the clue and lose her The two babies....

This is more painful than killing her!

Suddenly, she heard a faint cry.

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