Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 569: Master is right

In the next few days, Hua Zhao didn't go out for a walk very much, so let's put it aside for now.

There is also her small yard, which is also very time-consuming. It hasn't rained recently, so she has to water the ground sooner or later.

Seeing Hua Zhao carrying a bucket full of water to the field again, Sister Wang watched and praised: "You are too capable."

"Still be careful, don't stretch, you are a person with two bodies now! You have to be careful about everything."

Hua Zhao smiled at them: "It's okay, I'm strong."

If it really feels heavy, she won't mention it, but a bucket of water is like playing to her, and it's not a problem at all.

Seeing her watering her home with ease, Sister Wang sighed, "It's really a rural person."

They are very pleasing to Hua Zhao now. They are hard-working, capable, not hypocritical, not rude, polite to others, and they do not look down on them. Why are they not pleasing to the eye?

But some apparently don't think so.

Tian Cui was also watering the garden, and when they were picking up the water together, he said to Hua Zhao: "I heard that Su Yue has been talking bad about you these days, and there are already a few people over there who have opinions on you... Would you like to go over and explain? "

"What to explain? Is there anything to explain?" Before Hua Zhao spoke, Sister Wang continued, "Why did she say Hua Zhao? It was justifiable for Hua Zhao to reject her! Fuck her nephew!"

The sisters-in-law here don't easily walk in the small garden, and when there is no one there, they go for a walk together.

When there are many people in the evening, I never go downstairs there.

So I didn't catch up with the scene that day, but they all heard about it afterwards.

Not all rural soldiers lived in bungalows, and there were several upstairs. They moved in when the building was just built and when the camp was not so obvious.

The family members of those families are caught in the middle... They occasionally come over to chat with a few sisters-in-law here.

I really can't talk to the people over there.

Everyone has a job, and when they talk about things that are not about work, or about things in books and newspapers, or about literature and poetry, they really can't get involved.

"But if Hua Zhao didn't explain it, many people over there started to have opinions on Hua Zhao." Tian Cui said.

"Who are many of them?" Hua Zhao asked suddenly.

Tian Cui is silent.

Hua Zhao glanced at her and didn't ask any further. This little trick of provocation on both sides is really not too clever.

It seems that Tian Cui still has a problem with her sudden occupation of "her land".

"Don't care what they say, ignore them." Sister-in-law Wang said straight to Hua Zhao, not finding any little awkwardness between the two.

"Well, I'm not free now." Hua Zhao smiled at Mrs. Wang: "I have to go home and make milk powder for the children, they are at dinner time."

After she finished speaking, she went into the house and got busy. After a while, she found the two brothers and sisters who were playing in the car with two filled bottles of milk powder.

Hua Zhao put them in the yard when they were watering, so they could see.

With one bottle per person, the two little guys are satisfied and drink it.

Hua Zhao also had no choice. In the past few days, he put them in the yard to feed them, so that others could see them, proving that he really had no milk.

Reputation is really too important at this time, and it will even affect Ye Shen's side, so she has to pay attention.

"Hua Zhao."

Suddenly someone called her outside the gate, Hua Zhao looked up and was stunned for a moment.

"Why is my sister-in-law here?" she asked in surprise.

Wen Jing actually came to see her?

"I said to help you look after the children, how can you not come?" Wen Jing smiled and joked: "I'm not someone who doesn't count."

Hua Zhao...I really didn't see it, but she would rather her words not count.

She has learned some expression psychology, and the quiet micro-expression shows that she doesn't want to come at all.

If she didn't want to come, she had to come, she was exhausted for her.

"Come in." Hua Zhao warmly welcomed people in.

She is also very tired...

Wen Jing entered the yard and set her eyes on Yunfei and Cuiwei. This was the first time she had looked at the two children seriously.

He is in good health, with clear eyes and bright eyes. He looks very smart and blessed. The master is right.

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