Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 568: I know it myself

Hua Zhao looked back and saw that several men were walking towards this side, and the one who ran over was probably Su Qiang, Su Yue's brother.

Why isn't he called Su Daqiang?

After Hua Zhao complained, he looked at the man. There was nothing to say about his figure. The men here, no matter how old or young, were not in bad shape.

He looks like a reliable and honest man, looking nervous at his sister and son.

Hua Zhao rolled his eyes and looked at Ye Shen.

Ye Shen had already come over and hugged Cui Wei who was desperately raising her arms towards him in the stroller.

"What's wrong?" he asked too.

Hua Zhao didn't say anything and looked at Su Yue.

Su Yue was crying and crying, "I...I want to help her with some work..." She looked at Hua Zhao.

Begging for milk has turned into helping work? Hua Zhao directly rolled his eyes regardless of his image.

But she didn't want to discuss whether she had milk or not in front of so many men, so she shut up and said nothing. It depends on how Su Yue plays.

When Su Qiang heard his sister's words, he turned his head and glanced at Hua Zhao, expressionless, but he could see his dissatisfaction from his eyes.

However, Yang Fang couldn't stand Su Yue, and said directly: "Your sister wants to help the new younger brother and sister to work, and give your son a drink of milk. As a result, the family ran out of milk, and she cried if she didn't agree!"

Su Qiang suddenly blushed, I was embarrassed, but he didn't look at Hua Zhao anymore, but said to Su Yue: "If you're okay, go upstairs, Haohao is hungry? Cook some porridge for him. "

Only then did Hua Zhao remember what was wrong and asked, "How old is this child?"

Su Qiang turned his head embarrassedly and said softly, "It's 1 year and 3 months old."

It looks like ten months!

"A one-year-old child can already eat, even normally, without supplemental milk powder, so why is he so thin? Does he not even have to eat?" Hua Zhao asked curiously (you're welcome). asked.

Su Qiang's face suddenly couldn't hang up.

Su Yue said angrily: "I told you that my family's situation is not good, everyone depends on my brother..."

"Xiaoyue! Stop talking, go home." After speaking, he took his son and left.

Su Yue glared at Hua Zhao angrily and chased after him.

Hua Zhao looked at Ye Shen innocently: "Because I want to raise a big family, so I don't want to raise my son? I don't see the child's appearance, it's not very good... We still have extra milk powder at home, why don't we give them to them? Send it, that child is so pitiful."

She looked sympathetic.

It's time to brush up on favoritism and tell everyone that she is not a stingy and selfish person. She doesn't breastfeed because she's out of milk, but she can give formula.

Besides, sending a few cans of milk powder to difficult colleagues is also right. It seems that Su Qiang didn't intentionally abuse the child, he might just be a little filial.

She didn't believe it. He could starve to death without a child in his hometown. Does he not understand this? But he still chose to starve his own children.

"Okay, let's go back and get the milk powder." Ye Shen had no objection to Hua Zhao's decision.

Yet others have.

"Don't go, he won't want it." said a colleague next to Ye Shen.

"Yeah, Su Qiang is a person who wants a lot of face. We wanted to lend him money in the past, but he didn't want it."

"Don't want anything." Yang Fang answered and said to Hua Zhao, "Don't look at Su Yue like that, but if you order something for her, rice, noodles, Chinese cabbage or something, her brother won't let her in! Send it home."

Hua Zhao stared, and this "stinky problem"? Whether it is thrifty, self-discipline, or lofty, it all depends on the situation, right? Besides, there is a loan and a repayment! The food delivered to the door is also pushed out, seeing that his son is malnourished?

She couldn't understand this approach.

"Then let's go home." Hua Zhao said.

With Ye Shen standing on the side, Yang Fang ignored Xiaobao's struggles and took him out of the car, and Hua Zhao pushed the car home.

When I went back, I complained to Ye Shen: "That Su Yue is not a good person!~" Come on, I told all of Su Yue's absurdities.

I really **** her off today.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry anymore, she will probably have to take a detour when she sees you in the future, and won't dare to bully you." Ye Shen coaxed.

He seldom saw Hua Zhao angry, and suddenly felt so cute.

Hua Zhao also felt that she had a bit of a temper recently, not only because of hormones during pregnancy, but also because of the incident of stealing children before. In fact, she had always had an emotion in her heart that had nowhere to vent.

Now that she saw Ye Shen and the family was in a safe place again, she broke out.

She pushed Ye Shen down...

Ye Shen was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were full of smiles: "No... It's less than 3 months..."

"I know it myself!"


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