Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 570: I knew it was you

Wen Jing stayed in Hua Zhao's place all morning and did nothing, just sat and chatted occasionally.

Hua Zhao was embarrassed and went to the yard to look around for work, while Wen Jing sat beside the stroller to help her "watch" the child.

She was really watching, and she didn't get started, so she just stared at the two children.

Hua Zhao didn't care either, she was curious that the child deserved it, after all, she couldn't ask for so many years.

However, she also stared quietly to prevent Wen Jing from making any "strange" actions.

Everything was normal, Wen Jing sat for most of the day and left in the middle of the afternoon.

Hua Zhao was also busy for a day. Just as she was about to rest, she saw a soldier running over, standing directly in front of her house and shouting, "Sister-in-law, someone is looking outside the door."

It's not that you have registered, you have to explain to those who can come in, and everyone else has to let them go to the door to pick them up.

"Who?" Hua Zhao asked.

"It's called Xu Mei." Xiao Bing said.

Why is Xu Mei here? At this time, Hua Zhao was a little strange. Come now, there is no shuttle to go home, and if you ride a bicycle, you have to ride for several hours.

Hua Zhao pushed the child to the gate in a hurry, and saw Xu Mei waiting there with a large bag and a small bag.

"Why are you here at this time?" Hua Zhao asked.

Xu Mei smiled and just said, "Aunt Zhang asked me to come see you and bring you something delicious." She had chickens, fish, meat and various vegetables in her pocket.

Here, the dishes are divided every other day, but the meat is divided once a week. I usually want to eat something special, but if I don't get it, I go to the city and buy it myself.

Hua Zhao looked at her expression, knowing that this was not the place to talk, and led people home.

"Is it urgent?" she asked in a low voice on the way.

Xu Mei thought about it and shook her head: "No hurry."

Hua Zhao was relieved, and when he got home, he put the things that could not be put into the refrigerator.

She bought another refrigerator and put it here. Although it is a bit eye-catching, it is a necessity of life. Otherwise, waiting for the meat to be posted on it, she will be greedy... She just goes out to buy it by herself, and it is inconvenient to store it.

And she has inquired about it. Several households upstairs have refrigerators, and she is not in her early years.

Xu Mei played with the two babies for a while, and when Hua Zhao finished cleaning up, she said inexplicably, "Something happened to Li Xiaojiang's house! Did you know?"

Hua Zhao was stunned to know what she was talking about. It was time to count the days.

"What about the melon seeds?" she asked.

Xu Mei looked at her like this: "I knew it was you!"

Hua Zhao pursed his lips and smiled: "It's not me, it's them. Tell me now, what's the situation now?"

"The Li family secretly planted melon seeds. Liu Qian told me before. At that time, I wanted to tell you, but Liu Qian said you knew, but I didn't tell you." Xu Mei said: "Now those melon seeds are mature, I heard that because of the good sales in the past, this time the Li family received the buyer's money in advance, but the melon seeds have an accident, they are all slumped!"

She looked at Hua Zhao in amazement: "How did you do it? All the melon seeds, every one of them are shriveled! None of them have flesh! This is so strange."

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "What's so strange, hybrids are like this, the genes of the offspring's seeds..." Thinking that the word "gene" didn't exist yet, she quickly changed her words: "The offspring are not well developed, or there are no offspring at all. normal."

"That's it..." Xu Mei is not a farmer, so it's better to fool around.

Although she was curious as to where she bought it, she couldn't help but ask, maybe it was the Ye family who had gone the way? The most advanced variety in the country!

"Then how does the Li family end now?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I heard that there is a fight over there, and the buyer wants to refund the money, but the Li family can't get it." Xu Mei said.

"Why can't you take it out?" Hua Zhao asked curiously.

"You also know how well the last batch of melon seeds sold." Said that Xu Mei would be envious. She and so many people worked hard every day, and they didn't earn 150,000 in these months? It's 50,000 yuan, or everyone's share.

Hua Zhao received 150,000 while sitting at home.

"I heard that the batch of melon seeds was sold out, and the Li family began to find buyers and collect money." Xu Mei continued: "More than two months have passed, and they have spent almost all the money."

The Li family is also considered "rich", and there will be countless 150,000 waving to them in the future. They are not reluctant to spend money. Those who should build houses should build houses, and those who should buy color TVs should buy color TVs, sewing machines and refrigerators. , all the messes are set up!

The house is not built one by one, but one by an adult grandson! And it's a brick house.

Home appliances are also set for one person.

There is also a watch. In the past, only the head of the family had it, but now everyone has one!

I heard that they received a total of 200,000 yuan in payment, but it was divided among several brothers, and each family actually didn't have tens of thousands of dollars. Such a defeat would cost almost the same.

"If the buyers don't return the money, they will pull things. I heard that the houses just built have been ripped off, and the bricks have been taken away." Xu Mei said.

The expression on her face was both schadenfreude and a little unbearable. This can not bear is completely to Li Xiaojiang.

Hua Zhao also asked: "How is Li Xiaojiang now? Do you know?"

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