Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 567: reason for refusal

The crowd became quieter, except for the cicadas, there was no sound, all eyes were on Hua Zhao and Su Yue.

Hua Zhao looked at Su Yue, shook her head and said, "No."

The eyes that fell on her suddenly brightened.

So happy to refuse~

Su Yue didn't expect that, she looked down at Hua Zhao's chest: "My nephew really eats very little, you see you raise two children, they are both so white and fat, he can't eat a quarter of them alone. One! It won't affect your feeding your own children."

So big, it looks like the output is big, what's the matter with her nephew?

Looking at her expression, Hua Zhao felt that her chest was congested, and said politely, "Does he have no milk powder to drink?"

For a man living here, how can a month's salary be more than 100 to 200? Can't afford milk powder?

Like Ye Shen, the messy subsidies add up to 200 a month.

Su Yue paused for a moment, lowered her eyes and said, "There is milk powder, but it's not enough... My family's conditions are difficult. My parents are sick and need to take medicine. My eldest brother was injured the year before and can't work, and there are a lot of people at home. Child, I can't eat..."

Said it was silent.

Hua Zhao continued to ask: "So what? The child's father mailed all the money for the child's milk powder back to his hometown, and adopted his parents, brother, and his brother's wife and children? Then he saw his child was so hungry that he went out to ask for it. milk?"

There was a gasping sound all around, and this was a very rude word.

But if you think about it, it really is!

"Why are you talking so ugly!" The grievances on Su Yue's face were relieved, and she was very angry: "What is begging for milk? It's just asking you for a favor, and I won't let you help in vain. I can help you. Take care of the child for you, and give you the nutrition fee! We are not free!"

Hua Zhao was so angry that she didn't even know what to say. In her past life, she had never experienced such a thing. Someone asked her to borrow milk...

"I don't need your help, and I don't need your nutrition fee." Hua Zhao said.

Su Yue was so angry that she burst into tears. She hugged Su Hao and complained with extreme grievance, "Why are you so unsympathetic?! My nephew is so hungry, what's wrong with borrowing your milk? It's not bad for you to eat! You can feed two children, and you still eat so fat, what's wrong with us?"

The women around looked at her quietly, with different eyes.

Someone sympathizes.

"I said that this new brother and sister, if you have enough milk, just feed him a few mouthfuls. You see the child is so hungry, it's pathetic," said a woman in her forties and fifties.

"Yes, yes, the motherless child is really pitiful." Li Meijuan said.

"I really don't have much. My little treasure is big and has a big appetite. Otherwise, I will feed Haohao." Yang Fang said, "When Haohao was a child, I also fed for a few days." She pointed to the surrounding area. A woman said to Hua Zhao, "We've all fed it! You should feed it more or less!"

Mothers with young children have all experienced being begged for milk by Su Yue.

But their output is really small, and seeing their children cry at night with hunger, they finally refused.

At that time, Su Yue didn't go too far, she wouldn't stare at one person, usually change one person at a time, and come again every few days. The crowd reluctantly agreed.

Su Yue hugged Su Hao and stopped crying, staring at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao looked even more angry.

But she suddenly smiled and said, "No."

She is obsessed with cleanliness, and she doesn't have a breast pump at this time. If she wants to feed her child, she can only let the child **** on her own. For other things, let other children suck... She doesn't want to! This is not the time for life and death.

not to mention....

Su Yue hadn't spoken yet, but the others responded very strongly.

"You new here..." The younger brother and sister stopped calling.

"Why are you so unsympathetic?"

"Don't feed him all the time, just take a few bites every now and then."

"Too mean."

Some people even got up and left in order to express their dislike of Hua Zhao.

Su Yue's expression was both angry and resentful.

Hua Zhao said, "Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to feed him, it's that I'm out of milk now."

"How is that possible?!" Su Yue stared at her chest, the first one didn't believe it. How can it be so big without milk!

Others don't believe it either.

Hua Zhao said: "I'm pregnant again, and I can't breastfeed during pregnancy. Not only does breast milk contain less nutrients, but the act of breastfeeding can easily cause uterine contractions and cause miscarriage, so I weaned my two children last month, and weaned them early this month. already."

She was telling the truth, she was suddenly a little fortunate that she was pregnant again, otherwise the reasonable reason would not be perfect.

This time, she's out of milk, how confidently she refuses!

"Impossible! Your child is so fat!" Su Yue shouted.

Hua Zhao stood up, looked at the thin child in her arms sympathetically, and said, "Don't you know? Children who eat milk powder will be fatter than those who eat breast milk. If your brother gives him an extra bucket or two of milk powder, he will It won't be like it is now."

She is really convinced. At this time, there is really such a great (tiger) man who can watch his own children starve and become malnourished, and then use money to support the children of his brother's family?

There were footsteps coming from behind, Hua Zhao didn't look back when she saw Su Yue on the opposite side crying: "Brother!"

A footstep turned into a running sound, and the man's voice went from far to near, and asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

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