Liu Su smiled in his heart, and it was done.

"Bring it to me, I'll draw a talisman on them, and I'll do it." Liu Su said, "But because you have a lot of suffocation, this ritual can't be done in a day or two, at least 3 days. "

"That's it, that won't work." Wen Jing said immediately.

She took it out for a while, and she sent it back immediately, without knowing it. But 3 days, no.

"Then there's nothing I can do." Liu Su said, refusing indifferently.

She can't get things done in a while, it's so difficult to lay the groundwork ahead, it's fake, and she has to give herself time to escape!

She is a well-known figure with many relatives. Others don't care, she has to take care of her children.

Mother Ma promised her that she would arrange for her and her children to go abroad as soon as the matter was done, and to go abroad...and the passport would be ready soon, so she dared to take such a big risk to offend the Ye family!

Here, as soon as the child arrives, she will give it to the connector, and then immediately take the plane to leave. 3 days is enough. Wenjing just can't hold on for 3 days, just 1 day.

"I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again!" Wen Jing was anxious when she saw that she was going to leave it alone.

"Think about it slowly, I will stay in the capital for a month at most, and I will go back when my niece's fetus is settled." Liu Su said.

"You have a niece? How long has it been!" Wen Jing was surprised. How long has she been in Beijing? How many days have you been sick? Heal people?

Liu Su had an unfathomable expression: "She is just like you. She is also an external disease. She comes and goes quickly."

Wen Jing was quiet and murmured, "I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again..."


Hua Zhao took her child out for a walk again this day. This time, she chose the evening when there were many people, and tried her best to recognize all the people upstairs.

In summer evenings, every family likes to go out to enjoy the shade after eating. Men usually go to the courtyard wall together to talk about their favorite topics, or continue to work.

And the women chatted in the little garden.

Hua Zhao pushed the stroller over, and immediately lowered the voices of several small circles a few degrees.

It's so beautiful....not like a rural person at all.

Xiaobao was the first to greet Hua Zhao.

He ran over tremblingly. He fell two somersaults on the road without crying, and when he came, he grabbed the car and didn't let go.

"Ah! Ahh!" he did not know what to shout.

He just grabbed the car and didn't do anything to himself. Yunfei didn't move either, sitting quietly in the car and watching him.

"Little brother and little sister are here again, and our little treasure can ride in a small car again." Yang Fang walked over and said with a smile.

The crowd was quiet, and everyone looked at Hua Zhao, waiting for her to respond.

Hua Zhao smiled at Yang Fang: "Sister-in-law, wait a while, wait until I find a place to sit down, I'm too tired to hold the child now."

You can take the car if you want, but it's not just her opening her mouth.

Otherwise, her car will become her home in the future. And not only a small car, she will also give people a soft and bullying image.

That doesn't work.

The crowd was quiet, and everyone had a preliminary evaluation of Hua Zhao in their hearts.

"Come and sit here, it's cool." Tao Qing said.

Hua Zhao had a good impression of her, pushed the child over, and then exchanged a few words with Tao Qing. Seeing that Yang Fang was always standing beside her, Xiaobao kept saying "Ahhhh", she just suddenly remembered it. Take Yunfei out.

I didn't hold Cuiwei this time, just let her stay inside, and I won't suffer in a fight for a while...

Hua Zhao found out that Cuiwei's temper was quicker than Yunfei's. She frowned and shouted when she didn't like her family, and when she was facing outsiders, she might just get started.

She observed again.

Xiaobao sat in the stroller contentedly.

Cui Wei really quit.

But she didn't do it right away this time, she remembered that her mother wouldn't let it.

Hua Zhao raised her eyebrows and said nothing.

"You are such a well-bred child. You are fat for nothing." A girl came over with a thin baby in her arms and looked at Cuiwei and Yunfei with admiration.

Hua Zhao thought she was a girl, because she looked underage, thin and small, at most fifteen or sixteen years old.

The sister-in-law here cannot be of this age, and the above will not allow it!

As for the child in her arms, she was not too young in appearance. She had to be about one year old. She was black and thin, lying softly on the girl's shoulders, and looked around helplessly.

Only when the line of sight falls on a few children does it light up.

"Who are you?" Hua Zhao couldn't help asking.

How could the "big brother and sister-in-law" in this courtyard bring up their children like this?

From what she had seen before, every child was healthier and stronger than the ones out there because they were eating well and exercising.

"I'm Su Qiang's sister, Su Yue, on the second floor of Unit 1. This is my nephew, Su Hao." The girl said.

Hua Zhao is even more strange. The conditions for joining the army here are particularly harsh. His children are not over 18 years old, nor are parents who are able to take care of themselves, let alone his younger sister.

Tao Qing explained in a low voice, "Her sister-in-law passed away half a year ago, leaving behind a baby doll that no one takes care of, and Su Qiang's parents are not in good health, and the child can't be sent back to his hometown. Finally, the above decided to let his sister come over. take care of."

So, Hua Zhao nodded and looked at the little girl and the child on her sympathetically.

Su Yue seemed to be encouraged, blushing and mustering her courage, "Can I ask you a little thing?"

"What's the matter? You said." Hua Zhao said gently.

"Can you feed my nephew? He eats very little! He only eats a little bit each meal! He eats 4 meals a day! He can't eat much in total!" Su Yue said in one breath, as if afraid of Hua Zhao's rejection. I come on time every day, and leave after I finish eating, without delaying your time! I can also help you with work! I can do anything! We can also pay for nutrition! 3 catties of eggs a month!"

The smile on Hua Zhao's face disappeared.

At first, she thought she was feeding one or two meals, but it sounded not at all, it was making her a nurse.

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