Ye Shen shook his head: "There are actually quite a few goals, so it's hard to determine."

To say that the Ye family has offended many people. Political views are different, but they are also enemies. If you take this into account, there are more people.

Hua Xiaoyu was caught too early, they were just shrimp, not even a small fish.

Ye Shen patted Yunfei in his arms again, but he didn't regret it, he could make his own bait, and he couldn't take risks with children.

Yun Fei blinked his big eyes and stared at Ye Shen for a moment, as if he wanted to remember this face, his small mouth grinned, hehe laughed, and his body was full of laziness.

That expression is full of love for this father.

The miniature version of himself, looking at him like this, Ye Shen's heart will melt.

He was completely suffocated, holding Yunfei to play games on the bed.

The room suddenly sounded Yunfei's "quack" laughter.

Cuiwei was in a hurry, and patted Hua Zhao's arm, telling her to let her go, she also wanted to play!

"Come one by one, one by one." Hua Zhao reassured her.

But it was obviously useless, Cuiwei opened her mouth and said, "No!"

Hua Zhao and Ye Shen were both stunned and stopped.

However, Cuiwei seemed to have flipped a switch, saying "no no no" in a series of words, and she was about to crawl towards Ye Shen.

In surprise, Ye Shen stuffed Yunfei into Hua Zhao's arms and hugged Cuiwei.

"Call Dad!" he said.

"No!" Cui Wei said.

Ye Shen.....

"Hahaha~" Hua Zhao suddenly laughed.

She remembered that she had heard from colleagues before that the first word a child would say is most likely dad, or "no" because it's simple.

Ye Shen was not disappointed, no matter what he said, his child would be able to speak in a few months!

The father and daughter played and held high.

This time, it was Cuiwei's turn to "giggle".

Yunfei watched from the side, not in a hurry, clapping his hands and laughing, as if his father held him up.

"What a good-natured brother." Hua Zhao smiled.

Hearing the laughter in the room, Miao Lanzhi and Zhang Guilan in the corner outside the door were relieved.

Miao Lanzhi is a bit angry, how can she take risks with her children?

But she has a temper now and won't show it, just bear it.

But she was angry, and she didn't want her son to quarrel with his daughter-in-law. That would do no good.

Wen Jing couldn't stay there any longer, the laughter was like a magic sound that pierced her head and hurt her head. She reluctantly sat down for a while and then said goodbye.

Ye Ming didn't come back from a business trip. She came to express condolences to Hua Zhao on behalf of Ye Ming.

I thought I would see a good show, but I got angry!

Miao Lanzhi didn't stop her either. She thought differently from her son. The son started to use poison to fight poison, but look at what happened? Almost drove people crazy!

She felt that it was better to avoid the topic of children in front of Wen Jing as before.


As soon as Wen Jing left, Zhang Xiaowu came to the door.

It's already late at night, Hua Xiaoyu hasn't come back yet, won't she run away?

A few days ago, he sent Hua Xiaoyu to the door, watched her go in, and stayed outside the door for a day before he was relieved.

Later, seeing that Hua Xiaoyu really started to help Hua Zhao look after the children, he felt relieved. How boring is it to guard the alley entrance every day? He went to look for his old friends and friends, thinking about doing something to make some money.

The daughter-in-law asks for money, and it loses face when an outsider finds out!

The point is, not too much. Hua Xiaoyu is now taking care of Hua Zhao's child. She doesn't know how much they can give her a month.

As a result, he didn't wait for Huihua Xiaoyu today, and he came over immediately.

No one opened the door for him. Seeing him standing at the door, Zhou Bing, who had been waiting for a long time, came out immediately.

"Oh, I know you!" Zhou Bing exaggerated: "You are the one who was scratched by his wife in this compound!"

Zhang Xiaowu also recognized him. He was a "good man". If he hadn't done justice to him, he would not have been sent to the hospital that day, nor would he have asked for 50 yuan, nor would he have married Hua Xiaoyu.

"Big brother, it's me." Zhang Xiaowu handed out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Bing.

Zhou Bing accepted it quickly, and without waiting for Zhang Xiaowu to ask, he said, "Your daughter-in-law has done a big thing today! How dare you come here? Aren't you afraid that they will shoot you out?"

Zhang Xiaowu was surprised: "What's the big deal?"

Zhou Bing said with an exaggerated expression: "She stole the hostess of this house! I heard that she ran away all the gold and silver jewelry, and they were caught halfway!"

Stealing children or something, insiders can know about it, don't advertise it. Externally, Hua Xiaoyu was charged with stealing.

Zhang Xiaowu was stunned, but he was not surprised. Hua Xiaoyu did such a thing, and he was not very surprised... He didn't find it strange what she did.

It's just that this stupid **** got caught in the blink of an eye!

Also, she dared to steal Hua Zhao's things. She could run away from the monk, but couldn't run away from the temple. Could it be that she wanted to run back to her hometown and not be with him?

Well, very likely!

"Where is she now?" Zhang Xiaowu asked through gritted teeth.

"It's locked at the police station." Zhou Bing said.

After the interrogation was clear, several people were released, and they were sent to which police station they should be sent.

A few hooligans were accused of stealing children, but few people knew whose children they were stealing.

Hua Xiaoyu was charged with stealing.

Zhang Xiaowu grinded his teeth, and the Hua Zhao family naturally quit and went to the police station.

He didn't see anyone, because Hua Xiaoyu was a repeat offender because of the huge amount of theft and was not allowed to visit.

Hua Zhao's pile of gold and silver jewelry was not much, after all, all the small objects in the dresser. And gold, silver and jade are not worth much at this time. It doesn't add up to a total of 1000 bucks.

But there is 15,000 yuan in Hua Xiaoyu's bag...

I don't want to let the sisters cannibalize each other and be instructed to abduct the nephew. The money has to be said to be stolen~

Enough to be shot.

Although Zhang Xiaowu didn't see anyone, the police investigation "kindly" leaked some news to him and asked him to go home to prepare for the future.

Zhang Xiaowu almost didn't carry it back in one breath.

He just married his daughter-in-law for a few days! It's not rare enough, it's over!

He turned around and left, not looking for Hua Zhao, or even going back to the yard being renovated.

He was afraid.

Regardless of the reason, it just depends on the result. His fourth brother went in, and Hua Xiaoyu went in. I heard Hua Xiaoyu say in the past two days that another uncle in his hometown went in, and he was sentenced to 15 years! These people are all because they offended Hua Zhao...

This woman is too cruel! If you don't want to put people in, you will be shot for ten years!

No, he's going back to find his mother, he doesn't want to stay in the capital anymore, it's terrible!

Zhang Xiaowu left overnight.


The Ye family also came to ask Hua Zhao about how to deal with Hua Xiaoyu.

Shooting is unlikely, after all, the 15,000 was not stolen from them.

Although the truth is worse, it is better to steal!

But after their investigation, they found that Hua Xiaoyu was also deceived, thinking that the other party was trying to repay her favor, but subjectively she did not mean to seriously hurt the child.

"The 15,000 yuan is not to be mentioned, let's just consider her the crime of stealing my jewelry." Hua Zhao said.

At this time, stealing 1,000 yuan is more serious than failing to steal a child, and will go to jail. And a woman who has been in prison has a more terrible reputation than a divorced woman, and Hua Xiaoyu's future life can be predictably bumpy.

She didn't forgive her lightly.

"Understood." The person came back to reply.

Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao had different opinions after knowing Hua Zhao's decision.

"It's still too kind." Ye Mao frowned.

Hua Xiaoyu has been against Hua Zhao several times, and she herself has explained that she resents Hua Zhao, she is not good at her, and this time she even reached out to the child!

This kind of potential enemy that can threaten her, she has to be beaten down if she has a chance, so that she will never be able to turn over!

However, Hua Zhao still let her go. For stealing 1,000 yuan, Hua Xiaoyu would be sentenced to a few years at most.

After coming out, he can guess that Hua Xiaoyu's resentment will only increase, not decrease, and the threat to her and the child will be even greater.

Ye Zhenguo had a different opinion from him.

"I think this is good. It's a woman after all. You can't compare her to a man. If women are forced to be cold-blooded and ruthless, then the men of our Ye family will all fail too much."

Ye Zhenguo thought about it too and nodded.

He never asked his wife and daughter to be resolute and ruthless. But Hua Zhao... remembering her past performance, she forgot she was a woman for a while~


Hua Xiaoyu stole, the evidence was conclusive, and she was convicted. A series of procedures were completed quickly, and she was immediately transferred to the place where she was detained.

However, there was an accident on the road.

When the rescuers arrived, treated them, and checked afterwards, they found that there were two less female prisoners, and Hua Xiaoyu was one of them.

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