Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 558: human trafficker

At the moment of the car accident, Hua Xiaoyu was stunned, and almost all the people in the car fell into a coma, but because she was in the right position, there was nothing wrong with her.

"Help me." A faint cry for help came from under the seat.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't think much about it, she reached out and dragged the person out.

This car was pulled by female prisoners.

The rescued woman was in her 30s, her skin was very white, her eyes were large, and her eyes were full of charm and charm.

Looking at people's eyes, it also seems to have a small hook.

If the old man sees it, the first impression must be that this **** doesn't look like a good person~

But Hua Xiaoyu had little experience and couldn't see anything.

"Sister, thank you for saving me." The woman took her hand gratefully and said.

Hua Xiaoyu shook her head and said lightly, "It's okay."

It's just a matter of helping, the woman was just pressed by the chair, and the pressure was not heavy, even without her, she could climb out by herself.

She is neither in the mood nor need this woman's gratitude.

I don't know if we can meet again in the future, and this is also a prisoner. I don't know how many years she has been imprisoned. What's the use of her gratitude?

The woman's eyes rolled around.

There were 8 people in the special van, 4 policemen and 4 prisoners. Now they are the only ones who got out of the van, and no one else made a sound inside.

The woman stood up quietly, tried her arms and legs, it hurt a little, but it was fine, she could run and jump.

She came to the car and looked inside, it was bloody, there was blood everywhere, on the head, on the body, on the legs, and it was impossible to tell who was who. Except for the people in the cab, the people in the back compartment were all piled up. Together.

Most people would be scared to cry when they saw it, but the woman laughed, and then shouted: "Oh, everyone is hurt so badly! I'll go and call for help!" After speaking, she turned around and left.

When passing Hua Xiaoyu, she paused, turned her eyes around her face a few times, and then pulled her up: "Let's go, let's call someone to save them together."

Hua Xiaoyu was dragged away by her in a daze.

The places where the detainees are held are relatively remote. The car was driving on a remote road at this time, and there were no vehicles or pedestrians around.

If you want help, you have to find it yourself.

At first, Hua Xiaoyu really thought she was looking for someone, but as she walked, she realized that something was wrong. They didn't go on the big road, but walked into the surrounding cornfields and walked along the sheep intestines path.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't leave, and looked at her vigilantly: "Where are you taking me?"

The woman turned back, but did not hide it: "Silly girl, what did you do? How many years have you been sentenced?"

Speaking of this Hua Xiaoyu, her face was even worse. She was sentenced to 5 years.

She didn't answer, and the woman didn't ask any further questions. Just by looking at her expression, she knew that the answer should be very satisfying to her.

"I think you are young, just turned 18, right? A few years have passed, and your youth is gone! Even if the sentence is less, a year or two, that's not enough! As long as you go in, you will have a month and a lifetime What's the difference? When you come out, you won't be seen as a human being! You can't lift your head up for the rest of your life!"

Hua Xiaoyu's face turned darker, of course she understood this.

"So, now God has given us a chance to be reborn! If we don't seize it, we will be sorry for God's extrajudicial grace!" the woman said.

Hua Xiaoyu was a little moved, but she was still a little afraid. What if she was caught? Will it take a few more years?

"It's said that there is no difference between a month and a lifetime. Even if you are caught, it's a big deal to stay for two more years, but once you run away, the sky will be high and the birds will fly. I can be a human again! Marry a good family, have children, and live a good life, isn’t it good?”

Hua Xiaoyu was completely moved.

The woman is very observant, she doesn't need Hua Xiaoyu to answer, she knows the answer and pulls her away.

The two walked through the corn field for a long time, and then they came out into a village.

The woman asked Hua Xiaoyu to wait outside the village, she went in by herself, and came back with a baggage after a while.

What surprised Hua Xiaoyu the most was that the handcuffs on her hands had been opened.

Does anyone in the village dare to open this for her?

Just as Hua Xiaoyu was about to ask, she saw the woman put down her burden, held a thin needle, and opened her handcuffs in a few strokes.

Hua Xiaoyu understands a little, no wonder she will be arrested, this skill is not a good person.

The woman didn't explain, she unpacked and took out a set of clothes and handed it to her: "Hurry up and change."

And she herself had already changed her clothes.

"Where did these come from?" Hua Xiaoyu asked while changing her clothes.

"Don't ask," the woman said.

Hua Xiaoyu knew that it must have been stolen.

The woman took out another handful of money from her pocket and counted it carefully.

This time Hua Xiaoyu didn't ask, she must have stolen it. Because their things have long been confiscated.

Thinking of the 15,000 yuan that belonged to her, she bleeds painfully.

That money must be cheaper in the end, Hua Zhao!

Hua Zhao......

After changing her clothes, the woman took her out of the village and continued walking. She seemed to be very familiar with this area, and she didn't feel at all dazed. Every step she took was firm.

"Sister, my name is Hua Xiaoyu, what's your name?" Hua Xiaoyu asked.

The woman looked back at her: "Hua Xiaoyu... From now on, your name will be Cai Manni, and I will be your sister, Cai Chunni."

Hua Xiaoyu didn't say anything, she acquiesced.

Now, it is really inappropriate to use the previous name again.

Cai Chunni took her, turned a few villages, and saw the national road. They stopped a tractor and went to the county seat.

From the county seat, I took various hitchhikers to the south.

Cai Chunni has experience, so it is safe.


The Ye family got the news of Hua Xiaoyu's disappearance very late, and they increased the number of people to look for it, but they were not found.

"The one who disappeared with her is an old hand, and it is unlikely that she will be found in a while." The person in charge replied.

"Veteran?" Ye Shen asked.

"She's a veteran who specializes in trafficking women all over the country. She has never been willing to explain her real name, and everyone just calls her by her nickname, Sister Chun. This time, we managed to catch someone, but unexpectedly, there was a car accident. ..."

People who specialize in abduction of women...

Ye Shen nodded: "List Hua Xiaoyu as a wanted person, just search normally, don't waste the police force."

When he got home, Hua Zhao also sighed when he heard the news: "I don't know if it's good or bad for her." After she ran, she ran away, and even ran into the hands of human traffickers...

"Leave her alone, pack up and we'll move." Ye Shen said.

"Yeah." Hua Zhao also wanted to move in and live with him, especially after finding out that the two babies liked him very much in the past two days.

The blood relationship is really wonderful. Zhang Guilan, Miao Lanzhi and Hua Qiang, who doesn't spoil them? But the babies were only very excited when they saw Ye Shen.

Even if they didn't get to know each other for a few days.

Hua Zhao went to Dashanli with Ye Shen with his belongings the next day.


Wen Jing also welcomed guests.

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