"Ye Ming's daughter-in-law, Wen Jing." Ma said.

Ma Daqiang was stunned for a moment and then shook his head: "Impossible! The Ye family doesn't say monolithic, but the two brothers of Ye Mao's family must be united, as well as his daughter-in-law, they have all been babysitters for Ye Shen's daughter-in-law, the relationship must be good, Ye Ming's Can my daughter-in-law do this?"

There is no news of a disagreement between the two brothers, or even a disagreement between the sister-in-law.

Wen Jing never said anything bad about Hua Zhao to the outside world.

Family ugliness cannot be made public, and she still understands this truth.

The key is that Hua Zhao has no place for her to speak out except for her bad background.

If she opened her mouth and said what was wrong with Hua Zhao, that would be a "family ugliness".

Mama also has no inside information, but she will analyze.

"That Wen Jing has been married for more than ten years and is infertile, and Hua Zhao gave birth to two when she walked in the door. Some time ago, she was so anxious! She faked her pregnancy!" Ma Mu said excitedly about this gossip.

This kind of "pseudo pregnancy" is really rare in China. After the quiet incident came out, it was inevitable that there would be some rumors, which gave the ladies and wives in the capital a lot of insight.

"She's crazy about getting pregnant now, we'll give her a chance!" Ma said.

"How do we give this opportunity?" Ma Daqiang said: "It's not that Ye Ming's problem caused her infertility. We can replace her with sowing seeds. If she has a problem, you can still cure infertility?"

"You don't understand this, let you read more books, but don't read it!" Ma Ma said proudly: "Now there is a foreign technology, which is very powerful, called test tube baby, specializing in infertility!"

Ma's mother is also a talent in the medical field, but not in gynecology, and she is now retired, but she still pays attention to this field.

Some foreign teams are doing experiments in this area, and the animal tests have passed, so it’s time for people to be dispatched.

Although no IVF has been successfully born, someone is pregnant!

She doesn't care whether she can be born or not, as long as she can get pregnant!

"When the time comes, tell her that as long as she gets things done, she will have her own child! She will definitely agree!" Ma mother vowed.

Ma Daqiang walked back and forth on the ground a few times and shook his head: "How did you tell her? Just say IVF? Once she finds out, will she still use you? The Ye family will send her out to do it."

So they have no bargaining chip, because once this chip is displayed, it will not work, and if it is not displayed, Wen Jing is not a fool, how can they believe it?

But Ma's mother still vowed: "Who do you think they are in the Ye family? When you close the door, they have the final say, but when you go out, you see who buys their account! And I'm different."

Mother Ma said proudly: "My brothers and sisters are all outside, and they are all powerful people. When the time comes, let them help move around, and she may get a chance!"

Ma Daqiang was startled and nervously ran to the door to look out, only to be relieved when he saw that there was no one in the corridor outside the door.

Turning around, he taught the mama: "You are crazy! Say it so loudly!"

The fact that Ma's mother has a foreign relationship, they have been hiding it for many years, and they only say that her brother and sister have died a long time ago, how dare you say that she is abroad! Say it out, their whole family has to finish it!

"Didn't the wind change this year? Some people went out a few months ago." Ma said, "I also want to find a chance to go out and meet my brothers and sisters."

Her brother and sister went out earlier, they had been in contact before the foreign relations were cracked down, and they got along well at that time, so she dared to speak madly.

But in fact, she doesn't know how the other party is living now.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can fool around and stay quiet.

"Then what do you want to do? Come out and talk to Wen Jing in person? Then we will be exposed!" Ma Daqiang said.

"Of course not, it's the same as another person. Wen Jing is crazy about her child now. As long as we give her a little hope and make her believe a little bit, she will take risks." Ma said.

When she was a doctor, she had seen too many women who would take their own life in order to have a child.

The two discussed who to find to be the spearman. After a long discussion, they settled on a person who could not be beaten, but in fact they had been kind to him.


Hearing about the child, Ye Shen rushed back from the work unit immediately, holding Yunfei in his arms.

This is his son!

When he heard it just now, he felt that all the pores on his body had exploded, and his whole body was numb.

Fortunately, the person who reported the letter saw that his eyes were wrong, and immediately said that the child was fine.

As if doing something wrong, Hua Zhao hugged Cuiwei beside him and glanced at Ye Shen from time to time.

Think about it from a different perspective, if Ye Shen made her own decision to take her son out of the trap, she would definitely scratch him all over now!

And Ye Shen just glared at her from time to time.

"I was wrong..." Hua Zhao finally couldn't take it anymore and took the initiative to apologize.

"You're right, I was wrong." Ye Shen said with a sigh.

Hua Zhao.....Isn't this a classic quote from later generations? But it's for women

"I didn't protect you." Ye Shen said, "Let's move with me tomorrow."

Hua Zhao looked at his expression carefully, he was serious, not mocking her...

She breathed a sigh of relief, the tension all over her body was relieved, and she leaned softly on his shoulder.

She suddenly found that she was very afraid of him being angry.... She simply didn't want him to be angry with her, not wanting him to hate her, and not wanting him to look at her coldly.

She seems to have a crush on him...

This "husband" came too suddenly and too easily, and it was destined to be her husband, and the two were destined to be together forever.

Then she'll be fine.

Respect him, love him, protect him.

But at this moment, she suddenly realized that she had been moved unknowingly and fell in love with him.

Care about all his subtle moods.

This is not the same as passive acceptance!

This kind of feeling makes people happy and excited, and it seems that a spring has suddenly appeared in the bottom of my heart, and the sweetness comes out continuously, nourishing her, and making her whole person different.

Ye Shen didn't understand why his daughter-in-law suddenly felt better. Could it be because he apologized? It seems that the brothers are right, no matter who is right or wrong between husband and wife, he is right to apologize first.

And he was keenly aware that Hua Zhao looked at him a little differently, and this difference made him happy.

"It's not your fault. This time it was an accident, and if I say something wrong, I'm more at fault. After all, I put Hua Xiaoyu in, and I didn't think about it carefully." Hua Zhao leaned on him and apologized to him. .

Ye Shen really felt that she didn't protect her child well, and she didn't want him to feel guilty.

Ye Shen shook his head: "Hua Xiaoyu is not the key, the talents behind it are the key, they are still coming for the Ye family."

It can't be for Hua Zhao, she is a rural girl, and she has no grievances with everyone in the capital.

The other party kidnapped his child, and the ultimate purpose must be to threaten the Ye family.

"Who is the mastermind behind the scenes? Do you have any eyes?" Hua Zhao asked.

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