After the Huashan family knew the address, they discussed who would go to the capital.

Naturally, everyone wants to go, but it is definitely not possible, and the toll alone cannot afford it.

After losing their family background, the Huashan family could not earn dozens of yuan a year only by earning work points.

Thanks to the more than 100 I received from Hua Xiaoyu in the past few months, otherwise a few people would not be able to go.

Finally, after discussing it, the Erniu couple and Sanniu's wife went to the capital together.

Erniu's daughter-in-law is Hua Xiaoyu's mother, and it is most appropriate for her to come forward and say anything.

But she was a tiger, and letting her go alone would offend people, so Erniu had to follow.

But Erniu, a big man, never said a few words to Hua Zhao in the past, and it was inappropriate for him to speak if there was anything wrong, so he had to bring a sly and thick-skinned wife of Sanniu.

The Hua family discussed it on the spot, and before they could go home to pack up, they had to go with Zhang Xiaowu.

The Liu family hurried to keep up, and they were going too!

"Where are you going!" Widow Zhu grabbed Liu Xiangqian's clothes and dragged him back.

She stood behind the two of them and listened to the audience. She also knew the thoughts of the Liu family, she wanted to eat grass again!

Pooh! When she is easy to bully?

"Of course it's for the benefit!" Liu Xiangqian said directly, but when he looked back and saw Widow Zhu's expression, he immediately coaxed: "But don't worry, I'm just going to ask for the benefit, and then come back to live with you! I've been tired of seeing her for a long time. ,my heart only has you!"

"Humph!" Widow Zhu didn't eat his way: "Let Liu Cong go alone if you want the benefit. You don't need to be, and they'll be tired of you! Going will only be counterproductive!"

She could see it quite clearly.

Women know women best, and she has also met Zhang Guilan, but she didn't see why Zhang Guilan was reluctant to Liu Xiangqian.

Besides, they still have a good daughter now. If they live a good life in the capital, wouldn't it be better to find another person from the capital? Liu Xiangqian is a fart! It was because she was blind at the time that she saw him!

But it's too late to say anything.

"I am the child's biological father after all. It's more appropriate for me to go. What is Liu Cong doing as a brother?" Liu Xiangqian still wanted to go, but he hasn't been to the big capital yet.

"No!" Widow Zhu pinched Liu Xiangqian's ear and shoved him home.

Liu Xiangqian, who has always beaten his wife softly, didn't dare to fight back, because Widow Zhu has several brothers... He has been beaten several times because of his actions, and now he really doesn't dare.

In the end, Liu Cong happily went home to get the money and some clothes before going to the train station.

The next train to the capital was in the middle of the night, so it was too late.

Sure enough, Zhang Xiaowu and the Hua family were waiting in the waiting room, and he pretended to sit not far from a few people.

Zhang Xiaowu was very depressed now and didn't recognize him. But even if you recognize it, it doesn't matter, a sheep is driven, and a flock of sheep is released.

His mind returned to Hua Xiaoyu, why did she suddenly go to the capital? Did Hua Zhao fake a shot before, trapping him and his mother in the northeast, and then retrieving Hua Xiaoyu?

No, I can't let her succeed!


The next morning, Hua Xiaoyu arrived in the capital.

Zhao Gang had already discussed with her the way of connecting, and got off the bus before her.

Hua Xiaoyu stood on the square of the Jingcheng Railway Station again, breathing in the breath of the big capital, but felt comfortable all over.

She is back!

Not by Hua Zhao!

...Well, it has something to do with Hua Zhao.

Hua Xiaoyu rubbed her flat stomach, and went straight to Hua Zhao's house without delaying in the square.

It was Zhang Guilan who opened the door.

Hua Zhao is pregnant again, and her reaction is still so big. She doesn't have the heart to work anymore. She cooks for her at home every day, and looks after two children. She can't do it alone, thanks to Hua Qiang and Miao Lanzhi for help.

"Why are you here?" Zhang Guilan was very surprised to see Hua Xiaoyu.

She did not expect that she would dare to come to the capital.

Hua Xiaoyu knelt down with a thud, hugged Zhang Guilan's thigh and cried, "Auntie, save me! I will repay you by being a cow and a horse in the next life!"

Weeping piercingly, with tears streaming down my face.

It was working hours, and the neighbors who occasionally passed by in the alley looked over.

Zhang Guilan was anxious and pulled her up: "If you have something to say, what are you doing?"

In the past, she only felt that if a person did this, it would be a huge difficulty and a hurdle that could not be overcome, but how many times has Hua Xiaoyu kneeled? She can beg you on her knees and ask for your house!

Goodbye to her, Zhang Guilan only had vigilance and suspicion in her heart.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't even want to break up with her at the door, she stood up and cried.

There were people watching outside, Zhang Guilan frowned and pulled her into the yard.

"Come in." Zhang Guilan walked towards the inner courtyard. Jin has come in, and if she is not allowed to finish her words, she will not be able to get out. She figured it out.

Hua Xiaoyu secretly bent the corner of her mouth behind her, and she knew that it would not be Hua Zhao who opened the door. She is now the wife of an official. She is very arrogant and never opens the door by herself.

As long as it wasn't Hua Zhao, she dared to guarantee that she could enter the door.

Hua Zhao had heard the movement a long time ago, but she didn't have time to pay attention to her. She was spitting up over the river while guarding the spittoon.

There was nothing left in her stomach, and the stomach acid was all vomited. She felt that she would vomit blood if she vomited again.

What the **** is this? !

"Why did you vomit again?" Zhang Guilan turned around the courtyard door to see it, and quickly ran over to pat her back and rinse her mouth. She was fine when she went to open the door, but the way she turned around changed. This child really suffered.

"Don't eat breakfast today." Zhang Guilan said sadly.

Hua Zhao quickly waved his hand, don't make breakfast with her, don't mention the word rice! I want to vomit when I hear it!

But she still has to eat, she has to eat, and the bear child is also her child, and she likes it too.

"Wait a minute, let me slow down." Hua Zhao leaned back on the chair with a snow-white face.

Hua Xiaoyu was stunned, what happened? Are you seriously ill? How can God be so eye-catching!

Hua Zhao had wiped his mouth and looked at her sharply.

See Hua Xiaoyu shaking.

Only then did Hua Zhao smile: "Why are you here again?"

Hua Xiaoyu lowered her head and knelt down slowly: "Sister Xiaohua, please help me~~" Tick tock, tears came down again.

Hua Zhao watched quietly.

I haven't seen her for more than half a year, and Hua Xiaoyu has grown a little more. Although it is a little different from the beauty in the original owner's memory, it is not like the big Tu Ni'er who came out of the village. She has a bit of the fashion and western style of the city people.

Coupled with the pitiful temperament in her bones, she is an attractive big girl.

Well, she is also 18 this year.

Hua Zhao didn't continue, Hua Xiaoyu said to herself: "You bring Zhang Xiaowu and his mother over... They bullied me..."

Hua Zhao glanced at her up and down: "Have you been 'bullied' again? This time is Zhang Xiaowu?"

Zhang Xiaowu looks a little more conscientious than Zhang Laosi, how dare he do this?

Hua Xiaoyu blushed and nodded.

"Yeah... Then is your understanding of 'bullying' different from mine this time? What did Zhang Xiaowu really do to you?" Hua Zhao asked.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't expect that she would ask such a question, her face blushed to the point of dripping blood, but after a while, she nodded invisibly.

Hua Zhao also nodded: "Okay, I see, I will help you catch him and kill him."

Hua Xiaoyu instantly froze in place.

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