Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 542: awesome my girl

Seeing her expression, Hua Zhao knew what was going on.

She said that Zhang Xiaowu did not dare, and it was not so easy to succeed.

Both of them live in the dormitory, there is no crime scene, Hua Xiaoyu will not be stupid enough to go out alone with Zhang Xiaowu.

unless she wants to...

Playing tricks with her again!

"You must know that false accusation is also a crime, and you will be arrested." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Xiaoyu was immediately frightened, and he faltered: "Well, he didn't succeed either... But he really pushed me too hard, I couldn't take it anymore! Sister Xiaohua, I don't want to marry him, beg You save me!"

She was absolutely sincere.

In fact, Hua Zhao didn't want to embarrass her either.

She understands the bitterness and hatred of being forced into marriage.

But helpless Hua Xiaoyu's past behaviors really made her hate it, plus her hatred with the original owner in the previous life, it is impossible for her to help her and treat her as a good sister.

"If you don't want to marry Zhang Xiaowu, then you can find someone else to marry. You are 18, the boss is not too young, and now you have a job in the city, it is easy to find a partner, right?" Hua Zhao's greatest kindness to her is this words.

Hua Xiaoyu frowned. At the beginning, there were many people who liked her in the factory, but since Zhang Xiaowu appeared, there were no more.

It's not easy for her to find someone to marry, after all, in the eyes of outsiders, she is someone who has been a partner, and this is basically equivalent to a divorced woman in later generations.

And she didn't want to marry an ordinary worker in Anxian County, she despised the people in the small valley.

"Sister Xiaohua, I don't want to get married so early..." Hua Xiaoyu said.

If you don't listen, Hua Zhao doesn't want to say anything to her anymore.

"I'll take you back tomorrow." Hua Zhao said.

"Sister Xiaohua! I just took a few days off and came to the capital to stop by and stroll around. I hadn't been shopping well before. People asked me what the capital was like, but I couldn't answer, and they didn't believe that I had been to the capital! You don't need to send it, I will go back by myself in a few days." Hua Xiaoyu said.

Hua Zhao didn't have the time to think about whether she was telling the truth or not, and another wave of upheaval struck. She immediately vomited while guarding the spittoon, and she didn't care about anything else.

Zhang Guilan was going to take care of Hua Zhao again, and when she heard the children in the backyard crying again, she was too busy to touch the ground, so she couldn't take care of Hua Xiaoyu.

Hua Xiaoyu was also obedient, she found a corner and sat down, quietly did not speak or help, just sat there and watched quietly.

She is smart, knowing that she is helping out in the past, but it will make Hua Zhao vigilant and drive her away.

Only when it is so quiet that it does not exist can you stay in this yard for a while.

She hasn't seen those two children yet.

She also reacted, Hua Zhao is not sick, but has again!

It's really annoying...

After Hua Zhao vomited, after a long delay, he began to force himself to eat.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hua Xiaoyu, but she didn't have the time to pay attention to her, she was tired of talking more, she just wanted to finish her meal.

I ate half of it and started vomiting...

This morning, she just ate and vomited, vomited, then ate and vomited, and even vomited while eating.

This was definitely gestational vomiting. She was planning to go to the hospital for an injection, but thinking that she still had the energy to support her, she held back.

The key is that on the way to the hospital, it was enough for her to suffer.

Hua Xiaoyu has been quietly huddled in the corner. Zhang Guilan only found her at noon. Seeing that the food was ready, she was too embarrassed to drive her away, and left her to eat before sending her out.

Of course Hua Xiaoyu didn't want to leave: "Auntie, I don't have a place to stay at night..."

"There are so many hostels in the capital, pick a cheaper and safer one," Zhang Guilan said.

Hua Xiaoyu....

She didn't expect Zhang Guilan to reject people so simply now.

If it was before, Zhang Guilan really couldn't do such a thing, she was thin-skinned.

But after selling things for a few months, no matter how thin her skin is, she has become thicker, not to mention that she has no psychological pressure to refuse someone she doesn't like.

"I was in a hurry when I left, I forgot to open the letter of introduction, and I couldn't live in the hostel." Hua Xiaoyu turned out her pockets to prove her innocence.

Zhang Guilan looked at the backpack on her body and did not speak.

Hua Xiaoyu immediately unpacked and opened it, except for 2 pieces of clothes and a large lunch box, there was nothing else inside.

Of course, it's easy to hide a letter of introduction, but Zhang Guilan didn't take it seriously.

If Hua Xiaoyu really wanted to hide, she could hide the soles of her shoes and her underwear, and she could still hold onto this and not let it go?

Zhang Guilan frowned, thinking of an excuse to refuse.

"I don't have much money..." Hua Xiaoyu bowed her head and said in shame, "My family and Zhang Xiaowu have taken all my money, and only 10 yuan is left for me every month, and there is nothing left except for food. It's almost enough to travel back now..."

Zhang Guilan understood, no wonder she came here after she couldn't stay in the northeast. It turned out that she was making wedding dresses for others there.

In that case, only honest and honest people will continue to do it.

And Hua Xiaoyu is obviously not such a person.

Zhang Guilan thought for a while and suddenly asked, "How much money do you have?"

Her face is really getting thicker...

Hua Xiaoyu was stunned by her question, and then said, "There are still more than 20 yuan." After the train fee, there is no money to eat.

"Then live in the store first, and I'll talk about it later." Zhang Guilan said: "I know a store, don't need a letter of introduction, just a little more expensive, 2 yuan a day, and the conditions are not very good."

Zhang Guilan, who has been a "seller" for several months, is indeed not what it used to be. She knows all the twists and turns in the streets and alleys.

For example, some stores are not so "serious" and secretly receive people who have "lost" their letters of introduction.

Zhang Guilan gave Hua Xiaoyu the address and closed the door with a slam.

She also knows that Hua Xiaoyu has a lot of heart, who knows if she is telling the truth? When the time comes, let my daughter ask her to talk about it.

Hua Xiaoyu stood outside the door stunned for a long time before walking away slowly.

What happened in the past few months? How did Zhang Guilan become like this?

Zhang Guilan returned to the yard and was praised by Hua Zhao.

"It's amazing my mother~ I thought you would lend her money." Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Am I that stupid?" Zhang Guilan also held grudges, and she didn't forget what Hua Xiaoyu did in the past.

"She..." Hua Zhao didn't finish speaking, and began to vomit again.

Zhang Guilan frowned immediately and ran over to take care of her nervously, not thinking about what she was going to say.

She had never seen someone who vomited so badly! How does this work?

"Why don't you talk to Ye Shen?" Zhang Guilan said.

Hua Zhao shook his head during the interval of vomiting and told him what else could he do besides worrying him? He couldn't vomit for her, nor could he give birth to a child for her.

This sin can only be borne by women themselves.

Zhang Guilan also knew this truth and sighed softly.


The next day, Hua Xiaoyu came again.

This time Zhang Guilan didn't let her in directly.

"Didn't you come to the capital for a stroll? I'm busy every day, so I can't take care of you. Go for it yourself." Zhang Guilan said.

Hua Xiaoyu said: "Auntie, I saw it. You are busy cooking and taking care of the children. I can help! You are also more lighthearted. I, I just have a meal, just one meal a day!"

It's so pitiful that tears are falling.

Zhang Guilan is really a little sympathetic, she can't even eat... It's also very pitiful.

I didn't let her live at home, I didn't lend her money, and it was fine to give her food.

Thinking of her quiet performance yesterday, Zhang Guilan said, "Then come in, you don't need your help, just don't make Hua Zhao angry."

"I promise not!" Hua Xiaoyu said loudly.

Hua Zhao in the yard shook her head, her mother was still too deceitful.

The purpose of Hua Xiaoyu's return this time is definitely not simple.

She doesn't have the time to guess what she's going to do now, so just put it under her nose to see what she's going to do.

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