Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 540: Break through the iron shoes

Hua Xiaoyu asked for long-term sick leave after 2 days.

The unit is not allowed at the beginning, and it is not the birth of a child, how can there be a one-month request?

But Hua Xiaoyu insisted on leaving, and she didn't care if the leaders were upset.

The 15,000 yuan has already been received, and the work in the Shanghai Stock Exchange has been arranged, just wait for her to pass, and she will not stay in this broken place!

Rather than asking for leave, Hua Xiaoyu didn't dare to delay when she came out of the leadership's office, and immediately went to the train station with a backpack on her back.

After 20 minutes, I got on the train to Beijing.

She has always pinpointed the time, so she is afraid of meeting Zhang Xiaowu.

Being entangled by him, she can't leave.

Another reason why she dared to agree to this strange man was Zhang Xiaowu.

The man gave her a chance to escape, otherwise, she didn't know what was waiting for her, maybe it was the same method as Zhang Laosi.

And she is alone, without Hua Zhao... She can't take care of Zhang Laosi, nor can she take care of Zhang Xiaowu, then she can only marry him.

She really doesn't want to.


Here, just after Hua Xiaoyu left for a while, Zhang Xiaowu came over.

He is a homeless man, and he can come whenever he wants.

At first, he thought that he would be able to arrange work for him soon, but it was nothing to do. After arriving in the Northeast, he knew what it meant to be called Tiantian and should not be called groundless.

Only then did he react and was tricked by the other party.

What's so good about this? This must be because Hua Zhao thought they were annoying and took them away!

It's a pity that there is nothing he can do. Mrs. Zhang's job of 50 yuan a month, they can't give up.

Otherwise, when he returns to the capital, the elder brothers will not care about him, so it is better to be at ease here.

Besides, if you want to leave, you have to get Hua Xiaoyu first and then leave.

As a result, he was told that Hua Xiaoyu had taken a long vacation and was not in the dormitory.

Back home?

It shouldn't be, Hua Xiaoyu's relationship with her family is worse than he imagined, and she won't go back if there is no major event.

But after waiting for a long time, he still didn't see anyone, so Zhang Xiaowu went to Kuoshantun.

He was afraid that Hua Xiaoyu was fooled into going home, and then sold by the Huashan family.

The Huashan family was anxious when they heard that Hua Xiaoyu had disappeared again.

The egg-laying hen ran away? How does that work?

The Huashan family immediately went to the textile factory to ask for someone. They didn't care about what they were doing. Anyway, there were no people here, so they had to give an explanation and ask for leave? Where is the leave of absence? who saw it?

Did people let them die? !

This is to deceive people.

The matter was very turbulent, and the leaders became angry, and immediately mobilized the masses to help find Hua Xiaoyu, or provide clues.

Someone really saw it.

The final goal points to the capital.

"Going to the capital, what is she doing in the capital?" Erniu's daughter-in-law wondered.

"What else can I do, go to Hua Zhao." Sanniu's wife said, pouting her lips. After all, they played together from childhood to adulthood, and the relationship is still good.

After Hua Xiaoyu disappeared and suddenly appeared, she became an official employee in the city. Hua Xiaoyu explained that it was arranged by Hua Zhao.

This is also true.

As for the real relationship between Hua Xiaoyu and Hua Zhao, Zhang Xiaowu didn't know either, nor did he see it.

He thought that although the relationship between the two might not be as good as Hua Xiaoyu said, it should be good. He gave her a house, arranged a job for her, and arrested his brother.

So is my sister.

"This **** girl, why didn't you take me with you when you went to the capital!" Erniu's daughter-in-law was anxious, she had told her how many times before, and asked her to go to the capital with her again. She promised well, and in a blink of an eye run away!

The Huashan family seems to have forgotten how they were incompatible with each other in the village.

Seeing that Hua Zhao had arranged work for Hua Xiaoyu before, they thought they had settled their suspicions. Several children of Huashan's family were waiting for Hua Zhao to arrange work!

It's a pity that Hua Xiaoyu didn't move before, and when she moved, she disappeared.

"Damn girl with no conscience! Just think of yourself when it's good! My parents don't care, why didn't they strangle her!" Erniu's daughter-in-law doesn't look like a real mother at all. Instead, he scolded, gritted his teeth, and really hated him.

When Hua Xiaoyu ran away, she was devastated. No one took care of the following sons. She had to do more work outside the home than others, and she almost didn't die from exhaustion in those few months.

Fortunately, Hua Xiaoyu turned around and contributed 20 yuan a month to the family, which made her life easier.

Now come this one again!

"I'll go to the capital to find her!" Erniu's daughter-in-law said.

She wanted to run.... She felt pain all over her body when she remembered the hard days of those few months.

"Head of the house, give me some travel expenses..."

Hua Erniu gave her a blank look: "Do you know where to find her after you go to the capital? Do you know the address of Hua Zhao's house?"

Erniu's daughter-in-law suddenly stopped speaking.

Zhang Xiaowu, who was next to him, was about to leave.

Hua Shan's eyes widened: "Stop him!"

"What are you doing? What are you doing to stop me?" Zhang Xiaowu looked at the Huashan family, five or six men with big arms and round waists, and their legs trembled.

"Where are you going?" Hua Shan asked.

"I, I'm going home! Do you care about this too?"

"Are you going back to the capital?" Huashan asked again.

This old man is very rude, he really means it. He didn't know where Hua Zhao lived, but he knew where Zhang Guilan lived. After Hua Xiaoyu returned, he would most likely still live there.

"I, I'm not going back to the capital!" He also knew that taking them back wasn't enough to cause trouble.

"Then do you know where my Xiaoyu stayed after returning to the capital?" Hua Shan suspected that she was staying at his house.

Zhang Xiaowu's family has a house in the capital, and he is still Hua Xiaoyu's object. It is not impossible for Hua Xiaoyu to live in his house or his relative's house.

It's just that Hua Xiaoyu left suddenly, why didn't you notify Zhang Xiaowu and let him go back to the village to find someone? He didn't understand this for a while.

They come to the city every month to ask for money, but don't come at all other times. The village is busy and the road is still far away. In fact, the Huashan family has limited understanding of Zhang Xiaowu.

"I don't know." Zhang Xiaowu said.

"I don't know? Aren't you Xiaoyu's target? I think you won't tell the truth!" Huashan glanced at his sons and grandchildren.

Several cattle from the Huashan family, plus dragons, tigers and leopards, immediately surrounded Zhang Xiaowu.

"What are you doing? It's against you! Go out to fight! This is the office!"

The people from the textile factory watched the excitement and did not make a sound. Seeing that the other party was about to fight, they quickly stopped it.

Otherwise, with the shamelessness of these two parties, no matter who gets hurt, they will be corrupted.

Only then did the Huashan family react and push Zhang Xiaowu out of the textile factory.

"What are you doing, let me go! My mother is still waiting for me to come home for dinner!" Zhang Xiaowu shouted.

It was off-duty time, and people came and went at the entrance of the textile factory, and in front of the door was the main street of the county town, and people from other surrounding factories also passed by.

Hearing the liveliness here, they all looked over.

When the Liu family saw the Huashan family, they stopped and asked about it.

The textile factory almost didn't go to work today, and they all went out to find Hua Xiaoyu. I can't hide it. I believe the whole county will know tomorrow.

A big unmarried girl, she didn't want her job, she didn't want her home, she didn't want her partner, she ran away secretly!

Some people believed she was looking for her cousin, while others thought she had eloped!

And some people say that seeing Hua Xiaoyu following a man...

The Liu family frowned and listened. They didn't care why Hua Xiaoyu left or with whom, what they cared about was that Hua Xiaoyu left!

Hua Zhao's address hasn't come out yet, how can she leave!

Over there, Zhang Xiaowu was finally surrounded by the dragons, tigers and leopards of the Huashan family and beat him up.

He finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "I know I know, I know where Zhang Guilan lives!"

The Huashan family didn't respond yet, but the Liu family's eyes lit up when they were standing outside!

Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere to find it takes no effort at all!

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