Zhao Gang nodded: "I can take you to the capital, and even give you money, as long as you can do one thing for me."

Do one thing...not what she thought.

Hua Xiaoyu was a little disappointed and a little scared.

What can be exchanged for such a great benefit?

But she asked first, "How much will you give me?"

Zhao Gang smiled, it seemed that the task was easy to accomplish.

"How much do you want?" he asked.

Hua Xiaoyu bit her lip and asked, "It depends on what you ask me to do."

She was really curious. This man looked like a cadre and had a capital accent. What could she do for him?

"Your cousin Hua Zhao gave birth to a pair of twins, right?" Zhao Gang asked.

Hua Xiaoyu shook her head, she really didn't know. But the day is long overdue, and the children have to be the eldest.

At the beginning, I knew that there were two in my stomach, but I didn't know it was a dragon and a phoenix.

She is so lucky!

But what about Hua Zhao...

"What do you want me to do? It's hard to deal with Hua Zhao."

Zhao Gang smiled again: "Don't worry, it's just a trivial matter. I like her two children very much, and I want to marry the Ye family, but I'm a little unqualified, and the Ye family may not look down on me, so I want to ask you for help busy?"

"How to help?" Hua Xiaoyu asked.

"It's simple, the status is not equal, then it's good for them, just like your cousin marrying into the Ye family. When the time comes, you can find a chance to take those two children out, and I'll arrange a few hooligans to look for things, and finally save them. You will definitely get the gratitude of the Ye family, and you will come to the door in the future." Zhao Gang said.

Of course it was all to deceive her.

If he dared to tell her to steal the child, she probably wouldn't dare, and even went to inform. Or revealing flaws in front of Hua Zhao after returning to the capital, all of which can make the plan fail.

So he had to say something else.

All they wanted was for her to take the two children out of the high gate compound, and the rest had to be arranged by someone else.

Hua Xiaoyu still refused: "I can't hold those two children, Hua Zhao won't let me take the children out."

She still has this self-awareness.

She couldn't even say whether Hua Zhao could let her in.

Zhao Gang didn't expect the relationship between them to be so bad, wasn't it the cousins ​​who played together since childhood? Can't even take your nephew out to play?

"Why is your relationship so bad?" Zhao Gang asked.

Hua Xiaoyu pouted: "People are developed, so they don't look down on me, a poor relative who embarrassed her."

Zhao Gang was noncommittal, he didn't know Hua Zhao either, so he didn't comment.

"In short, if you think of a way, if things are done, there are benefits," he said.

Hua Xiaoyu didn't shake her head anymore, thought for a while and asked, "What's the benefit?"

Zhao Gang smiled, so he couldn't just listen to her, and she might not be able to do it. As long as the benefits were enough, she would find ways to do it.

"Money and work are fine." Zhao Gang asked, "What kind of work do you want? How much?"

Hua Xiaoyu pinched her hard and calloused fingers, felt the buzzing tinnitus, and said, "I want to change to a job where I stay in the office, and the salary can't be less, more than 50."

"Yes." Zhao Gang said.

"It can't be from the capital, it is, the work of the Shanghai market!" Hua Xiaoyu said.

This made Zhao Gang stunned.

But soon he thought of what Hua Xiaoyu meant. She had a bad relationship with Hua Zhao. She had been sent back in the capital before, and if she went again, she might still be sent back, so the capital was not a good place for her.

The Shanghai market is no worse than the capital, but the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the hands of the Ye family are not that long.

She is smart.

But it also served their purpose.

They can't let the Ye family know that this matter is related to the Ma family, and even him, don't come to the surface, Hua Xiaoyu better be hidden after the incident to be safe.

"Okay." Zhao Gang agreed.

I didn't expect him to be so happy...

Hua Xiaoyu pursed her lips and whispered, "I still have money, I want... 50,000."

"How much?" Zhao Gang suspected that her voice was too low and he couldn't hear it clearly.

Hua Xiaoyu said it once, but became more courageous: "50,000! It costs tens of thousands to buy a yard in the capital. I heard that the Shanghai market is more expensive! I have traveled thousands of miles away from my hometown, so I must have a place to live, right? I did it. Such a dangerous thing, can't just buy a shack to live in? Is it wrong for me to want to buy a house?"

Zhao Gang looked at her. The girls in their Hua family all had big mouths. Their mouths were 50,000 and 100,000. Sure enough, they were two sisters.

He thought he could get it for a few thousand dollars.

His reward this time was only 20,000! Plus some hidden benefits.

"I don't have that much money. If I had that much money, I would still travel thousands of miles to find you? I can just buy a relative in the capital who can enter the Ye family. It's not a big deal." Zhao Gang said: "5 10,000 at most, 10,000 at most.”

The Ma family gave him 20,000 yuan for his activities, and they were afraid that it would be difficult to do things without the money. But how much to give is still up to him to talk to Hua Xiaoyu. After the negotiation, the rest is his.

"10,000 definitely won't work!"

Hua Xiaoyu bargained with him.

The final price was set at 15,000, and Hua Xiaoyu agreed.

Zhao Gang also gritted his teeth. If he hadn't really needed him, he would have left now!

"The money has to be given to me first, and the work has to be done well, and then I can do things with you, otherwise I won't talk about it!" Hua Xiaoyu said.

She could see that this person really needed him. As he said, if he could really find someone else, he wouldn't have come all the way to find her.

"That won't work, you have to do things first." Zhao Gang said.

"Impossible! You turn around and deny the account when I'm done. Who should I go to? Sir, what is your surname? Where do you live? Where do you work?" Hua Xiaoyu asked.

Zhao Gang stopped.

"But it's all given to you first, what if you don't do anything?" Zhao Gang asked.

"You powerful people, one sentence can give me a job, and one sentence can make me not have a job! I'm not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Speaking of this, she hated in her heart, so money is Must come first.

Even if she loses her job, she will still have money.

"But you'd better not do this. If you plan to cross the river to demolish the bridge, unload the mill and kill the donkey, don't blame me for being rude, and tell my cousin when the time comes!" Hua Xiaoyu threatened.

Zhao Gang looked at her, and she had a lot of heart, but it was better this way, so that things could be done well.

As long as things get done, everything else is trivial.

"Okay." Zhao Gang agreed.

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