Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 536: too soft to be hard

Ye Shu saw off the guest and came back nervously and said to Hua Zhao, "I have to go out and tell my family."

Hua Zhao nodded: "Come on."

Although she is not afraid, she knows that behind that look, there must be strong dissatisfaction, even hatred.

What Ma Daqiang might do.

"You should also inform Liu Ming and the others, and let them keep an eye on them recently," Ye Shu said.

"Yeah." Hua Zhao nodded.

Not afraid doesn't mean waiting for someone else to hurt her stupidly.

Ye Shu hurried away to find his father.

Ye Mao frowned after hearing that, the Ma family's behavior was not very good.

"I know, don't let Hua Zhao go out recently, I will send more people to guard outside." Ye Mao said.

That's all there is to it for now.

However, the Ye family waited for two days, but the situation was calm and nothing happened.

Ma Daqiang stayed for two days before returning to Lin Province, guarding his son.

When Ma Chenggong's mother saw him returning empty-handed, tears came down: "Are they so cruel? Can't help them?!"

Ma Daqiang looked at his dying son on the hospital bed and nodded.

"What about Big Brother?" Mother Ma hoped.

"Big brother has a task now and can't leave, and the big brother has already called the Ye family, it's useless." Ma Daqiang sneered: "Now in the eyes of the Ye family, where is the position of the big brother?"

"What about He Jianning? Didn't you say he must have a solution?!" Ma asked.

Ma Daqiang looked at his son on the hospital bed with a distorted expression and said He Jianning's threat.

The mother was angry and hated.

Why are these people so ruthless! Regardless of her son's life or death? !

"Then what should I do now?" Ma Mu cried twice, suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise, "Isn't the second brother's National Day chasing Ye Shu? I heard that a wedding is going to happen soon? Let him do it quickly! It's done! The son-in-law of the Ye family, we are our own people, right? Then the medicinal wine can be drunk vigorously, right?!"

Ma Daqiang sneered, if he hadn't seen Ye Shu's attitude with his own eyes, he would have been fooled by Ma Guoqing.

"You listen to him brag about it, I don't think he will be able to do this happy event in his life." Ma Daqiang said.

The last hope was shattered, and the mama felt ashes and hatred for a moment.

Why did they not save her son even though they could be saved? Why!

Her son is not good, no one should think about it!


The mother horse's cry stopped again. The weakness of a woman is naturally her son...Hua Zhao also has a son...

"Wife, it's too soft, let's be hard..." Ma Mu murmured.

Ma Daqiang glared at her: "Do you think I didn't expect it? But the Ye family sees the place where Hua Zhao lives as an iron bucket, and there are patrols in the alley from time to time. I'm not the eldest brother, and no one can bypass them and climb the wall. Go in and steal something."

This is the result of two days of observation by him.

It's all his fault that he couldn't hold his breath at the time, which made Ye Shu see the flaw! It's hard to start now.

"We don't steal, let's change it... Who knows if it's an antidote or a poison for what's stolen?" Ma Ma murmured.

"What way?" Ma Daqiang asked.

"We exchanged things and asked her to take the initiative to bring the medicine over, as much as she wanted." Ma said.

Ma Daqiang suddenly shook his head in disappointment: "I said 10,000 bottles are not enough, things, there is nothing in our family that is worth more than 10,000 yuan, rights, we can't compare with the Ye family now, other..."

"Child..." the mama interrupted him.

"Child? What child? The one in Helanlan's belly? That one won't work." Ma Daqiang said, "We said that the Ye family will get rid of the one in Helanlan's belly. In order to thank us, it is possible to give us one or two bottles. There are as many as possible, that is impossible, that child is not worth that much money, and it was still thrown away."

If this kind of thing happens to them, they won't even give each other any favors after they take the threat off!

Bad things are handled by them, and if they don't deal with them, they will atone for their sins!

"I'm talking about Hua Zhao's child..." Ma said.

Ma Daqiang understood immediately.

To change the medicine with Hua Zhao's child, it must be as much as needed.

However, after a while, he shook his head: "We can't steal it either."

The mother-in-law turned to look at her son on the hospital bed: "The doctor said that he has been stable recently, and it is estimated that he will be so stable in the future... We can afford it! Unless her two cubs never go out for the rest of their lives!"

Ma Daqiang thought about it and nodded.

It is estimated that the Ye family has been a little tighter recently. If he has been inactive here and looks like giving up, they can't send someone to guard Hua Zhao for the rest of his life.

"Then we'd better not do it ourselves, otherwise, our Ma family can't bear the revenge of the Ye family." Ma Daqiang said.

At that time, the Ye family was in a hurry, what if they did the same thing as He Jianning?

They rescued their son here, but in the blink of an eye, he was killed again. What's the use of that?

"Then let... the Hua family do it themselves!" Ma said suddenly.

"The Hua family?" Ma Daqiang didn't understand this time.

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