Ma Guoqing had put away his dementia and became normal, and came to Hua Zhao with Ma Daqiang.

The two sides exchanged a few words and entered the room and took their seats.

Hua Zhao glanced at Ma Guoqing, except for the initial daze, the later performance was normal, even better than the average person.

Many men can't pull out their eyeballs when they see her, and their eyes are disgusting, but Ma Guoqing's performance is okay now, and his eyes are still clear.

More than half of his eyes were still on Ye Shu next to her.

It's just that people really look a little.... It may lower the appearance of the next generation.

For the sake of prenatal and postnatal care, he is not in the scope of selection.

Ma Daqiang insisted on a few words of greetings, and then said the purpose of his visit: "I came here today to ask for something, my son and Ye Shen are comrades in arms, they were still on a mission together a month ago, and after the mission is over, he has a new mission. , I didn't expect it to hurt my head..."

Ma Daqiang couldn't help but started to cry. For the thin-skinned young woman, he had to play the emotional card.

He cried so sincerely, he was so sad.

Even Ma Guoqing's eyes were red.

Ye Shu was also a little uncomfortable. She also knew Ma Chenggong. She was also from a school before, and she was a few years younger than her. She didn't expect to be a good person.

Hua Zhao frowned, Ye Shen's comrade-in-arms... Are you on good terms with him? Suddenly, she thought of something.

"Your surname is Ma, what is your son's name?" she asked.

"Ma succeeded." Ma Daqiang said. There's nothing to hide.

Ah.... it really is him!

When Ye Shen "told stories" to her, he said Ma Chenggong's name, and she remembered it.

Thanks to what he said, otherwise she would be in trouble now.

"Ma Chenggong, but I heard Ye Shen talk about it." Hua Zhao said.

Ma Daqiang's heart skipped a beat.

He himself said that Ma Chenggong was Ye Shen's comrade-in-arms, that was to fool her into not understanding, Ma Chenggong and Ye Shen were not familiar with each other at all, and this "comrade-in-arms" was a bit far away.

How could Ye Shen mention him?

Hua Zhao's mind was sharp, and he could see his guilty conscience for a moment.

Well, even he knows what immoral things his son has done!

That's not even worthy of sympathy!

Here is her husband, her, and then licking her face to ask for something?


"Ye Shen said he was very drinkable. They drank a lot the day they left the team." Hua Zhao smiled.

That's it... Ma Daqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

He continued to cry: "Look, they are good brothers, and now he is dying, I beg you to save him!"

Hua Zhao looked puzzled and puzzled: "This, how can I save it? I'm not a doctor, so I can't save people."

"Medicinal wine!" Ma Daqiang said, "Just like how you saved Ye Shen back then! When Ye Shen was so seriously injured, drinking the medicinal wine you made yourself will be fine. My son's injury is much lighter than Ye Shen's. Your medicinal wine, he will be fine too!"

"But I don't have any medicinal wine in my hand anymore, so I gave it to the Ye family." Hua Zhao said.

This has always been a rhetoric to the outside world. It is impossible to come to an acquaintance, and it will change.

Ma Daqiang didn't believe it, a fool would give all the things that save his life to others, but he wouldn't keep it at all! She must have kept it, but she just didn't want to give it to him.

"How much is a bottle, you can tell me the number!" Ma Daqiang said: "Also, I will definitely keep it a secret from the outside world and will not reveal a word! I have never bought a drop of medicinal wine from you!"

Hua Zhao is a money lover, and there are some rumors outside that the first ginseng was replaced by a large yard, and the second ginseng sold for 100,000!

Normal rural people, he doesn't even know what 100,000 looks like! I can't open that mouth, and it is estimated that 10,000 will be scary.

But the little girl in front of her is different, she dares to speak, and she will not sell it if she is less.

"It's not about the money. If I have it, of course I like to sell it." Hua Zhao said, "But I really don't have it. I'll give it to the Ye family. If you need it, you can go to my father-in-law. I'll give it to you for sure."

Ma Daqiang had already found out about the family, but Ye Mao didn't tell Hua Zhao that the Ye family had taken over the business of medicinal wine for half a year, and people outside were used to it, saying it was "the medicinal wine of the Ye family". Hua Zhao.

He didn't expect that Ma Daqiang would come to Hua Zhao.

Besides, it's useless to look for it. Hua Zhao definitely "didn't". His daughter-in-law here is quite good at doing things, and she is as reliable as his son. He understands it and doesn't worry at all.

"10,000 bottles!" Ma Daqiang gritted his teeth.

His family doesn't actually have much money. Ten thousand bottles is the limit he can take out. If he needs more, he has to go out and borrow money.

But now it's okay to take his life, as long as it can save his son.

"Not really." Hua Zhao regretted.

Ma Daqiang's eyes became cold, he sat up straight, looked around the room with his eyes, and then slowly stood up.

"Okay, I see." He stared at Hua Zhao, turned around and left after speaking in a deep voice.

Ye Shu stood up nervously, staring at his back, that look made her scared.

Hua Zhao is calm, she has seen this look a lot.

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