As a woman, Ma Ma loves gossip.

Especially after the Ye family became popular because of medicinal wine, all kinds of rumors and gossip about their family were flying all over the sky.

Not only Hua Zhao's life experience was revealed in detail, but even Ye Shu's divorce and Wen Jing's false pregnancy were not hidden. The women in the circle knew it well.

Men's sensitivity is still a little bit worse. People in this era still don't pay much attention to women, so Ma Daqiang didn't hear much about it.

"That Hua Zhao doesn't fit in with the family! I heard that a cousin came to defect to her before, and I don't know how to make her unhappy, so she sent her back to her hometown and stuffed her cousin with an object she didn't like! But Immoral!" said the horse mother.

Speaking of gossip, the sadness on her face faded.

From the countless versions she had heard before, she also picked one that she liked the most.

"Is there such a thing?" Ma Daqiang frowned again: "What's the use of that?"

"I heard that her cousin is very powerful. She came all the way to the capital by herself. It wasn't her who went to the capital at first, but the Ye family... She has a lot of hearts! Finally, I heard that it was Hua Zhao who was looking for it. The Ye family, escorted people away! Can she be willing?

"We found her, and the benefits are abundant. Let's see if she does it? If she doesn't do it... I will try my best to make her do it!"

Ma Daqiang thought for a while, looked at his dying son on the bed, and nodded.

He and his wife thought about it carefully for a long time, and then acted immediately and sent someone to find Hua Xiaoyu.

And this person "has nothing" to do with their Ma family, and of course the series of operations afterwards have nothing to do with their Ma family.

And when his son wakes up, that's a miracle!


Hua Xiaoyu's life can be described as dire straits.

She returned to the northeast, instead of going back to Shantun, she stayed directly at the work unit in Anxian County. This is also a textile factory, which is smaller than the capital, and the machinery is broken, but the work is more tiring.

After working for a month, several layers of skin were torn on her 10 fingers, her brain was buzzing, and her ears were not working.

Fortunately, this time it is a regular worker, and the salary is higher than before, at 42 yuan.

Unfortunately, two days after the salary was received, and before the flowers were spent, the Huashan family came.

She didn't tell them she worked here at all.... Who? !

It must be Hua Zhao!

She can't see her well!

She has wronged Hua Zhao for this. She was about to give birth at that time, so how could she have the heart to pay attention to her.

It wasn't Ye Ming's notice either. According to Ye Ming's plan, he planned to let Hua Xiaoyu stabilize the job first, and then notify the Huashan family next month.

It turned out that Hua Xiaoyu was seen by Zhang Guilan's ex-husband and the Liu family when she was out occasionally.

Although the Liu family had only seen her once, they were so impressed that they recognized her at a glance.

Seeing her outfit as a female textile worker, she was a little puzzled, and when she inquired about it, it was even more surprising that a rural girl actually became a regular worker in the city! Hukou has become a city!

Asking about it again, it makes the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys hurt even more! It was Zhang Guilan's eldest daughter who did it for her!

And Zhang Guilan's family followed them to the capital to enjoy happiness! Living in a big house, I don't have to do anything every day, and I eat spicy food.

This is what Hua Xiaoyu showed to her colleagues, her powerful relative.

Liu Xiangqian did not eat for several days.

If he hadn't divorced Zhang Guilan and went to Beijing to enjoy happiness, would it be him?

I can't think about it, I will vomit blood just thinking about it.

Of course, old lady Liu and Liu Cong also wanted to vomit blood.

Who knew that Zhang Guilan, who was as annoying as dirt and **** back then, could become a golden lump!

"Oh, no! Dad! I have four younger siblings! I have to go to the capital to see them!" Liu Cong suddenly shouted.

The eyes of old lady Liu and Liu Xiangqian both lit up! yes! Zhang Guilan has nothing to do with them, but he still has 4 children with her! They have to get close and close!

As a result, they went to Hua Xiaoyu to find out Hua Zhao's address, but Hua Xiaoyu didn't tell them.

She has seen Hua Zhao's ability, and of course she can see the maliciousness of the Liu family.

Although she wanted them to go to the capital to block Hua Zhao, but after Hua Zhao knew about it, she would definitely take care of her! If she loses her job, she has to go back to the countryside to farm, and then be sold to a fool by her grandfather in a few years...

The consequences are terrible.

So the Liu family can know where Hua Zhao lives, but she can't say it, she shut her mouth tightly.

This made the Liu family angry.

So I found out about the day when the textile factory paid wages. After waiting for 2 days, I didn’t find that the Huashan family came to ask Hua Xiaoyu for money. Mrs. Liu guessed something. The Huashan family might not know that Hua Xiaoyu worked in the city, otherwise they would not May not come to play the autumn wind.

She has been to Kuoshantun several times, and she has touched the bottom of both Huaqiang and Huashan, and she probably knows the virtues of that family.

This is good!

Mrs. Liu turned around and told the Huashan family that Hua Xiaoyu was working in a textile factory.

Huashan and Hua Erniu didn't say a word and entered the city without a moment's delay.

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