Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 521: find her something to do

Feng Long is really looking for Xu Mei frantically recently, no, he has been looking for Xu Mei for a long time, but Xu Mei can't be found as if the world has evaporated.

He Lanlan's friend is not his friend, and now he is down, because of that kind of thing... Although he was released, anyone with a discerning eye knows what's going on.

This is not a good man!

So he couldn't get the news.

Feng Long was overjoyed after receiving He Lanlan's message, and immediately went to the abandoned milk powder factory in the suburbs.

As a result, it was empty and the family moved.

He Lanlan also did not get the latest news from Xu Mei.

The previous news was spread by people who were kicked out, and these people didn't know about the move.

Feng Long didn't know this, he just felt that Helanlan lied to him, and turned around to block Helanlan!

He is really down now, not only is the Feng family finished, but his job is also gone.

Hua Zhao felt that it was too much not to let him in, so he talked about it when chatting with Ye Ming, and he couldn't make him feel better.

The way to prevent a person from having a better life is very simple at this time, which is to fire him.

After being fired from a factory, this person basically can no longer find a new job. Without a job, he has no money, and he has to rely on his family to support him.

And Feng Long has no home now.

After the accident in the Feng family, they were thrown into the ground.

People with this kind of family style, don't expect him to do good things outside.

Feng's father and Feng's mother had done nothing less than wicked things before. This time, people seized the opportunity and smashed a big rock down. Not only were there many more charges, but the family property was also confiscated.

Feng Long is now almost penniless, living in a relative's barn. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. He is also accompanied by mice. He has to look at his face when he eats and drinks. Life is as miserable as Huanglian, so he desperately hopes Find Xu Mei.

After beating her up, you have to rely on her to live.

Now I can't find Xu Mei, I can only find He Lanlan.

He Lanlan knew what he was thinking.

Helanlan was easy to find, and after squatting outside the He's house for a long time, he saw Helanlan who came back with a big bag and a small bag.

"Lanlan, I haven't seen you for a while, you look even more beautiful!" Feng Long said in front of her.

He Lanlan was startled when he saw him, and almost threw everything in his hand.

Feng Long's condition didn't look very good.

"Why are you here?" He Lanlan looked back and said, "Besides, don't be so affectionate, I have nothing to do with you!"

After speaking, he glanced up and down at Feng Long from the corner of his eyes.

The old clothes are about to fade, and they are very dirty, the leather shoes under the feet are open when you look closely, and the hair is too long to be cut to the neck, and it is also tied in a lock. It is sloppy and sloppy.

The Feng family is really finished.

Feng Long is not worthy to talk to her now.

Her expression was written on her face, and Feng Long understood it.

The smile on the corner of his mouth didn't change, but he gritted his teeth in his heart, wishing he could bite a piece of her flesh down.

Why does he have today? It's not her fault! It was she who came up with a bad idea to let him go to pit Xu Mei together, but she was pitted by Xu Mei instead!

If it weren't for her bad idea, he is still in love with He Shuangshuang and his wife, and his parents will be fine!

It's all her fault!

However, he didn't dare to do anything to He Lanlan. Behind her was the He family and He Jianning.

If he really did something to He Lanlan, he believed that He Jianning would not let him go, he didn't want to die.

He Lanlan had already bypassed him to leave, Feng Long didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately said: "I went to the address you told me, but there was no one. I asked, they moved out early, and I don't know where they went, you Ask again."

He Lanlan stopped: "Moved?"

Feng Long nodded: "I heard that it has been a few days since we moved."

He Lanlan glanced at him, he shouldn't lie about this kind of thing, there's no need.

"I see, just wait." After he said that, he left with his braids.

Feng Long kept staring at her back until she entered the house.

Is there any way to be unaware... He always wanted to tear off He Lanlan's arrogant mask and make her cry and beg him for mercy.

Especially now, I want to...

But at present, it is still the most important to find Xu Mei.

The relative's warehouse is not going to be used for him anymore, saying that the family has no money, so they have to rent it out to subsidize the family. After a few waves of people looking at the house, some people really liked it. He estimated that in two days, he would have to sleep on the patio.


This time, Helanlan couldn't find anyone.

But she has a way.

"Uncle, do you know where Xu Mei is now?" She found He Jianning.

He Jianning looked at her and smiled: "What are you going to do this time?"

"I don't do anything, I don't want to trouble Hua Zhao!" He Lanlan said, "I just want Feng Long to trouble Xu Mei, so that she won't have a better time. Uncle, she is too bullying! Don't let our He family go. In her eyes! How dare you say she was right about what happened back then?"

Her uncle is not such a generous person.

He Jianning is indeed not.

In fact, he knew about Xu Mei's hard life in the Feng family, but he didn't care, he was not a Bodhisattva.

He does know where Xu Mei is now.

Putting their He family together, I really can't watch her make a lot of money outside happily.

He Jianning thought about it and told her Xu Mei's new address.

Ye Shen is back.... She has to find something to do for Hua Zhao, so that she can focus on Ye Shen and study how to have children if she has nothing to do.

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