He Jianning took He Lanlan back to his home.

"From now on, you will live here. I will build a house for you in another corner of Taoyuan." He Jianning said.

He didn't want anyone to disturb his purity, but for the sake of his cook... no, for Ye Shen, for the He family, he didn't worry about He Lanlan swaying outside.

Shame on the local.

It's not enough to send it to another place. She is unfamiliar with the place of life. She is so stupid by herself. What if she accidentally loses the child?

This child was actually hard-earned, he spent a lot of contacts, and it was also her luck to get hit in one go.

Good luck doesn't come often. In case the child makes her toss, and try to succeed again, she doesn't know when.

He couldn't wait, why did Sister Li's meal feel more and more unpalatable?

He Lanlan twisted the corners of her clothes, a little unhappy, was locked in Taoyuan? This level is 10 months, staring at a pile of grass and trees every day? bored to death.

He Jianning really hates her stupid appearance now.

"I don't restrict you from going out, you can go wherever you want, as long as you are not afraid of being laughed at," he said.

As long as the child is here, he doesn't care about her face.

She doesn't care, and he doesn't care.

Hearing that the uncle was angry, He Lanlan was afraid: "I won't go out, I won't go anywhere." She was also afraid of going out and being embarrassed.

After the business was finished, He Jianning asked someone to lead her to the hut in the other corner of Taoyuan.

This house has just been built, it is really a small house, a small red brick house, about 30 square meters, it is a big studio, just like the people who watch the orchard live!

The furniture in the room is complete and not shabby, but it is definitely not comparable to what she used to have at home.

No clothes were prepared for her.

He Lanlan ran out to find He Jianning again: "Uncle, I'm only one month old now, and outsiders can't see anything. Can I still go out and stay for two months? I have to buy some clothes or something!"

He Jianning was too lazy to look at her and nodded: "I really don't limit your freedom, you can go out as you please. But there is only one point, to ensure safety."

Uncle still cares about her!

Helan Lan jumped away.

He Jianning frowned and looked at her back, and had to admit that the He family was really inferior to one generation.

I hope that the next generation of her and Ye Shen will have better qualifications.

"Send someone to follow her, don't worry about the rest, don't let the child have an accident." He Jianning said while rubbing his eyebrows.

"Yes." Xiao Zhao immediately went to make arrangements.


When He Lanlan left Taoyuan, she went to find her friend and inquired about Xu Mei's whereabouts.

Xu Mei has also been her "good friend" for many years. Both of them have common friends and colleagues, so it's easy to inquire.

After walking around for a few people, He Lanlan learned about Xu Mei's latest news. She quit her previous job and was secretly doing petty business.

Xu Mei had hired a few workers before and kicked out a few others. She knew these people in the hospital, and most of her past friends worked in the hospital, so the news inevitably spread.

He Lanlan was happy, Xu Mei really got worse and worse, the serious head nurse quit her job and went out to be a hawker?

That's right, Feng Long is fine and was released. If she dares to go back to work again, Feng Long might kill her. She can only be a hawker and barely make ends meet~

He Lanlan asked many more people before he found Xu Mei's specific address.

Then told Feng Long.

She is pregnant now and can't fight with people, and it is better to borrow a knife to kill.

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