Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 522: How do you want to compensate me?

After Hua Zhao returned home, he was surrounded by everyone.

Everyone looked at her with joy and anticipation, waiting for her to announce the results.

Hua Zhao smiled sweetly and shyly, and everyone knew what was going on.

"Great!" Miao Lanzhi said excitedly.

Zhang Guilan laughed too, and she felt pretty good too. Having more children is a blessing, and the more children Hua Zhao has, the more stable his position in the Ye family will be.

Although it has been determined that the Ye family is not the same as the big family she imagined, but the deep inferiority is still deep in her bones. She is always afraid that one day the Ye family will suddenly lose sight of Hua Zhao's origin and plan to change it.

The example of Hua Qiang is also there....

So the more children, the more insurance, right?

Hua Qiang was also very happy, sitting on the side and laughing. A year ago, he never thought that he would see the birth of a third great-grandson, and he might be able to look forward to the fourth and fifth in the future.

What a good day.

Only Ye Shu was not so happy... She had just returned from shopping, and was caught and scolded by her mother, who ordered her to find a partner within three months.

What catches your eyes? Good men are close relatives, others are crooked melons and cracked dates!

Hua Zhao was treated as a key protected animal again, and the move was temporarily suspended. After 3 months of stability, she moved again.

Hua Zhao did not object, she also felt that this time was different from the last time, and her reaction was particularly strong.

With Cuiwei and the others, she could eat, drink, and work, and she had unlimited energy every day, just like a normal person.

This time is different. It has only been a few days, and I have started to have a reaction, and it is very violent. I want to vomit almost everything except the fruit. I can't see it.

It can be relieved when absorbing energy, but don't eat, it's like taking poison.

She could only stay at home and not go anywhere.

Ye Shen had to return to the team alone. This time, his vacation was short, only half a month, and it was over.


Feng Long got the new address and went to Xu Mei the next day.

Really let him find it.

Seeing Xu Mei, Feng Long was taken aback.

If he hadn't taken a second look, he wouldn't have dared to recognize it.

At this time, Xu Mei, wearing a white shirt, black trousers, with a big braid, was dressed in ordinary clothes, but she was like a different person in the past.

No longer the lifeless, old-fashioned woman of the past.

She looks 10 years younger all of a sudden, and she looks better than when she was really young.

Hua Zhao has delicious food, such as vegetables grown in his own yard, which he will occasionally share with Xu Mei, plus the flower and fruit tea when he visits, Xu Mei also benefits a lot.

The body is healthy and the person is beautiful.

Xu Mei also did not recognize Feng Longlai at a glance.

In the past, Feng Long, who used to have oil head noodles, was very pompous, but this person in front of him looked like a beggar.

But she still recognized it, after all, it was someone carved into her bones...

"'s great that you've recovered from your illness!" Feng Long boasted, his eyes reddened, and he looked at Xu Mei with tears in his eyes.

"Hey~" Xu Mei suddenly laughed: "Are you crying when you see that I'm not dead?"

Feng Long's expression froze, but he quickly continued to act: "Xiaomei, I really don't know what my parents do! If I knew, I would definitely not let them do it! You believe me, in my heart It is with you, I will give me another chance and let me make up for you!"

"Compensate me?" Xu Mei stared at him with a thoughtful expression.

When Feng Long saw the drama, he was so excited that he immediately stepped forward to hug Xu Mei, but was kicked away by her.

"Stay away from me!" Xu Mei said with a cold face, but said with a pleasant face, "How are you going to compensate me?"

Really want compensation? Feng Long was stunned for a moment, he has nothing now... but he knows that women don't want these things.

"I will treat you well in the future! I will never beat you or scold you again! I will do whatever you want me to do in the future, and I will listen to you! Let's live a good life, and then..." Have a child!

He suddenly remembered that Xu Mei could no longer give birth, and his expression froze, but he quickly changed his words: "If you work harder to make money, I won't let you live a hard life!"

After Feng Long finished speaking, he went to grab Xu Mei's bicycle handlebars.

Xu Mei gritted her teeth with hatred and kicked him away.

Feng Long dared not speak out.

"Work hard to make money? Who works hard to make money? Do you have a job? You want me to work hard to make money to support you in the future? Ha!" Xu Mei smiled sarcastically: "If you want me to believe you, you can find a job first!"

After she finished speaking, she pedaled her bicycle hard and walked away.

Of course, she didn't care about any compensation, and she was not so kind to motivate Feng Long to move forward. She just wanted Feng Long to go out and have a taste of what it was like to beg grandpa to tell grandma.

It doesn't matter if he succeeds or not. With Feng Long's current status, the job he can ask for is definitely not a good job. He suffers hardships, does the hardest and dirtiest work, earns the least money, and is looked down upon by his colleagues. For Feng Long, it was also a kind of torture.

She never thought about letting Feng Long go.

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