Wen Jing lay at home for three days, unable to get out of bed or eat, and lost weight rapidly.

Ye Ming works every day, takes care of her, and heals her wounds silently. She is also haggard.

Miao Lanzhi looked distressed and found Hua Zhao.

"Do you have any way to improve that medicinal wine?" Miao Lanzhi asked hopefully, "Even without the use of wine, the medicinal effect can still be infused."

Hua Zhao blinked her big eyes, to be honest, she didn't understand.

"That's right." Miao Lanzhi said, "Wen Jing is allergic to alcohol. She really doesn't drink a drop of alcohol. If she drank less, she would get a rash all over her body. If she drank a little more, even if it was just one or two, she wouldn't get angry and would go into shock. So although the medicinal wine is good, she can't drink it."

"Oh~" Hua Zhao suddenly realized: "I thought eldest brother had already given her a drink, but it didn't work!"

She really thought so, Ye Ming is not that stingy person. The family can actually get medicinal wine every month. Although she did not give Ye Ming an extra share, she thought that he would definitely share it with Wen Jing.

She thought that this wine would not work, and thought about increasing the concentration or giving her a try with the golden one.

It turned out that the problem was that she couldn't drink it with wine.

But Ye Ming never told her... He wasn't someone who needed someone to help him speak, so he probably knew that there was an invisible awkwardness between Wen Jing and her, so he didn't want to say it, and he didn't want her to be embarrassed.

She must help with this.

"This, I haven't tried it, but I can try it." Hua Zhao said.

She couldn't agree, and she didn't study medicine.

"I'll try it. I don't know if it will work. Even if it works, I don't know if it will be of any use to my sister-in-law." Hua Zhao said.

"Hey! I understand this truth. Now it's a dead horse to be a living horse doctor. If you can do it, your elder brother and I will remember your love!" Miao Lanzhi said.

"Mom, if you say this, you're out of the picture. We're all a family, and we should help each other."

Hua Zhao went back to the room and started to operate. He found a ginseng and put it in the bottle, and then studied what to use.

You can't use clean water. Anyone with a bit of common sense must know that it will be soaked.

What else can I use besides alcohol? With juice? with soy sauce?

Don't make trouble.

Hua Zhao thought about it for several days, but she couldn't come up with it. I heard that Wen Jing had gone to the hospital for an infusion weakly. She took out the diluted essence as a bachelor and said that she had boiled it out...

The concentration of this serum is higher.

What she gave to the Ye family every month was actually diluted, because there was still a lot of wine.

Ye Ming saw the bottle she handed over and knew that it was specially researched for Wen Jing, without alcohol, and was very moved.

"Thank you," he said. This kind of love, he really remembers.

If it were him, he wouldn't lend a helping hand to someone he didn't like, even younger siblings, brother-in-law and the like.

Kong Jie has also cleaned up, Qiu Mei has also cleaned up...

"You're welcome, I hope it works." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming smiled, he was very confident in Hua Zhao, Ye Shen's serious injury was healed, this, even if Wen Jing's infertility can't be cured, it can also relieve the poison on her body.

She was hospitalized a few days ago, and the doctor had given Wen Jing a comprehensive examination. She was poisoned, a rare plant toxin, which was eaten by home remedies.

Fortunately, the amount was small and she didn't kill her on the spot, but even so, the liver and kidneys were damaged, and the hospital didn't have any good treatment methods, so she could only support her by herself.

To put it in a bad way is to be helpless.

But now Ye Ming saw hope again.

Sure enough, after going down three times a day, Wen Jing was obviously in good spirits, and the pimples on his face shrank rapidly, and it seemed that it would be eliminated in a few days.

However, Wen Jing is still unhappy, the child is gone, what's the use of her being healed.

She doesn't like anything now, and she doesn't like the medicine that saved her. She hides and tucks good things, and only takes them out when she suffers!

She just can't see her well!

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