Wen Jing reacted very badly after she became pregnant, she vomited everything she ate, and felt nauseated when she saw everything.

But she was very happy, she ate when she vomited, vomited when she ate, and continued to eat.

very strong.

She didn't continue to take any more home remedies, but the pimples on her face didn't go away, but they didn't develop any more, but the pimples were still scary.

Now she can't care about this anymore. She lies in bed every day to raise a baby, doesn't go to work, and takes a long vacation.

The unit is also very understanding, accurate.

At this time, people are getting married early, and there are very few women in their 30s who have not given birth yet. Many female colleagues are happy for her.

Day by day, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and summer is about to enter. The little ones have learned to roll over and started to try to sit by themselves, and they are more and more cute day by day.

Wen Jing has also reached 3 months, and it is time to go to the birth check.

The results showed that the blood test showed that the progesterone value was very high, but the B-ultrasound did not find a fetus in the uterine cavity.

The doctor who does B-ultrasound is not only doing obstetrics and gynecology, what to say, seeing the result with a blank face: "You are not pregnant."

Wen Jing and Ye Ming were both stunned.

"How is that possible?" Wen Jing shouted, shaking the blood collection sheet in her hand, "It clearly shows that I am pregnant!"

The doctor glanced at the instrument again, and insisted: "You are not pregnant. As for the blood drawing results, it may be that you ate something that caused the error."

"Impossible! Your machine must be broken!" Wen Jing shouted.

"The previous ones were all fine, but it's yours that's broken?" The doctor was quite stubborn, and gave a quiet glance: "Seeing that the other organs are all good, they are shielded at the child's place? If you don't believe me, go to another hospital for examination. ."

Wen Jing stood up immediately, tidied up her clothes, and left with Ye Ming.

This time they went to the hospital where Ye Fang was.

Wen Jing was reluctant to come here before. She came here to check when she was infertile before. Whether it was Ye Fang or her colleague, she said over and over again that she couldn't, and she resisted coming here.

But now that I have it, there are still reliable acquaintances, and Ye Fang's hospital can be said to be one of the best in the country, and the equipment is also the best.

The two of them were silent all the way.

Finding Ye Fang, Ye Ming said the results of the previous inspection, Ye Fang was stunned for a moment, and then frowned.

She took the blood drawing form and took Wen Jing directly to the B-ultrasound room.

The possibility of wrong blood drawing is very small, but whether it is right or wrong, whether you are pregnant or not depends on the B-ultrasound.

Ye Fang also found an experienced old doctor to examine Wen Jing, and this time Ye Ming also stood behind the instrument and watched carefully.

The uterine cavity is empty.

"No, maybe it's biochemical." The ultrasound doctor comforted.

"Impossible! I haven't bleed since I knew I was pregnant!" Wen Jing shouted, she knew what biochemistry was, but somehow she didn't save it and bleed by herself.

She also knew that it was bleeding, and she knew a lot.

"Maybe the examination has always been wrong. You have never been pregnant, nor have you had a biochemical test, so there is no bleeding." The doctor said.

"Impossible!" Wen Jing denied again: "I haven't had a period for more than 3 months! And I have early pregnancy symptoms, nausea and vomiting! And my belly is getting bigger!"

Wen Jing's lower abdomen has always been flat, but recently, it has really bulged out and is a little bit pregnant.

This B-ultrasound doctor can't explain it, and it's not up to her to explain it. She glanced at Ye Fang.

"Excuse me." Ye Fang said to the person, and then motioned for Ye Ming to bring Wen Jing out.

Wen Jing was still unwilling, and she had to reason with others. She was half pushed and half hugged by Ye Ming and dragged to Ye Fang's office.

"What's going on?" Ye Ming asked his aunt softly, waiting for her to give a scientific explanation.

He didn't even understand how this could happen.

Wen Jing's various reactions were that she was really pregnant, but there was nothing in the uterine cavity, he didn't understand.

"The machine must be broken!" Wen Jing shouted.

"Then let's change to another hospital." Ye Fang said.

She also does not accept this kind of result, Ye Ming finally has a child... And she has only heard of this situation occasionally. It's like a legend. She has never seen it before. I want to go to another hospital.

They changed to another hospital of the same level, and the test results remained the same.

It is impossible that all three hospital instruments are broken.

Wen Jing couldn't hold back and cried.

Ye Fang found the director of the obstetrics and gynecology department she knew. The two of them whispered in the office for a long time, and finally agreed.

Wen Jing is a fake pregnancy.

It wasn't her own falsification, it was her strong belief that hypnotized her body, secreted progesterone, and had a series of normal pregnancy reactions. If she found out late, her belly would grow bigger day by day, as big as it was about to give birth. Same.

But without a fertilized egg, there is no fertilized egg, and this own body cannot be changed.

At present, medicine is not developed, and communication is not developed. This kind of case is very rare. The two directors of obstetrics and gynecology have read it once in foreign literature, and they are not sure whether it is true or not.

Seeing is believing now.

Knowing the result, Wen Jing completely collapsed.

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