Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 498: I can't hold the money

Hearing that Wen Jing will be discharged from the hospital in three days, her health is better, and the poison has been resolved, so Hua Zhao can rest assured and go about her own business.

In early summer, her melon seeds are ripe.

Another battle of wits to fight.

Before Liu Qian had taken people to the field several times, the number of seedlings per acre was carefully counted and registered.

Let the Li family secretly hate.

Now it is time to harvest. If the Li family has a crooked mind, they can only start with the well-laid seeds.

"You can put a little water." Hua Zhao said, "Not much, just one or two hundred catties."

Liu Qian didn't understand that if one or two hundred catties were used as seeds, they could plant dozens or hundreds of acres of land, so wasn't their previous strict defense for nothing?

Hua Zhao smiled and told him the bottom line: "Who said this kind of seed can be planted and it will bear fruit again?"

Liu Qian understood the literal meaning, but not even more. What kind of seed will not bear fruit?

"Give them some pesticides?" Liu Qian asked in a low voice, "I can do this."

Hua Zhaohan...

"Don't, if they stay to eat or sell it, it will hurt people, don't do it."

Liu Qian also knew that he was wrong, and quickly promised not to do it.

"Don't worry, I won't suffer. If they want to steal, let them steal, but the amount should not be too large or too small, about 200 pounds." Hua Zhao said.

The smaller the amount, the smaller the area they plant, and it won't hurt at that time!

Of course, it would be better if they didn't have such bad thoughts, and they would be her villains.

Liu Qian also knew that this sister-in-law was not stupid, although she did not understand, she resolutely followed the requirements.

Harvesting, threshing, 100 acres of land, many people, completed in 3 days.

When threshing, the Li family really made small moves.

Each person caught a handful, a few a day, and they really stole 200 pounds in three days.

They didn't dare to steal too much. Sunflowers have a number of heads, and each one is as Hua Zhao said, and the size is even.

200 pounds of seeds is enough. At that time, the seed will produce the seed, and there will be no end.

The output of the last 100 mu was overstated, and it was 50,000 catties.

The Li family was overjoyed, and the yield per mu has reached 500 catties! It is more than 2 times that of other melon seeds, and it is about to catch up with corn!

They earn 80 cents per pound, which is 40,000 yuan.

Earn 40,000 in a few months!

It's early summer, and the seeds will continue to be planted. After more than 2 months of maturity, they can still harvest a wave, which is 80,000!

Although there are several points, one year's income is worth the sum of their busy work for so many years in the past.

That night, the Li family drank too much.

But when they thought that Hua Zhao earned 150,000 or 300,000, they instantly woke up.

"Have the seeds been hidden?" Old Man Li asked his sons.

"Don't worry, it's on the shed, and it's packed in a tin bucket, so the mice can't get in!" Old Li said.

"Don't cover it up." Old Man Li said.

"Don't worry, it will be replanted in a few days, and it won't break." Li Lao Er said.

In the future, the profit of 3.8 per pound will be theirs!

They're going to send!

"You have to hide this from Xiaojiang, don't let him go back to the village in the future," said Old Man Li.

They want to replant melon seeds. After Li Xiaojiang found out, he didn't know what else was going to happen. What if he told Hua Zhao that Hua Zhao sent someone to pull out the seedlings?

They just beat the eggs.

"I introduced him to a person in the city, and let him live in the city recently." Boss Li said.

Li Xiaojiang is also a big boss, but in the past, he didn't have a job. Every girl in the city had to have a house and a job, and he didn't have anything. He didn't like the rural daughter-in-law, so he dragged it to twenty-three or four.

Thanks to the procrastination this year, their family is rich.

Boss Li gritted his teeth: "I also want to buy him a small house in the city."

The Li family made this big fortune, in the final analysis, it was Li Xiaojiang's credit.

No one else has an opinion.

Li Xiaojiang didn't talk about his own business before, but said that the melon seeds were divided equally by the Li brothers, and they would have money immediately, and they would not be jealous.

They also want to buy a house for their son in the city!


After the melon seeds are dried, they are fried and sold.

Hua Zhao agreed with the Li family to settle the bill every 10 days.

She sent someone to guard the seeds, and the number of goods shipped in 10 days is counted, and the goods cannot be taken without payment.

The Li family had 200 catties of seeds in their hands, so they agreed happily.

"When the time comes, we will do the same." Li Er suggested to his father and brothers: "Brothers will settle accounts, this melon seed is not cheap per pound..."

Hua Zhao showed them a clear path to strict management.

"Okay." The others agreed.

Li Er was not at ease, and neither were they at ease.

A sack is a few hundred dollars, who doesn't feel bad?

The payment for the goods came back one by one, and Hua Zhao's money had no place to put it.

She didn't dare to put the courtyard house, it was not safe, so she still put it in Ye Mao's house.

Now the old couple lives on the second floor, the rooms upstairs are idle, and now they are full of money.

Seeing Ye Mao and Miao Lanzhi both heartbeat.

They have really seen a big scene, but they have never seen so much money. If they didn't know how Hua Zhao got the money and it was "fairly" clean, they would have to criticize her severely.

That's it, Ye Mao has talked to Hua Zhao, and asked her to take a small step and earn less, too much, and she can't put it down upstairs...

A face value of 10 yuan is a lot of hundreds of thousands. What's more, what Li's family gave her were the change she got from selling melon seeds, and she had every 10 cents, hundreds of thousands of dollars could fit a room.

Hua Zhao is open to all who come, and there are a lot of rare coins that have been found here, which will be worth a lot of money in the future.

"If you can't hold it, just spend it." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Mao's eyelids also jumped: "What are you going to do? Buy a house?" He had heard about this daughter-in-law who likes to buy a house. If he didn't buy it, he urged Ye Shu to buy it.

"I won't buy a house this time, I will buy calligraphy, painting and porcelain, what do you think?" Hua Zhao said.

Finally, I have spare money in my hand, and I can finally start to scan the goods, and if I don’t scan, there will be no chance.

The turmoil is over, and the return of items is about to begin.

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