Hua Zhao went home after warning Li Xiaojiang. She felt that the Li family would listen, at least for now.

As for when the seeds are ripe.... I'll talk about that later.

She went home with her family to see Ye Shu's performance.

Hua Qiang actually refused to go: "It's noisy, there are too many people, I don't like it, I have a headache, I'm watching the children at home, you go."

Miao Lanzhi also said: "I've seen it a lot, I'm not curious at all, you go."

Zhang Guilan didn't want to go either. She was a little timid. The National Centre for the Performing Arts, her legs trembled a little when she heard the name.

But this Hua Zhao disagreed, and resolutely pulled her away.

Although the four little ones were also timid, they were more excited. Like Xiaoqin, he doesn't even know what timidity is. Hearing that everyone is going to hang out together, he is very happy.

She is in kindergarten now, and she is not very happy every day. She still likes to be with her brothers and sisters.

Several people dressed up beautifully were pushed out by Hua Zhao.

Ma Guoqing also dressed up and was going to see Ye Shu's performance.

It's time for him again.


After entering the Grand Theater, Zhang Guilan couldn't walk a little bit, walking in small steps, pulling her clothes twice from time to time.

"Mom, others don't look as good as you." Hua Zhao whispered.

Some of Zhang Guilan's clothes were bought at the mall, and some were made of cloth she bought herself. Both in quality and style, they were a little bit ahead of this era.

She didn't dare to surpass it for a long time, so it would be different.

There are also four little clothes, also made by Hua Zhao himself. Children's clothes can be relatively bold, anyway, how cute they are.

As soon as several people entered the theater, they actually attracted the attention of others.

Needless to say, Hua Zhao, she is like a luminous body, everyone's eyes will freeze on her face for a few seconds, and then quickly move away.

Some people can be too beautiful to look at.

However, when he looked away, he was reluctant to turn around and take a peek.

As for the first and fourth children next to Hua Zhao, although their temperament is not outstanding, their clothes are outstanding, and they are equally attractive.

The envy in everyone's eyes was seen by Zhang Guilan. She looked at other people's clothes carefully, and they were not as good-looking as hers.

Now she only dares to compare her clothes with others, and after she has done it, she will not be looked down upon, so she relaxes.

Several people lined up quietly to enter the venue and found the seat on the ticket. It was relatively early and still in the middle, which was a good position.

Hua Zhao walked in and saw Ye Ming and Wen Jing, next to their seats, and on the other side were Zhou Lihua and Ye Jiayeli.

Zhou Lihua has always liked this kind of occasion, even with her two daughters.

Others didn't come.

"Brother and sister-in-law are free today." Hua Zhao took the initiative to greet them.

Ye Ming smiled at her and said hello to Zhang Guilan. Seeing that Hua Zhao didn't bring the child, he was a little disappointed.

But he also knows that he thinks too much, this kind of environment, noisy and noisy, and scares the child again, she will not bring it.

He just hadn't seen the two little babies for a few days and panicked.

Wen Jing grinned at Hua Zhao, even if she had laughed.

Hua Zhao looked at her hairstyle, and it was still the same as last time. The pimples on her face were not that rare, and even her hair couldn't stop it.

"Cough cough." Zhou Lihua said, reminding her of her existence.

"Hello third aunt, hello two sisters." Hua Zhao greeted them with a smile. It's just a matter of face, trivial.

Ye Jia and Ye Li also smiled back, but did not exchange greetings with Hua Zhao.

They all knew about my brother, thanks to Hua Zhao... Unfortunately, my mother didn't say a good word to her at home, but instead complained about her being busy with entertaining guests.

In front of their mother, they didn't dare to get close to Hua Zhao, or they would be scolded when they went home.

"Come out to see a play? Where is the child at home? You have such a big heart for being a mother!" Zhou Lihua said neither yin nor yang.

Hua Zhao didn't know her in general, and sat down as if she didn't hear.

"The elders are talking to you! Why don't you answer? What a big deal!" Zhou Lihua didn't have a good temper when she saw Hua Zhao now.

I don't mention the past in advance, let's just say that now, her son pulls a face every day, a look of isolation, friends and colleagues inquire about jokes, plus the rumors outside, she is embarrassed!

Isn't it all because of Hua Zhao's troubles? Do you have to invite the Qiu family? Otherwise, they have no chance to calculate all this!

But she didn't think about it, if the Qiu family didn't count and did not fail, and now Qiu Mei is her daughter-in-law, that might not be a good thing.

But if she was such a reasonable person, she would not be Zhou Lihua.

Just as Hua Zhao was about to speak, she heard Ye Ming say, "Aunt San, have you been in a bad temper recently? Are you reluctant to bear Qiu Mei? Then invite her back, she must be very happy."

Zhou Lihua's face suddenly stiffened.

Hua Zhao turned around with a smile, ready to watch the real drama.

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