The scene was already full, the curtain was shaking, and it looked like it was about to be pulled away. The voices around disappeared suddenly, and everyone was concentrated and ready to watch the performance.

There are too few entertainment programs now, the theaters are almost full, and I heard that this is a special performance that has been prepared for a long time, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Ye Shu's program was ranked very high, in third place.

When a song came down, the hall was full of applause. Many audience members were so excited that they stood up to applaud her, and some people called for another song.

The organizer and Ye Shu were both surprised. Ye Shu's song was not a new song, nor was it the first time he sang it, but it was the first time that the response was so strong.

But Ye Shu knew what the problem was. Her voice was indeed better than before, and she sang the song in a different way.

If I don't know when the suddenly changed voice can continue to be stable, wow, she's going to be on fire!

She has the money to buy a big house!

Her salary also has bonuses and subsidies according to the performance. Although it is not astronomical, it is also much more than the salary of ordinary people.

Ye Shu suddenly laughed, he really stayed with Hua Zhao for a long time, he was infected, and he was crazy about money and liked the house.

Ye Shu's smile was also bright and beautiful.

Ma Guoqing sat under the stage and froze.

His heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his chest. He stared at Ye Shu in a fluttering long skirt, and for the first time knew what a heartbeat was.


At the end of a performance, Zhang Guilan and Si Xiaozhi were satisfied. They had never seen such an audio-visual feast.

Hua Zhao was so sleepy that she was about to fall asleep, so she didn't talk about the feast, she just talked about audio-visual. She was separated from her by more than 50 years of aesthetics, and she couldn't find a channel even if she wanted to be nostalgic.

However, she has to admit that Ye Shu has a good voice, please please her more in the future, and give her a solo concert if she has nothing to do~

After the performance, Hua Zhao walked out of the theater with everyone, and when he was going home, he invited Ye Ming: "What are you busy with lately? I don't have time to see the children. Cuiwei will look at the door when she has nothing to do."

Really, but I don't know what Hua Zhao is looking at~

Ye Ming's heart ached when he said that, thinking about how Cuiwei looked at him eagerly, and immediately said, "It just happens that it's fine this afternoon, isn't it time to watch the show? Let's go back together."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wen Jing and wanted her to be together.

At this time, it is not good to let Wen Jing go home by himself.

In fact, he was not free this afternoon, so he deliberately set aside half a day to accompany Wen Jing.

Wen Jing was in a bad state recently, and started tossing herself hard again. He coaxed and coaxed, roared and roared, but it was useless.

This problem is a bit big, and he can't let it go. Seeing that the relationship between the two has been very tense recently, he wants to use "date" to ease it.

It's a pity that the effect was not great. Wen Jing didn't have the heart to watch the performance. He kept his head down the whole time, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Wen Jing lowered her head now, she was thinking about what Ye Ming said just now, "Let's go back together".

Let's go back together.

go back.

not to go!

Go to someone else's house, go back to your own home!

Are the two of them good enough to "go home together"? !

She lowered her head and said nothing, and Ye Ming took her as her acquiescence and dragged her along with Hua Zhao.

Zhou Lihua said strangely behind them: "Brother Ming is a child who really likes Hua Zhao. It's no wonder that he looks so much like himself, who doesn't like it?"

This sentence is not good, coupled with her tone, it makes people think crooked.

Hua Zhao is angry, the child looks like an uncle, is it normal? Because father and brother look alike!

She was just deliberately disgusting her!

Ye Ming also felt Wen Jing shaking as he was being pulled.

He knew that this was not meant for him, this kind of nonsense couldn't make him angry, she meant it to Wen Jing, and Wen Jing obviously listened.

This can't help but make him angry.

"Aunt San is right, who's child doesn't look like an uncle? If it doesn't, it's bad." Ye Ming turned around and approached Zhou Lihua and said, "I forgot to remind Aunt San, I heard that you put it that way back then. Qiu's family is gone? Didn't you leave Qiu Mei for a few more days?"

Zhou Lihua took a step back. Recently, she was in a bad mood and became impulsive. Wen Jing was a fool and was easy to provoke, but why did she forget that Ye Ming was by her side?

"Why should I keep her? Don't ask her in front of me in the future!" Zhou Lihua said angrily.

If Ye Ming "did not know" what happened that day, she would be angry with Ye Ming.

That's it, in fact, she didn't lose her anger. Hu who can cut off her son when she is married! Is her son that bad?

"Of course, stay for a few more days to see if she is pregnant, so that it can be dealt with in time. Otherwise, she will be your daughter-in-law again. When the wedding is held again, the faces of the third uncle and the third aunt will be even more unsightly." Ye Ming said softly.

Zhou Lihua's face froze again... Next time there is Ye Ming, she will stop talking!

However, she has to admit that Ye Ming's words are very reasonable, and the living example is right in front of her, and Hua Zhao has it once.

Before, she had secretly suspected that the child in Hua Zhao's belly was not Ye Shen's, and she thought about how to fan the flames.

But after the child was born, this suspicion was completely dispelled, and after he had grown like that, it was not Ye Shen's, or he was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

"Some women have a good fate, they will have it in one go." Zhou Lihua realized that something was wrong after she ran on a conditioned reflex, and quickly said, "She must not have such a good fate! But just in case, Ming brother, you have to send someone Go check it out!"

"This is a matter of the third aunt's family. It is better for the third aunt to check it out." Everyone was separated.

After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Lihua to answer, she dragged Wen Jing away.

Hua Zhao looked back at Zhou Lihua and smiled, her smile was very cold.

Zhou Lihua didn't realize it, but Ye Jia and Ye Li were about to die of worry, and her mother offended the uncle's family again!

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