Li Xiaojiang rushed out of the room, turned his head and left, vanishing like lightning.

The rest of the people in the yard were a little dumbfounded. They didn't hear the conversation between Li Xiaojiang and Hua Zhao in the room, and they didn't know what was going on.

"Don't be stunned, what to do, today's business continues." Xu Mei greeted.

The popcorn has been fried, why don't you sell it and keep it for yourself? This thing can't be put, and it will not taste good the next day when it is wet.

When Zhang Guilan was not around, she helped Zhang Luo.

"Oh." The people in the yard were happy when they heard that the business continued.

Everyone kept a good account, how many baskets and how many kilograms they received, and went away on a bicycle.

Li Xiaojiang went back to the village and went straight to his second uncle's house, dragged him to his own house.

The two live next door.

It stands to reason that Li Xiaojiang's family used to be workers and had a house in a large courtyard in the city, but now Li Xiaojiang's parents have retired, and the house in the city was given to the eldest son's family and several unmarried children to live with, so they moved out return.

Fortunately, this is Lijia Village, and his original house is still preserved.

The head of the Li family, Old Man Li, also lived with them.

"What's wrong?" Li Er complained while struggling: "Let go of my hand and I'll go! I'm your second uncle, what do you want to do as a junior!"

But Li Xiaojiang saw his guilty conscience.

In the room, Old Man Li and Li's father and Li's mother also looked over.

"Xiaojiang, let go! What does it look like!" Old Man Li scolded Li Xiaojiang.

The elders dislike the disobedience of the younger.

Li Xiaojiang let go and said angrily, "Grandpa, this business can't be done, my second uncle is looking for someone again!"

Old Man Li was taken aback for a moment, it turned out to be the case.

"Is he telling the truth?" he asked Li Er.

Li Er sorted out his clothes and snorted.

This is the admission.

"Grandpa, look at him! He wants to harm the whole family!" Li Xiaojiang said immediately.

"What did you say! No one can harm our family now!" Li Er said proudly.

Old man Li glared at him: "Shut up! Second child, you are not allowed to go to the factory in the future! This is spring!"

Li Xiaojiang was taken aback, what does the last sentence mean?

The melon seeds are not yet ripe, and the seeds have not yet fallen into the pocket.

"I don't plan to do anything, so I'll just go and get familiar with it." Li Er was a little reluctant.

When I get home, the more I think about Zhang Guilan, the better...

He hasn't had a wife for a long time, and once this idea is hooked up, he can't hold back.

"If you are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go!" Old Man Li patted the table and stared at him.

He still knew the seriousness. At this time, Hua Zhao was irritated. They led someone to pull up all his 100 acres of land.

That girl is very good, so I'll keep them in check. Last time I planted the 100 acres of land by myself, I didn't let them catch a single seed. They could only save the seeds when the seeds were ripe in summer.

Li Er reluctantly agreed: "If you don't go, you won't go."

Fortunately, they inquired before, this melon seed is well cultivated, it will mature in 80 days, and after 2 months, he can go to Zhang Guilan to shake it uprightly!

"Master, you can take care of him! People are angry with me today. If he goes to the factory gate to show people again, we will not do this business! And..." He turned to look at Li Er: "They And break the second uncle's leg!"

This is what he made up because he was afraid that the second uncle would not be obedient.

"He dares!" Old Man Li and Li Er were anxious.

Li Er was the most anxious: "Is there any more Wang Fa? I didn't do anything in broad daylight, how dare she hurt people?! It's the other way around!"

"It's just a hooligan, but what the hell? Have I told you how Zhang Guilan cleans up the rogue? Someone wanted to report her, but was grabbed and forced to question her. Someone wanted to trouble Zhang Guilan and was sentenced to 10 years! Zidu has been kicked out of the capital! What is there in our Li family?" Li Xiaojiang shouted.

Old Man Li and Li Er suddenly shrank.

Li Xiaojiang told them these things as anecdotes before. They didn't think anything at the time, but when he was substituted, it was very scary.

"We didn't get kicked out of the capital in the end, didn't you say you were going to work outside?" Li Er still didn't give up.

"Hmph, originally the work in the capital was good, but why is it gone? Going to work in the valleys of the Great Northern Wilderness, it's good? It's better to live in the prison, better?" Li Xiaojiang squinted at him.

Li Er was timid: "What the **** is her family doing, why is it so powerful?"

"A person from the countryside can come to the capital with his whole family and earn money every day. Do you think he is powerful?" Li Xiaojiang said, "As for why he is so powerful, we don't need to know."

"Forget it." Li Er turned his head and went out.

But at the same time of fear, what should I do?

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