Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 488: I'm going to ask him

"I found that Li Er is here again." Xu Mei said.

Li Er didn't report his real name last time, and said he was Li Si. But Li Xiaojiang still has a conscience, and he faltered and confessed when he came back the next day. The one who came yesterday was his unreliable second uncle.

Although Zhang Guilan was angry, she did not embarrass Li Xiaojiang for the sake of the other Li family members no longer appearing in the future.

"Here again? When?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yesterday." Xu Mei said, otherwise she wouldn't be able to come today. Two days ago, Ye Xing was going to get married and she wanted to treat guests here. She knew that the marriage suddenly ended, and she heard that the Ye family had split up. There must be something going on here, I didn't dare to gather here.

"What did he do?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I didn't do anything. I saw him at the gate of the factory. I sneaked in there and looked inside. When I saw me, I left immediately." Xu Mei said, "That's how I was worried."

If Li Er came to the door again and said some nonsense, it would be a big deal that they would kick him out. With Liu Qian and a few, she would not be afraid of ten Li Er.

But he can only peep into the house, which is terrible.

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking.

"I'm afraid he wants to do something when Aunt Zhang is alone!" Xu Mei worried.

She has seen a lot of bad things. How many women have been taken to their hospital for rescue? There are more people who are saved and those who cannot be saved every year.

Coupled with her character and experience, it is inevitable to think people in the worst.

Hua Zhao sees more than her...

"I know, otherwise I won't let my mother go there recently, and you don't run back and forth. If you can't, you will clean up a room in the factory as a dormitory. Those people you are looking for are unwilling to run back and forth, let's go together. Stay, there are many people without gossip, and it is safe." Hua Zhao said.

Xu Mei now has 10 people under her command. There are men and women, but there are not many women, but there are also 3 people. It is enough to find a companion. It wouldn't sound good if she was the only one.

"If you don't tell me, I'm about to tell you that 8 out of the 10 people want to live in the factory." Xu Mei said, "I'm about to clean up a few rooms."

Whether it was Xu Mei's own search, or Ye Ming's search for her, they were all poor... If they were not poor enough, who would dare to risk doing something "illegal" that would be shameful?

These people either live in the countryside, peasants, and are naturally poor, or they live in the city, but they are educated youths who have been sent to the countryside.

The factory is spacious and has rooms, so they can live there when they pack it up, and they can save money by selling an extra pound. Everyone is willing to do so.

Xu Mei was instructed by Hua Zhao, and also gave everyone a commission. In addition to the basic salary of 50 yuan per month, each person sold a pound for 5 cents.

With their current shipments, each person earns an extra two or three yuan a day, and the income is over 100 in a month, which is very impressive.

Wages still have to be higher, otherwise no one will do this "illegal" and humiliating job.

"Okay, you can choose a room to clean up, if you can't, you can also build a courtyard wall. I'll pay for the money, and safety first." Hua Zhao said.

"Where to use you, let's go out together." Xu Mei said.

Now she is still a small factory in the suburbs. It is far away from people, has basic foundations, and has many rooms. It is suitable for them to secretly sell some delicious food.

It's a pity that she found it through Li's family, otherwise she would call out Liu Qian and go after Li Er yesterday and beat him up.

"What if I see him later?" Xu Mei asked.

"If he goes again, let the first few Liu catch him and beat him up." Hua Zhao said, her mind was the same as Xu Mei.


That's not the end of it. The next day's performance was in the afternoon. Hua Zhao and Xu Mei went to the factory in the morning to see Li Xiaojiang.

Li Xiaojiang came to pick up the goods early in the morning, and was very surprised to see Hua Zhao. It was bad to see Hua Zhao's face that was talking and laughing, and he was so scared that his heart was raised.

"Sister, what's the matter?" When he was in a hurry, he forgot his age, and directly called Hua Zhao sister.

However, apart from her tender face, Hua Zhao's aura is not tender at all, especially when it comes to outsiders, Li Xiaojiang often ignores her age, and always has the illusion that she is much older than himself.

"Your second uncle came again yesterday. He peeped at the door and ran away when he saw anyone. What does he want to do? Do you want to do this business?" Hua Zhao said directly.

Li Xiaojiang blew up at that time, and today's goods are no longer pulled. He blushed and shouted thickly: "Wait, I'll go back and ask him!"

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