Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 468: good play begins

"What else can I do? Drive them away! They don't fall into the trap." Ye Shu quickly replied.

Hua Zhao looked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming didn't say anything.

"Brother, you won't be soft-hearted, do you still want to save face for them?" Ye Shu said anxiously.

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "How could that be? Big brother must be thinking about how to bite back. It's too cheap to let them go. They are just like Helan Lan. She won't give up unless she kills her mind. If it doesn't work, and next time, you can come here after marriage~"

The benefits may not be so great at that time, but Ye Ming is always more profitable than Ye Xing. And if she can give Ye Ming a son and a half daughter, maybe Ye Ming can marry her?

As for the reputation or something, it is not as important as the benefits.

If Qiu Mei was someone who cared about fame, she wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

Ye Ming looked up at Hua Zhao: "You're right."

"So what are you going to do?" Hua Zhao asked.

In fact, she couldn't think of what to do to be the most perfect, to be able to pick herself out cleanly, and to reveal the Qiu family's intentions.

As long as Ye Ming entered that room, the naked Qiu Mei could make him speechless.

And if he doesn't go in, he doesn't have any "intent" to reveal.

Ye Ming looked up and looked at the sky outside. They were really able to drink. They drank from noon to the afternoon, and it was almost evening.

"Go and prepare dinner, I'm going to drink with them until it gets dark." Ye Ming said coldly with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hua Zhao looked at this smile, goosebumps all over his body.

very scary......

I don't know what my brother is going to do.

Still, it's fun!

"Brother, you take this." She took out a thermos cup and handed it to Ye Ming: "I don't know what the medicine in the wine is. Those were all our guesses before. What if there is poison in If you can, don't drink it, if you can't drink it, take a sip of this."

Inside is a more concentrated golden liquid than before.

In case they all guessed wrong, Qiu Mei's eldest brother is not drugged but poisonous, and they can't find it when they cry.

"Thank you." Ye Ming smiled at her holding the thermos cup, and the smile was as warm as spring.

"Let's go!" Hua Zhao pulled Ye Shu, who was not at a loss yet, and went out.

Miao Lanzhi finally recovered, looked at Ye Ming, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

Ye Ming's smile was cold again: "Mom, do you allow this kind of person to slander me?"

"Of course not!" Miao Lanzhi said immediately.

If it wasn't for the children who had grown up with their own opinions and didn't need her to intervene, she would have been called out by now.

Ye Shu actually followed her.... He didn't have much heart and went straight.

"I also don't like this kind of person to be the daughter-in-law of the Ye family. Let her call me eldest brother. Like Zhou Lihua, one is enough." Ye Ming said.

As the eldest grandson and future head of the family, he has the responsibility to maintain the harmony of the Ye family, and with someone like Qiu Mei, the Ye family will not be at peace.

So, she must be kicked out!


When Hua Zhao went out, he said to the Qiu family's daughter-in-law that he was going to prepare dinner for them and leave another meal.

The Qiu family made it twice, and they did not refuse.

They also didn't expect that a meal would not be able to figure out Ye's name, there are so many of them!

This Ye Ming is too drinkable, but this is also an advantage, like their Qiu family.

It's really not that the family doesn't enter the house~

Mr. Qiu secretly said in his heart, this is God's will.

Ye Ming came out with a thermos cup and continued drinking with them.

Qiu Mei's eldest brother breathed a sigh of relief, took the wine bottle on his left and filled him with a glass.

Qiu Mei's second brother held another wine bottle in his hand and poured wine for the table full of people. Except for Ye Ming, he was served by the elder brother himself.

Ye Ming smiled and drank the wine glass as if he didn't notice anything.

As for whether or not he drank it in his mouth, only he knew.

He has specially practiced this action of drinking real and fake drinking, and he has also practiced the amount of alcohol since he was a child. Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem to fool Qiu's family.

Really unable to escape, he took a sip, and then immediately took a sip of water from the thermos.

When the food was served again, the sky was already dark, and Ye Ming was finally drunk. He fell on the table and couldn't wake anyone, snoring like thunder.

The Qiu family breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, everyone drank a lot. Everyone in the Qiu family had used the vomiting method many times, including Father Qiu and Father Qiu. Now the two of them are extremely uncomfortable.

If Ye Ming didn't fall, they would fall.

Qiu Mei's eldest brother and second brother are even worse. They are the main force. If they hadn't been holding on at one breath, trying to finish the matter, they would have fainted.

Even if he is not dizzy now, he will see a double image. Really drunk.

"I, I will send, you, go, rest." Qiu Mei's eldest brother said.

Said and dragged Ye Ming from the chair together with the second child.

In fact, if Ye Ming didn't stand up quietly, the two of them couldn't hold back at all, and it would be a good thing if they didn't fall.

The rest of the Qiu family sat and didn't move. This was all negotiated before, and it was not suitable for them to come forward.

Of course, Qiu Mei's three uncles actually didn't know anything. They came here today to simply drink and get drunk.

Only Qiu Mei's parents and brothers and two sisters-in-law knew the truth and plan.

Now Qiu Mei's eldest brother and second brother staggered and carried Ye Ming to the wing without anyone to help.

Ye Shu stood up and wanted to help, but Qiu Mei's sister-in-law immediately said, "Several old men, they are so stinky, maybe they need to be washed in a while, don't go, I'll go." She said and stood up.

Hua Zhao pulled her back: "My eldest brother is also a big man, and he loves cleanliness. He must wash up before going to bed. It's not appropriate for my sister-in-law to go.

"That's fine." Qiu Mei's sister-in-law said again and again hesitantly.

It's not easy for her to hold on any longer. People say so, and she insists on it as if she wants to look!

She is not as big of a heart as her sister-in-law, and all married men care about her. Although this leaf name looks really good.

"It's getting late, and several elders have drunk a lot today, or they will stay with me for the night, and leave tomorrow." Hua Zhao stayed guests.

Ye Ming's play hasn't finished yet, how can people leave?

Although she didn't discuss it with Ye Ming in advance, she knew how to cooperate.

A play without an audience is not good.

The Qiu family doesn't want to leave now, the good show hasn't started yet.

"Then I'll trouble you." The two daughters-in-law helped Hua Zhao to clean up the table, and now they're not ready, so they disturbed others in the past.

And Ye Ming was taken straight to Qiu Mei's door.

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