Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 467: What should we do now?

Hua Zhao walked out of the back room, holding a plate of fruit, and said, "I'll give it to Grandpa."

No one thought much, and praised her for her filial piety.

Hua Zhao left the front yard and went to the back yard.

Except for the kitchen, all the rooms in the front yard have their own owners. Miao Lanzhi, Ye Shu, and even Ye Ming occasionally come to live in special rooms.

The east and west wing rooms in the backyard were packed out and used as guest rooms.

Now Qiu Mei and Ye Xing live there.

But the two are in different rooms, but the rooms are next to each other.

Hua Zhao didn't go in either. He seemed to be walking unsteadily and supported the wall, so he could see the situation inside.

Ye Xing slept like a dead pig.

Qiu Mei really wasn't drunk. She was tossing and turning in the bed. Her eyes were as bright as light bulbs. She didn't know what she was thinking about.

Hua Zhao looked under the quilt again and found that she had taken off all her clothes...not even that one was left.

"Enough." Hua Zhao withdrew his hand and gave grandpa a fruit plate.

"Master, no matter what happens for a while, don't come out." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Qiang was taken aback: "What's going to happen?"

Today, Ye Maoye's family was staying with his in-laws, and he didn't go out to join in the fun.

Hua Zhao's face turned a little red, how can I say this...

They did the same thing at the beginning, and they were still complacent.... If you can't find out that others want to do the same thing, you should curse them shamelessly~

This is simply to allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps.

so awkward.

But really shameless.

Even if Hua Zhao wore it half a day early, he wouldn't do that.

"The Qiu family seems to be dissatisfied with Ye Xing and want to replace him." Hua Zhao didn't hide it, and told his grandfather the truth.

"Who to change?" Hua Qiang was still confused: "Is this what they want to change?"

Don't say that the Qiu family wants to change, just say that the identity is transferred, and the Ye family wants to marry the daughter of the Qiu family, but no one with a bit of temperament will agree.

It's humiliation, it's a slap in the face.

"Change the leaf name." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Qiang's eyes widened, and he couldn't understand. Ye Ming is not single, how to change?

"Qiu Mei is already drunk, and now Ye Ming is missing..." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh~~" Hua Qiang understood, it turned out that they played the remaining trick.

His old face also turned red.

"Cough, I'm not going out, so you can toss it." Since Hua Zhao had already guessed the other party's purpose, the other party would definitely not succeed, so he would just lie down at the window and watch the play.

Hua Zhao returned to the front yard and found that Ye Ming had coaxed Cuiwei to sleep...

Ye Ming is a good person, and he doesn't dislike this squeamish bag with the smell of alcohol.

"Cough, Qiu Mei is naked and pretending to be asleep." Hua Zhao said directly.

Miao Lanzhi almost dropped the cloud in her hand to the ground.

Ye Ming was surprised and embarrassed.

Ye Shu was a little unclear. So, she hadn't thought of what it had to do with them, but felt that it was inappropriate for Qiu Mei to do this: "Is it a guest at someone else's house, or in broad daylight, she, she took off?"

"Not one piece left." Hua Zhao nodded affirmatively.

Ye Shu blushed, thinking about that picture, it was too immoral!

"She wants to marry Ye Xing now?" Ye Shu exclaimed in a low voice.

Hua Zhao looked at her, this silly girl.

"Cough, I'm afraid she's not thinking..."

"Stop." Ye Ming didn't let her continue, and he felt uncomfortable when he said it.

How can there be such a woman!

Does she know what she is doing?

Ye Shu looked at Hua Zhao, then at Big Brother, and suddenly understood.

"My God...she's crazy? How can she guarantee success? What if it doesn't work?"

"If it doesn't work, it won't work, and she has nothing to lose." Hua Zhao said, "But if it does, she will be a member of the Ye family's current big house, and the wife of the Ye family's successor. The benefits are too great, and it's worth the risk. ."

"How could it be possible?!" Ye Shu still couldn't understand: "The eldest brother is drunk, and he is really with her, and it's just a simple 'lying together'! This is also a misunderstanding! The eldest brother also has a daughter-in-law! And She doesn't even want to marry Ye Xing again, right? The loss is too great!"

In her opinion, even if Qiu Mei succeeded, her eldest brother would never marry her, at most various apologies and compensations, and she also lost the qualification to become the Ye family's daughter-in-law, which was completely worth the loss.

"We know eldest brother's character and what he will do afterwards, but others don't know." Hua Zhao glanced at Ye Ming: "Elder brother's current situation, coupled with Qiu Mei's understanding of eldest sister-in-law, she may also Seeing it, I think the big brother can divorce and marry her."

Hua Zhao has seen too many dark sides of human nature, and she understands even the weirdest thoughts, she analyzed: "Besides, even if the eldest brother doesn't marry her, she may have the confidence to let Ye Xing continue to marry her. And this matter , must be the fault of the eldest brother, she is the victim, in the future, the eldest brother and Ye Xing will have to let her, and even our Ye family will have to let her."

Ye Shu gasped, but she already agreed with Hua Zhao's statement.

Ye Ming looked at Hua Zhao, she really didn't know how she grew up when she was a child, how could she think so badly of people and be so accurate...

His thinking is similar to Hua Zhao.

"Brother, what should I do now?" Hua Zhao asked.

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