When he got to the door and went up the steps, Ye Ming suddenly became unsteady and fell on the second child of the Qiu family.

The second child was hit against the wall and almost fainted.

Ye Ming fell back again and hit the boss.

The head of the eldest Qiu family was smashed against the wall, and he fainted all of a sudden.

Then Ye Ming quickly changed positions with him and put him in the middle.

The second child also climbed up from the wall at this time.

The sky was already dark, it was cloudy today, there were no stars or moon at night, and the lights in the yard were not turned on. It was good for him to be able to see where the house was and where the road was.

"Slow, slow down." Second Young Master Qiu said while supporting "Ye Ming".

Ye Ming didn't say anything.

He also felt that "Ye Ming" was really drunk, and his body was all on him.

Well it's just a few steps away.

The second child pushed open the door and swayed and dragged the man into the house.

There are "people" to help, naturally very smooth.

The layout of the wing is very simple, with a table and chairs, and a bed at the far end against the wall.

To match the style of the house, the bed is a simple step bed, that is, a bed with a frame around it and a drapery that can be put down to make a small space.

The "two brothers" of the Qiu family groped in the dark and helped "Ye Ming" to the bedside and threw it on top.

It was dark outside, and the room was even darker. The second child of the Qiu family couldn't see if there was anyone on the bed... This is very good, and the reason is even more sufficient.

He threw the person away, didn't say anything, and walked out quickly with the help of "Big Brother".

When he went out, he didn't go anywhere else, but directly dragged "Big Brother" to the next wing, climbed into the bed, and slept with Ye Xing in his arms.

Ye Xing didn't drink much, so he had to prevent him from waking up in the middle of the night and looking for Qiu Mei. Although this possibility is unlikely, but everything has to be considered, right?

Ye Ming was also lying on the bed.

At this moment, he has no reason to defend the Qiu family anymore, their purpose is already clear.

They knew very well who was sleeping in which room, either by mistake or on purpose.

He lay there and didn't get up, and for the rest of the scene, it was up to the Qiu family to act, but he changed from a leading actor to an audience member.

As for what kind of shocking drama the actor he replaced will play, it depends on how the Qiu family directs it.


The two daughters-in-law of the Qiu family diligently helped clear the table, but Hua Zhao had time to watch the play.

She put her hand on the wall and mentally came to Qiu Mei's room.

Qiu Mei is **** "Ye Ming".

Hands are shaking a little, but firm.

In a short while, "Ye Ming" was completely taken off.

Don't take it off, it's not a big misunderstanding~

She also sat up smeared, re-buttoned the clothes she had taken off, and then tore them apart, creating the illusion of being pulled.

"Tsk tsk tsk." Hua Zhao was speechless.

It's tough enough.

After that, Qiu Mei got into the quilt and lay down again, and carefully divided half of the quilt on her body and covered it with "Ye Ming".

Hua Zhao waited for a while, thinking it was over. Qiu Mei estimated that she was not as bold as her (the original owner), who dared to be stronger.

Probably don't want to either.

She had to leave a way out for herself, in case Ye Ming didn't succeed, and Ye Xing, so it was very important to be clean.

And not all men have the ability after drinking~

Don't say that Qiu Mei's eldest brother was knocked unconscious, he is not dizzy, so drunk he probably won't be able to do anything~

Just as Hua Zhao was about to withdraw his hand, he saw Qiu Mei move.

"Huh?" Hua Zhao's eyes widened, what did she really want to do?

Qiu Mei did it, but it wasn't too much... She just dragged "Ye Ming" over and put his hand on her.

She leaned in "Ye Ming"'s arms and waited for a long time. Seeing that he didn't respond, she had to give up.

If she can win the bid overnight like Hua Zhao, she won't have to think about any way back, Ye Ming will definitely be responsible for her!

Unfortunately, "Ye Ming" was drunk and did not cooperate.

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