Reba thought to herself that this was not her home, and it was not convenient for others to come here.

“I’ll go find you, you name a place.”

Yang Mi: “Don’t, haven’t you put on makeup?” When you’re done, I’ll run out of time. Send a location, I’ll talk to you for a while and I’m leaving. ”

Reba is in a dilemma.

Chu Feng saw through her thoughts: “It’s okay if your friend wants to come, I’ll be busy for a while, you look at the child for a while.” ”

After saying that, his phone rang too.

Today, the design company will come over with the final schematic drawings to finalize it.

Chu Feng took his mobile phone and went to pick it up.

Reba felt that drinking tea was not bad, and did not bother Chu Feng to stay at Jack Ma’s house to drink tea and talk about the project.

She led the children, and Keke and them back to the next door.

Jackma also asked his nanny to go to Chu Feng’s house to help with cleaning and folding quilts.

Anyway, when Chu Feng is not here, these servants will also tidy up and clean to keep it clean.

Yang Mi is a native of Beijing, and she is familiar with Houhai, but she usually doesn’t come to this mysterious courtyard area often.

Many of the private properties here do not allow random people to wander around and take pictures.

As a result, she also searched for a long time to find the entrance to the basement like Reba and the others.

Then he found the elevator of Chu Feng’s house from the basement and entered the courtyard.

Then, like Keke, the group of her assistants were amazed that they had never seen such a large private courtyard house!

Still in the second ring!

“Which friend of yours is so rich? How do I not recognize? Yang Mi came in and looked at the house, and sighed that there is still a difference between being rich and being rich.

There is a difference between this hard asset and your worth.

Like self-media marketing, what does she Boss Yang worth 5 billion!

Just listen to it.

Wasn’t Fan Ye also known as a wealthy family before?

The result?

The 800 million debt problem was so embarrassed.

Yang Mi was blown to have a value of 5 billion, and Jiaxing stocks were very valuable at that time, and she was also at the peak of her career.

And she didn’t cash out at the highest point, which led to the later period when she realized the equity of Jiaxing, she sold hundreds of millions of dollars and left the market.

Her wealth is only a dozen small goals.

And that’s just the total value of all the properties and cars in her name, as well as the total value of the assets invested.

It may not add up to this house!

Just a few years ago, the transaction price was 1.5 billion.

Now 2 billion is the bottom, not counting the interior decoration and courtyard design costs.

The owner who can afford this kind of house does not depend on how much you are worth.

It also depends on your taxes on the country, otherwise you really can’t buy the courtyard houses in the area of the Second Ring Road.

Even if you have tens of billions of dollars and can afford to buy this house, the procedures will not be approved for you!

“You really haven’t seen him.” Reba said: “He’s not an insider. ”

Yang Mi: “Male or female? ”

Reba’s expression was unnatural: “Man.” ”

Yang Mi glared: “Reba, you are out of breath, you still know such a high-quality opposite sex behind your back?” ”

Then, she saw Xiaoyu feeding the fish in the fish pond.

“Damn, does he know your relationship with Xiaoyu?” Yang Mi mistakenly thought that this opposite sex must be interesting to Reba: “He can accept this?” ”

Reba looked at her daughter and sprinkled fertilizer on the fish there, as if she had fed the fish to death, and Chu Feng didn’t blame her for her domineering appearance.

Said helplessly: “Look at Xiaoyu is more like the owner of this house than me, don’t you see that the owner of this house is Xiaoyu’s father?” ”

Sister Mi is usually very smart, I take my daughter’s team and can live in the house of a friend of the opposite sex casually?

“What!” Yang Mi’s pupils dilated: “Is it the man who slept with people in a daze when you first debuted?” ”

“Ahem.” Reba coughed lightly.

Yang Mi lowered her voice and leaned over: “Where is the person?” Is it handsome or not? ”

“Handsome!” Reba nodded, this is Chu Feng’s plus, and he can get it.

Yang Mi: “How handsome?” Compared with the circle, which star is close to? ”

Reba: “I can’t say it, but it’s definitely not the handsome kind of fresh meat, the kind of calm and introverted masculinity!” It just happens to be my dish, I think it’s handsome anyway! ”

Yang Mi: “I don’t believe it! Can you be so rich and so handsome? What about people? Take me to meet me. ”

“I was strange yesterday, you usually stay in a hotel, and suddenly ran to the second ring road, fortunately I came over and caught it, otherwise when are you going to hide people?”

Reba: “He’s at Mr. Ma’s house opposite. ”

“Mr. Ma?” Yang Mi: “Which Mr. Ma?” ”

Reba: “Ahri Jackma, his house is next door. ”

“Okay, Reba’.!” Yang Mi had a feeling that she hadn’t seen each other for a few days, and after looking at Reba, she sighed: “I said why did Ren Jia get in, it turns out that your husband has such a background?” ”

“I can’t tell him right now.” Reba was a little unconfident: “Except that he is Xiaoyu’s father and I am Xiaoyu’s mother, there seems to be no other relationship.” ”

Yang Mi: “Blow you, if he doesn’t care about you, he will stop after getting Ren Jia in!” And I won’t eat the company in one fell swoop! I’ve heard from my old colleagues in the company, and now the boss of the company is polite to you, I’m afraid it’s your man’s puppet, right? ”

Reba didn’t know what to say, so she could only smile.

“Reba, listen to my advice.” Yang Mi looked at her with emotion and said, “Don’t learn from me, I gave up my children and family for money and chose my career.” Now that you’ve seen it, it’s hard for me to see children. ”

“Although I haven’t seen what your man looks like, if I want me to say, he has this condition, don’t pick it, otherwise with the background of our profession in the entertainment industry, you can’t meet someone with better conditions.”

Marrying a wealthy family?

How many children of wealthy families are willing to marry women in the entertainment industry?

People are just playing, and after taking what they need, they will eventually find the right one.

“I know.” Reba is also very grateful to have met Chu Feng in his life: “When I came to see him this time, I actually tried to understand what kind of person he is.” ”

Yang Mi: “You should thank your daughter, she is the one who makes you have such an excellent man.” ”

Reba said beautifully: “Isn’t it that he got a beautiful wife cheaply?” Hahaha. ”

It’s chubby!

At this time, someone rang the doorbell in the elevator of the underground garage, and then Zhang Bin’s face was revealed in the camera.

They are in the basement.

The elevator must be used by swiping a card.

After Reba passed remotely, they came up in the elevator.

Zhang Bin took the designer team and greeted Reba first: “Sister-in-law, I’ll show my brother the drawings.” ”

Reba: “He’s at Mr. Ma’s house next door. ”

Zhang Bin: “Okay. ”

“Uncle Zhang.” Chu Xiaoyu suddenly rushed over, ready to sneak attack and jump on Zhang Bin’s back.

Zhang Bin hugged her with a smile: “Oh, I haven’t seen her for two days, Xiaoyu is beautiful again!” ”

Xiaoyu giggled from ear to ear.

After getting out of Zhang Bin’s arms, he walked in front: “I’ll take you to find Dad.” ”

She is also familiar with Uncle Ma’s family.

“You see, since she was sent to her father’s side, this girl can’t even take care of me.” Reba looked at her daughter like that, shook her head and smiled bitterly.

Yang Mi is also the one who hugged Xiaoyu and smiled.

“I heard that Xirui and Zhang Binbin want to go back to the company?” Yang Mi and Reba sat down in the gazebo, and she asked curiously.

Reba nodded: “The enemy is gone, and they also miss their old friends, so they want to come back.” ”

Yang Mi teased: “I think the share has increased, do you want to come back?” ”

Reba chuckled and didn’t break it.

Although these two set up a studio, they had no resources to support the entire team.

It’s a little bit unbearable.

At this time, the company’s division has changed, and it is understandable to want to come back, after all, it is good to enjoy the shade with your back against the tree.

The two talked for a long time.

Chu Feng came back with Xiaoyu.

The blueprints over there are also optimistic, and the things about the club are almost talked.

The father and daughter laughed and came in through the side door of the courtyard.

Yang Mi heard the man’s hearty laughter and looked up.

I was stunned when I looked at it directly.

It’s not that Chu Feng is so handsome.

But you try to fantasize about it.

Just having wealth, Wang Si, who already has 80/80 of the female mate selection rights in the country, is rare in the country!

[ Read more novels by visiting our website: Knight Novels ]

That person not only has the wealth of Wang Shi, is younger than him, but also has a manly and handsome face like Yanzu, then he is not rare, but almost extinct!

But I even let Reba pick it up!

Moreover, the other party’s age is impartial and one year older than her! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Yang Mi didn’t even know how to describe Reba’s luck this minute!

“Did you save the galaxy in your last life?” Yang Mi was envious.

In fact, many women often meet the right person at the right time.

Thus missing.

Reba can now say that he met the most suitable man at the right time!

“Reba, you believe me, if you can’t grasp this man, you will regret it for life.” Yang Mi sighed.

Chu Feng walked over here with a light rain.

There are guests there, and it’s not good for him, the host, not to say hello.

“Hello, my name is Chu Feng.”

Yang Mi: “My name is Yang Mi. ”

“I know, I’ve seen your show.” After Chu Feng shook hands with her, he said with a smile: “Thank you for taking care of our family Reba all these years.” ”

Our family Reba!

Behind him, Keke and his agent Xiaoqi snickered.

Yang Mi glanced at Reba with a smile, and the latter blushed.

“I’m serious.” Chu Feng said sincerely: “Without you, maybe she would suffer from some unspoken rules, so if Miss Yang needs help in the future, I will definitely help.” ”

Yang Mi: “You’re polite, I’ve always treated Reba as a sister, and if you kick Ren Jia out of the company, you can be regarded as taking a breath for me.” ”

“Who is Ren Jia?” Chu Feng was surprised, he had never heard of this name.


Yang Mi laughed out loud, and also understood that a big man of Chu Feng’s level might deal with someone like Ren Jia, and he didn’t need to know who the other party was.

This is the sadness of the little people in front of the big people.

Maybe he just sneezed and the dust around him would be gone!

And they are dust.

“Okay, I still have something to do, so I won’t bother you.” Yang Mi felt that this trip was worth it.

met the man behind Reba who was curious to know in the entertainment industry.

also got a favor from the other party.,Although I don’t know how much energy this favor has.。

But there will be a place for it in the end, right?

No loss.

After Yang Mi was sent to the garage by Reba with satisfaction, the two hugged each other: “I’m waiting to eat your favorite wine.” ”

Reba’s face turned red again: “I’ll fight for it.” ”

“It’s not a fight!” Yang Mi encouraged her: “Yes, for sure! Anyway, Xiaoyu’s father, I only recognize the surname Chu, you CP, I swallowed. ”

Reba rolled her eyes: “Come again, those CPs above who can’t wait to hide under my bed every day and snort the two of us.” ”

Yang Mi smiled and left.

Reba returned to it and saw that Chu Xiaoyu was playing games there with his father’s mobile phone again.

“Xiaoyu, are you using your father’s money to charge the game again? Take your phone to your mom. ”

Xiaoyu stuck out her tongue and handed the phone to her mother.

When Reba quits the game, she sees her oversized screensaver photo.

Remembering that day Chu Feng’s friend said that there was her own number in the phone book, she flipped through it.

Sure enough, I saw the number of my wife’s two words and clicked on the details.

The specific number is really your own phone.

Xiaoyu didn’t know what her mother was laughing sweetly at with her father’s mobile phone.

If she told Reba that the screensaver and phone were all leaky padded jackets, I wonder if Reba would turn into a fat Di convulsion.

Chu Feng just went back to the room and changed his pajamas.

After walking back, Xiaoyu may have also seen Dad’s mobile phone screensaver, so his heart moved: “Mom and Dad, let’s take a group photo, I also want to get a mobile phone screensaver.” ”

She also has a mobile phone at school.

“Yes.” Of course, Chu Feng would not refuse, and hugged his daughter: “Say it to Dad, how do you want to shoot?” ”

Xiaoyu pursed her lips and thought for a while: “Well, I want to take a photo of my parents kissing me, so that I can see you when I miss my parents at school.” ”

Reba coughed lightly, a little arrogant: “Xiaoyu, what did my mother tell you?” What if the people in your school see and know that your mother is Dilireba? ”

“No, don’t worry, Mom.” Xiao Yu said rhetorically: “The classmates in our school only know Ultraman. ”

Aristocratic schools are also divided into regions.

Elementary school is elementary school, junior high school is junior high school, not together.

The campuses are separated.

Reba’s face was embarrassed.

The key child, her father, was actually laughing there.

“Okay, Mom.” Xiaoyu coquettish tactics.

Reba was pulled onto the couch by her.

Chu Feng sat on one side, Xiaoyu in the middle, holding his mobile phone, taking a selfie with the family.

The two parents looked left and right, measured their faces towards Xiaoyu, and made a gesture of kissing their daughter’s cheek.

While Xiaoyu was sorting out the camera lens, Reba peeked at Chu Feng, who was close at hand.

“Mom, why are you red?” Xiao Yu, who looked at the selfie lens of her mobile phone, asked so much.

Reba: “Hurry up. ”

Xiaoyu: “I’ll shout three-two-one, and then you two want to kiss me, I know, you have to close your eyes.” ”

Reba: “I know, I know, my mother has taken so many magazine covers, do you need to teach a little girl?” ”

Xiaoyu: “Where’s Dad?” ”

Chu Feng: “Dad, it’s no problem.” ”

Light rain hehe.

Then, the selfie action with your phone is ready and the camera is in place.


“Two!” The two adults subconsciously closed their eyes.

When the daughter shouted one, she kissed Xiaoyu on the cheek.

In the midst of the lightning, Xiaoyu jumped down from the chair violently.

Then, Reba felt that she had kissed a piece of softness and gentleness.

When she opened her eyes, Chu Feng also opened her eyes.

Then, look at each other.

Where is there a daughter in the middle?

However, at this moment, the two seemed to have been forbidden by time all over the world.


Chu Xiaoyu, who couldn’t set the flash, pressed the shutter button for taking pictures, and the light flashed Chu Feng and Reba back to their senses.

Then, a woman’s angry voice erupted in the living room:

“Chu Xiaoyu! That’s what you learned when you go to school, right? Don’t run! Stop! ”

A little guy ran out frantically with his mobile phone, and Reba chased after him with his skirt and crystal-colored slippers in his hand.

Chu Xiaoyu saw that she was about to be caught up by her mother, so she hurriedly ran to Uncle Ma’s house.

Reba had no choice but to give up.

In the alley, she panted and put down her slippers and put them on.

Then, subconsciously touched his lips with his hand.

My mind immediately flashed to the picture just now.

In an instant, she blushed and smiled, and turned back to the courtyard.

Passing by the fish pond, he found that the belly of the fish was turned up, and Reba shouted at Chu Feng: “Is this fish expensive?” ”

Chu Feng came out of the living room and replied, “I don’t know, Zhang Bin, they bought it and gave it to me, and the things they sent shouldn’t be cheap.” ”

At this time, the agent replied: “It’s all Arowana, one is more than 150,000, and the 400,000 of those albino are cold.” ”

“Chu Xiaoyu!” Reba immediately picked up his slippers and stood there shouting to Jack Ma’s house, “If you have the ability, don’t let me go home tonight!” ”

Good fellow, the fish in this fish pond were tossed to death by her.

According to Xiaoqi’s price, the absolute loss is millions!

Then, across the walled courtyard, Xiaoyu’s weak voice floated over: “Mom, you are so fierce, Dad doesn’t like it.” ”

Reba: “…”.

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