Reba didn’t even know how she drove back.

When she got to the garage, she just wanted to run away.

Chu Feng shouted to her: “Don’t you help me?” ”

Don’t help!

This is Reba’s first reaction!

But looking at Chu Feng, it seemed that there was really no way to go, Reba couldn’t bear it, and she still turned around when she had already walked to the elevator.

put Chu Feng’s arm on his shoulder, and then put one hand around Chu Feng’s waist.

Because this can best support each other.

It’s just that after entering the elevator, Reba saw Chu Feng smiling from the elevator mirror, and instantly she pushed this guy away.

“Interesting?” Reba kept the farthest distance from him, and both of them leaned against each other in the corner of the elevator wall: “A big man calculates that I am a woman? You’re not drunk at all, pretending to be something! ”

She was fooled.

It feels like Chu Feng is tricking her.

I only blame myself for being soft-hearted.

Chu Feng smiled: “I didn’t calculate, I just pretended to be drunk with them, not you, neither I nor they expected you to come.” ”

He explained: “If you are not drunk, who will invite you to drink next time?” You have to get someone else’s efforts in return. ”

Reba blushed.

What does this latter sentence mean?

Read between the lines?

Are you dotting me?

Didn’t I respond to pick you up?

Reba: “How do you have my phone?” ”

After asking, she felt that she had nothing to say?

It must be the leaky padded jacket that sells the mother!

Chu Feng was really stunned.

yes, how can he have Reba’s phone in his phone?

Just when he didn’t know what to say, fortunately, the elevator opened quickly.

The two arrived at the pavement in the courtyard.

Reba didn’t say anything, and trotted over to her daughter’s room like a gust of wind.

Chu Feng looked at her back and chuckled.

Tonight, he was really surprised that this woman would pick him up.

How can he, who can break down alcohol, get drunk?

It is indeed loaded.

But at the beginning, it was just pretending to be Zhang Bin and them.

Just like Chu Feng said, people invite you warmly, if you don’t get drunk and don’t have fun, they will also be disappointed.

Therefore, when Chu Feng drank about the same, the wine in the back was broken down by him and discharged to the toilet.

Reba found out that this man actually followed him to the same room?

She stood at the door of the room, turned around and glared: “Four wings, ten rooms, don’t you have nowhere to sleep?” ”

Chu Feng was stunned: “But only these few rooms are covered with futons, 26 you occupy it, where do I sleep?” ”

Reba was not angry: “Sleep in the hotel.” ”

Chu Feng: “Didn’t you listen to them?” I’m not used to spending the night outside, especially in a hotel, and that kind of thing happens once is enough. ”

Rebana’s face was as white as the red lanterns on the corridor, shining as white as the moonlight.


At this time, Xiaoyu, who woke up, sat up straight from the bed, rubbed her eyes, and saw that it was Chu Feng who came back, so she immediately jumped out of bed and threw herself into Chu Feng’s waist with bare feet.

“You’re back.”

Although she is more than 6 years old and has grown taller, it does not affect Chu Feng to pick up her daughter, afraid that she will be barefoot.

put her daughter on the mattress, this girl didn’t know what to be happy about, and looked forward to the day when it finally came true.

I saw Mom and Dad in this cozy room.

“There’s cold air blowing in, so cover yourself with a quilt.” Chu Feng urged the child to sleep well.

After saying that, he didn’t tease Reba anymore.

Get up and go.

“Dad, where are you going?” Xiaoyu grabbed the corner of her father’s clothes and asked curiously.

Chu Feng glanced at Reba, who was taking off his coat and preparing to change into pajamas, and coughed lightly: “Dad went to sleep in another room.” ”

“Nope.” Xiaoyu stopped drying, shaking the corners of Chu Feng’s clothes: “I want to sleep with my parents.” ”

Reba, who had his back to the father and daughter, immediately restrained his unnatural expression, turned his head to his daughter and said, “Dad has drunk wine and has a smell on his body.” ”

“It’s okay.” Xiaoyu shook her head, didn’t care, looked at her mother and said, “Mom, you don’t know that usually Dad sleeps alone, it’s very pitiful.” ”

Reba was speechless.

took out a towel from the closet and threw it to Chu Feng: “Take a shower!” ”

After Chu Feng took the towel, he smiled and went to take a shower.

When he came out, he saw that Reba had already changed his clothes.

A bed was specially vacated for him.

In the middle was a light rain, and Reba leaned on the right, turned his back, and pretended to be asleep.

After Chu Feng lay down, the little girl drilled into his arms.

Then he turned around and hugged his mother.

How comfortable how to come.

Reba didn’t move the whole time.

As soon as the lights are turned off, the moonlight enters.

Only Reba herself could hear her own heartbeat.

The next day.

Keke yawns, ready to come over and wake up Reba.

Although there was no announcement today, she was used to it and came over to see if Reba had woken up as soon as possible.

As a result, the door opened.

Eyes widened.

After a long half ring.


She jerked her leg and ran.

Because there were three people sleeping inside!

There’s also a man!

Xiaoyu has woken up and is playing Dad’s mobile game among Mom and Dad.

Only two adults didn’t seem to have slept well last night and were catching up on sleep.

Keke’s movement woke Chu Feng up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the prompt:

[You have successfully hung up at sea for 10 days, congratulations on increasing your ocean intimacy by 1%!] At present, 45% of the power of the sea god has been inherited! 】

[Congratulations, unlock a new ability: bestow and take away the aquatic power of others.] 】

[Aquatic Power: Those who are blessed by you will gain the ability to live and die when exposed to water (Note: This ability can disappear with natural death or deprivation by you)]

[Blessing method: Put your dragon blood in water and give it to the other party. 】

Originally, Chu Feng still wanted to sleep, but after seeing this new skill, he woke up instantly.

After studying for a while, he saw that Reba, who was sleeping quietly and beautifully next to him, was facing him at the moment.

Chu Feng chuckled, supported his head with one hand, and looked at Reba lying on his side.

Reba’s delicate facial features are beautiful.

The eyelashes, in particular, are very long and long.

This point, Xiaoyu inherited perfectly.

In two or three years, when Xiaoyu is eight or nine years old, she will definitely be as slim as her mother.

Reba didn’t know if she was dreaming.

I’m still used to sleeping with my daughter in my arms.

With one hand, you can usually hug your daughter.

But today, Xiaoyu, who had slept well, had already gotten out of bed with her mobile phone, shaking her little feet and playing games at the foot of the bed.

Reba’s hand fluttered, the person didn’t wake up, and his hand habitually seemed to be looking for his daughter.

Chu Feng simply moved over.

After Reba’s slender and white arms hugged Chu Feng’s waist, he continued to sleep contentedly.

Chu Feng could see her delicate and smooth face up close at this moment.

And a hint of aroma.

Just like she did seven years ago, she still loved the fragrance from the beginning.

I don’t know if it’s a woman’s sixth sense attack.

Reba opened her eyes slightly in a daze, and saw that the sunlight was blocked by a wide shoulder, providing her with good shade.

But at the same time, she also saw a handsome face looking at him with a smile.

In that look, there is tenderness and doting.

And also!

Her arms are actually wrapped around each other’s waists!

As an actor, the more times like this, the more she must show her professionalism.

Reba naturally closed her eyes and pretended that she was still sleeping, but she opened them in a daze and didn’t see anything.

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Then, she smashed her pink lips, pretended to turn over, and turned her back to continue sleeping.

The acting is very natural throughout the process.

But her flushed pink neck had betrayed her calm heart.

Chu Feng saw that she still wanted to sleep, so he naturally lifted the futon and covered her from behind.

At that moment, Reba’s body trembled. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

When Chu Feng got up to change into formal clothes, Reba, who was biting the sheets, relaxed.

Oh, my God!

Didn’t I just put my arms around my daughter?

How did it become him?

Reba secretly passed through the gap in the quilt and looked at Chu Feng, who was changing clothes.

The wide back, and the muscular lines of the acquaintance.

It’s not the kind of abrupt muscles that come out of fitness, it’s very natural to exercise.

Chu Feng took his daughter to wash.

When he met Keke at the door, he also greeted Chu Feng: “Hello brother-in-law.” ”

Then, Keke rushed in.

lifted the quilt: “Sister Fat Di, don’t pretend, get up.” ”

Sure enough, black powder knows yourself better than you do.

“Didn’t you say he wasn’t coming back? Why did they all sleep together? Keke excitedly ignited the gossip heart.

Soon, the agent also ran in.

may have seen Chu Feng go out of this room outside, and there was a kind of appearance that after the emperor ran away, they came over to eat melons.

Reba explained: “Nothing, through the light rain. ”

Keke: “Didn’t you talk to each other?” ”

Reba: “What are you talking about?” ”

Agent: “Of course, it’s about the past, and about the future.” ”

Reba: “The child is here, how can you talk?” ”

Saying that, she didn’t want to sleep either, so she simply got up and went to change her pajamas.

Not long after, after Chu Feng helped his daughter wash her face, he came over and called them: “Let’s go, let’s eat early together.” ”

Keke’s three assistants and agent were a little reserved: “Where are you going to eat, brother-in-law.” ”

Reba whitened these people.

It’s natural, isn’t it?

Chu Feng: “I also came to live in this house temporarily, I didn’t hire a nanny, we can only go to Lao Ma’s house opposite to eat first, he has complete staff there, and the breakfast is also very rich.” ”

“Yes, yes!”

Several women were excited.

Daddy Ma, they also want to meet.

I want to visit the big guy’s house.

Having breakfast with the big guy makes them feel even more honored.

Reba: “You take Xiaoyu with you, let’s order takeout.” ”

The main thing is that I don’t know it well.

Chu Feng: “Go, we will all be neighbors in the future, and people like you will say that they don’t fit in.” ”

Keke and the agent looked at each other.

Stars in both eyes.

Look at people, they can talk a lot.

Reba was worried that he was not familiar with Ma’s father, because she and Chu Feng were not famous except for their daughter’s relationship, and they were indeed not suitable to rub into other people’s circles.

No, Chu Feng gave her a name on the spot.

What this means is that Reba will also be a part of this place and a neighbor in the future!

Reba’s face flushed, and her daughter Xiaoyu couldn’t help but trot over and take her hand, and left the door from the side door just opposite Jack Ma’s house.

After Subconsciously putting on a mask, Reba quickly crossed the alley less than 2 meters and followed into Jack Ma’s house.

Compared with the structure that still needs a lot of renovation and renovation on Chu Feng’s side, Jack Ma’s house is more magnificent.

There’s no way, Chu Feng has just taken over from the former richest man Xu Jiayin, and he is almost exhausted over there, how can he have the money to continue to decorate here?

“Here we are.” Jack Ma didn’t expect Chu Feng to come for breakfast.

Usually in Jiukentang, he goes to rub it.

At this time, the president not only came, but also brought the whole family.

Seeing his wife and children for the first time, Jackma was very happy.

Immediately motioned to the kitchen to make a good breakfast.

Keke and his agent are only interested in visiting the local tyrant’s house.

Then take a few selfies.

After eating breakfast.

Jack Ma took the initiative to make tea, and looked at Reba with a smile and said, “After seeing that Chairman You, you acquired Jiaxing Company, I discussed it with Zhang Yiming and Brother Xiaoma, and they all greeted their own corporate departments and helped promote Mrs. Madame’s video marketing.” ”

Keke and the agent politely sat on the side with the teacup in their hands, and drank it very stiffly.

For the two of them, it is very satisfying to be able to come in here to visit, and to drink the tea made by Ma’s father himself, and to watch him brag so closely.

Hearing Jack Ma’s words, the two of them suddenly realized why Sister Fat Di’s momentum has been a bit huge recently.

Because their studio hasn’t bought any marketing recently.

It turned out that the bigwigs were named behind their backs.

At the same time, the two of them were secretly shocked by the strength of the wind.

Jack Ma called him president?

It seems that a certain Yin Zhang and Brother Penguin Pony also give Chu Feng face?

Reba touched Jack Ma’s cup with a teacup: “Then thank you, Mr. Ma.” ”

“Madame is gracious.” Jack Ma was flattered and carried the cup: “If you need anything in the future or encounter trouble, you can call me.” ”

Maybe capital is like a superior for artists and stars, Reba has debuted for more than ten years, and this impression is deep-rooted.

So much so that she will subconsciously be very polite to the rich.

But this kind of politeness will make Jackma and the rest of the rich people very burdened and stressed.

Because you are the president’s wife, you shouldn’t have 327 so humble.

If you want to change her, you must take the rhythm with Chu Feng.

“In the future, if you have any problems in the circle, what resources do you need, or which program group or awards party you want to go to, you can call him and ask him, don’t be afraid, and don’t be polite.”

Chu Feng said to Reba.

Jackma nodded in agreement: “Yes, like Penguin, Ahri, and any program or awards party held by a certain sound, or even TV series and movie books, Madam, if you are interested, just tell me directly, and I will help you say hello.” ”

“Or, I’ll call you, this is Brother Xiaoma’s, this is Zhang Yiming’s, and this, it’s Wang’s target, oh, by the way, Mr. Cao’s is also there.”

Jackma took out his mobile phone and motioned for Reba to save his number.

Who doesn’t want a personal phone call from these bigwigs? Reba also thought about it, but she still glanced at Chu Feng and asked for his opinion.

Chu Feng nodded: “You can save it, just call them directly if there is anything, if they ask you, you just say report your name.” ”

By the way, Chu Feng looked at Jack Ma and said, “You tell them, don’t turn around and call here, I think the unfamiliar number won’t be answered.” ”

Jackma nodded.

Keke and the agent on the side were in a state of complete shock.

At the time of this breakfast, I got the phone calls of so many top rich tycoons?

And the amount of information that comes out of this breakfast is a bit large.

Feel that Jackma’s attitude towards Chu Feng is a bit like the kind of déjà vu that subordinates have for leaders?

Jack Ma took the initiative to curry favor with Reba, and it was obvious that he was ingratiating himself with Reba.

The main thing is!

What Chu Feng said to Reba.

Penguin, Ahri, and Mouyin, the resources of the three top traffic groups in China, you can choose at will, and ask at will!

This resource is against the sky.

In the current internal entertainment, you can be promoted to the front line by taking refuge in a penguin film and television, not to mention the three major resources you can choose.

With these three intricately formed alliance resources, who is still your opponent in internal entertainment?

In other circles of the industry, Keke and the agent don’t understand.

But they know the entertainment industry!

I know that if you have the connections of these three resource circles in your hands, you really can do whatever you want!

Keke drank her tea and felt her spine straighten up behind her.

Even more excited than her is the agent Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi is a newcomer who does not have any resources in the entertainment industry.

At Reba’s level, it is impossible for her to find the kind of agent who has the conditions to share the resources to share the money.

Although Xiao Qi followed Reba, although there was no share to take, she could refine her ability and expand her own circle of relationships.

And she now has two newcomers to the company in her hands.

If she can continue to follow Reba closely, as long as she is attached to the title of Reba’s agent, others who don’t look at the monk’s face and look at the Buddha’s face will take care of her!

When the time comes, she can push the newcomer in her hand up!

The newcomer is up, and she has 3 ingredients!

And with Reba’s backer, she can continue to dig more newcomers to sign in the later stage!

At this time, Reba’s phone rang.

Yang Mi called.

“Are you still with your Houhai friends? I’m coming to you. “。

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