Every child has their own age group.

Xiaoyu happens to be at this time, which is the performance of a child’s heart to spend the childhood without burden.

As for those fish?

Chu Feng didn’t care, he waved his hand lightly.

The next day, the million-dollar Arowana came back to life.

After Reba rested for a day, the team continued to catch up with the announcement.

After all, I went to Ala to shoot the show for more than a month, and many of the shoots with regular endorsements were lost.

It is not a one-time thing to shoot an advertisement.

As long as the product you endorse has a new quarterly model, you have to update and shoot new product advertisements.

And Reba has been saving several advertisements for more than a month.

On the road, inside the RV.

Reba pretended to play with her phone and secretly looked at a photo.

It was Xiaoyu who gave her two photos of kissing each other yesterday.

Xiaoyu asked for a photo of her parents kissing her cheek, and the two retook the supply of the little girl as a screensaver.

And this one is a bit too dangerous, Reba said that it must be deleted from Xiaoyu’s phone.

In fact, she secretly used her daughter’s prestige to send it to herself.

It’s still a high-definition basemap, which she saved.

If you want to say what she has gained from this day and two nights?

Maybe that’s all there is to it.

“Sister Fat Di, na, your latest gossip news is out.”

Keke handed over the phone with her phone.

Reba lifted her eyes to look.

Reba stays overnight in the mysterious Houhai in the Beijing circle!

Reba is suspected of having real estate in the mysterious Houhai in the Beijing circle!

Same topic.

In this article, I really took videos and photos of their team car, walking around the Houhai Courtyard.

The vehicle was also photographed entering the storage gate of the Houhai Xishan Courtyard.

Video reporter: “We all know that in the entire Beijing circle, Xishan industry has always been a mysterious rich area, especially the Houhai Courtyard, where the real estate is even more sky-high, and the cheapest set is casually over 100 million!” ”

After reading it, Reba didn’t make any waves at all.

It’s normal for such news in the entertainment industry to occur.

There are too many people who need background settings and will follow the media marketing and publicity.

Reba: “As long as it’s not a light rain exposed, whatever they do.” ”

Keke: “Then you were indeed photographed staying overnight in Houhai, should we refute the rumors with fans?” ”

If it is usual, in order to ensure that there will be no scandals, you must refute the rumors as soon as possible to appease the fans.

But this time, Reba thought that if the rumors were refuted, would Chu Feng’s side be angry?

“No need, the child’s affairs came over last time, and this kind of thing has no impact on his background halo at most.”

Anyway, whether it’s the media or fans, you can’t find Chu Feng.

So there’s no need for her to panic like before.

[Congratulations, after a day of Nu 270 search yesterday, you have found a large amount of seabed crude oil in the intracranial sea basin of Rio, Brazil! ] 】

[It has been detected that the basin has 8 billion barrels of crude oil reserves, and your current recoverable crude oil volume is: 100,000 tons/day (700,000 barrels).] 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained 100,000 tons (700,000 barrels) of crude oil. 】

Chu Feng felt that since he had gained 45% intimacy, it seemed that he had added an extra function to his detection ability.

Previously, random mining was detected, but the exact amount of reserves in the area was not detected.

It can now also prompt you to check the amount of resource reserves in the area where it was found.

Chu Feng discovered that he didn’t have to gamble on the global ocean with a blind cat and a mouse.

He just stared at the international news to see which countries found what in which seas, and then he got ahead of the game!

Brazil, for example.

They have actually discovered this sea basin a long time ago, but in some areas, crude oil is extracted at a depth of 4,000 meters, which is a bit difficult to extract.

Every year when bidding for the world, no company wants to take any chances.

No, Chu Feng is here!

When you find the bidding company and prepare all the equipment investment and technical overcome, it is estimated that he has already poached all of them.

It’s beautiful.

When I was worried that I had spent more than 16 billion at once, and I felt that there were still more than 10 billion left in the card, I was a little panicked, and international friends sent a big order.

The last one he was picked up by him was the country of small days.

Rare earth minerals are really fragrant.

He can now dig 50,000 tons of rare earth ore in 10 days, and there is still a surplus after meeting the country’s supply of 30,000 tons a month.

Then the extra 20 days can be engaged in this Brazilian crude oil.

With the current amount of imported crude oil in Dragon Country, this bit of goods is completely bearable.

At present, the annual consumption of crude oil in the domestic market has reached 700 million tons, equivalent to 3.5 billion barrels.

That’s about 15 million barrels a day in China.

The state provides 4 million barrels of its own production, and the remaining 11 million barrels are all imported.

Among them, the largest supplier, Polar Bear, supplied 1.47 million barrels per day.

The rest is imported from other parts of the country.

There is still a shortfall of more than 9 million barrels.

This is also the reason why in recent years, with the layout of Eagle Sauce in the East and Central Ala countries, etc., after trying to curb the supply of the region to the Dragon Kingdom, the domestic oil price has risen wildly.

Because the amount of crude oil consumed in the country is too large.

Chu Feng can dig 700,000 barrels per day, which can relieve the pressure of domestic imports.

The point, of course, is that this oil makes a lot more money than rare earth ores.

At the current international price of $85/barrel.

Chu Feng has 700,000 barrels per day, and he has sold it to the country in a month, which can cost 1.8 billion US dollars!

(CHCC) is equivalent to 13.1 billion soft sister coins!

This is much more profitable than digging rare earth ore every day.

Of course, since the rare earth mine has signed a contract, Chu Feng cannot be left behind.

Just one more supply of strategic resources, their position in the country is more and more consolidated!

After sending his daughter to school, Chu Feng made an appointment with Zhang Bin, and the two casually found a place to have breakfast.

Chu Feng is usually low-key, and the car is not conspicuous.

So it’s not as noticeable as the super-rich.

He and Zhang Bin were on the edge of a stall, casually shouting a few drawers of steamed buns and soy milk.

I ate it.

Chu Feng said on the side: “On the side of your foreign exchange management, is there much pressure on the import of crude oil?” ”

“Great!” Zhang Bin stuffed a bun in one bite and nodded: “But it doesn’t belong to my department, I am only responsible for rare earths, and when the Chen Bureau retires at the end of the year, he will try to push me to the General Bureau.” ”

Chu Feng took a sip of soy milk: “I got some crude oil resources in the Dongzhong region here, are you interested?” ”

Zhang Bin paused, raised his head and looked at Chu Feng: “Is it much?” ”

Chu Feng wiped his mouth with a napkin: “It can produce 700,000 barrels a day.” ”

Zhang Bin swallowed his saliva: “Brother, aren’t you kidding?” When I got into Forex, I learned about global energy, and why the world has waged a series of wars over crude oil, which is currently known to have enough untapped crude oil to supply the world for 50 years, and it’s not a renewable energy source! ”

It means that there is only so much known reserves, and Eagle Sauce wants to monopolize it!

Thus curbing the global industry!

Oil is the cornerstone of industry.

It is the bread and grass of modern warfare.

Once this part of the resources is contained, it is equivalent to curbing the food and grass of your war.

How do you fight!

Although all countries are now developing new energy to reverse the situation.

However, new energy sources will not replace crude oil in the global industrial field overnight.

That’s why the price of oil has soared from $42 two years ago to $85 today.

Chu Feng looked at him: “I said, I will help you and Lao Han, then I put it here, I should earn a lot of money, but how to use my resources to make you prosperous, it depends on your own operation!” ”

After speaking, he patted Zhang Bin on the shoulder.

didn’t say anything more, but got up and sat in his big G car, Zhang Bin hurriedly caught up and came to Chu Feng’s window: “Brother, I always accept your kindness, I deserve it, don’t you really need my help?” ”

“Now you can’t help.” Chu Feng chuckled: “When the position you sit in in the future can match what I do, you can just express your opinion.” ”

With that, he left.

Zhang Bin sat back on the stall, took out his mobile phone and called Lao Han.

“Hello? Come out and eat breakfast. ”

Old Han: “Which restaurant?” ”

Zhang Bin: “Roadside stall, I’ll send you the location.” ”

Lao Han: “Damn, are you anti-ancient?” Don’t let go of roadside stalls? ”

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Zhang Bin: “I just chatted with Brother Feng after eating, he left, are you coming?” It’s inconvenient to say on the phone. ”

Lao Han paused and said, “I’ll be there soon, what’s there to eat there?” ”

Zhang Bin: “Xiaolongbao, soy milk.” ”

Old Han: “Okay, help me order two drawers.” ”

Chu Feng returned home. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

into the bedroom.

No one would bother without his permission.

And he teleported directly to his own island.

The construction team is still working.

Chu Feng went straight to the simple residential building.


Ah Cai went to inform a few henchmen to come over for a meeting.

There are currently more than 500 pirate sailors on the island.

But the first brother gang to be born and die with Chu Feng was less than 30 people.

Eventually, it was expanded to 100 people.

It’s not that the brothers in the back don’t work hard, it’s just that according to their qualifications, they have to come first and come first.

When the 30 brothers heard the dragon king say that they had a meeting, they put down their work one by one.

Some are playing cards, just throw it, and immediately dare to go to the conference room.

Some of them just patrolled the beach and rushed over on off-road motorcycles.

Because they all know that dragon kings don’t usually have meetings.

As soon as the meeting starts, there must be something big!

And they concluded that this major event had something to do with the expansion of the territory!

It’s been half a year!

They’re all about to be deserted for half a year.

Even though there is something to do every day.

It is to help the Dragon King transport cargo ships.

A team of 30 people was formed, and one person led 15 people to be responsible for pressing a cargo ship.


The salary is high, and it is also more promising than the previous dry pirates.

But that’s just the life that the little pirates wanted to live later.

They were the first brothers of He Chu Feng to follow, and they knew the strength of the Dragon King.

Follow the Dragon King, expand the territory, and in the future, from the captain of the small detachment, you can help the Dragon King guard a certain strait area to be a capable minister!

That’s what they want, the view!

So they’ve been waiting.

Wait for when the dragon king will call and expand the territory!

Only by expanding their territory can they have the opportunity to perform and compete for their own military merits!

The meeting room is easy.

But there were more than a dozen subordinates patrolling outside, preventing other idlers in the vicinity from approaching.

The summoned people came in, saw Chu Feng sitting on the main seat, bowed and greeted each other, and then took their seats.

Except for Ah Cai, their positions are not so particular.

But soon, with the next round of sea territory expansion, there will definitely be a group of people among them who will be promoted first.

A total of 30 people gathered and sat there without saying a word, waiting for the Dragon King to announce the contents of the meeting.

Chu Feng looked at these henchmen and said: “I won’t talk nonsense, presumably just the small area of the new home bay in South Asia can’t accommodate you, from today onwards, I propose to officially expand our territory to the forces of the surrounding straits!” ”

Everyone’s spirits were shocked!


Immediately, they looked at each other excitedly, and they couldn’t bear the restless frenzy in their hearts.

“What I expect from you this time is.”

After Chu Feng paused, he glanced at his brothers who were about to move and said, “The high seas of the world must be controlled by us!” I don’t want a second power on the high seas that doesn’t belong to us! ”

The 30 henchmen sitting below are clenching their fists fiercely under the table!

It’s long overdue!

In this way, everyone has military merits to earn!

The gang was even more excited.

“You are the first brothers to follow me, let you go to the siege this time, I will also help you!”

As he spoke, Chu Feng gestured to Ah Cai.

Ah Cai went to the side of the mineral water and poured a large basin of pure water.

Then, in full view of everyone, Chu Feng cut off his finger with a dagger and dripped blood into the basin.

Almost there, his hand healed with his will.

Ah Cai took the basin of water and put it in front of the first guy in the rank: “The dragon king gives holy water, you go down, and everyone can drink a sip.” ”

The brothers did not help but say, nor did they ask why.

One by one, they lifted the basin and drank.

Then pass it on in turn.

After all 30 people present drank water.

Chu Feng said: “Now, take out the dagger on your own waist.” ”

Everyone, capable and orderly, immediately took out the dagger and put it on the table.

Daggers are used in melee combat when they are not relying on guns.

Chu Feng: “Pick up your dagger and cut off a finger!” ”


Everyone looked at Chu Feng in surprise.

Ah Cai shouted angrily: “Didn’t you hear? ”

Immediately, someone gritted his teeth and chopped off one of his fingers with a dagger!

Immediately afterwards, the rest of the people also rushed down with a fierce knife.

When everyone present was confused.

Some people are surprised to find that they don’t feel pain!

“Hands, my hands are growing!”

Someone’s severed finger quickly grew nerve veins with the diffusion of blood cells, and then reborn skin!

“This is the immortal body I have given you.” Chu Feng said unhurriedly: “From now on, as long as you are loyal to me, you will all have an immortal body, and if anyone betrays me, you will be deprived!” ”

The crowd rejoiced.

They pushed away their chairs one after another and knelt down on one knee: “We swear allegiance to the Dragon King!” ”

Chu Feng said indifferently: “This time, you have one person and one ship, with your own small team, and Ah Cai will give you information on the other forces you need to deal with.” ”

“Your performance determines the future management of the strait, and whoever has the greater ability will get the greater the territory.”

“If each team can’t get the territory allocated to you, you can apply to the headquarters, and Ah Cai will support you to complete the task.”

“If you encounter a force that can’t resist and has the support of the state behind you, you can report it to me, and I will do it!”

“Got it?”

Everyone stood up straight and bowed towards Chu Feng: “Understood!” ”

Chu Feng waved his hand: “Let’s dismiss.” ”

Ah Cai ordered them: “Go and gather your own subordinates here to receive holy water.” ”

Everyone bowed again, and then left the room in an orderly manner.

Everyone’s faces were filled with excitement and fiery spirits.

One by one, I can’t wait to go now.

Someone was holding a dagger and constantly slashing at his arm.

One by one, the openings are cut open and constantly repaired!

With this ability, are you afraid that you will not be able to clean the high seas?

What about those guns?

It’s not enough to beat them into holes, and they only need to give each other a shot!

Each detachment has only 16 people.

But all of them are immortal, and they can completely knock down the territory of hundreds of people in a certain sea area!

Even if you encounter the navy, you can’t do anything about them.

They are like ghosts on the sea, and they can silently disintegrate any sea power!

Before Chu Feng left, he told Ah Cai: “You can manage this first batch of 500 dead soldiers, as for the people who are recruited later, there must be a military merit system to promote and gain ability, you go back and make a system table and give it to me.” ”

“Yes!” Ah Cai’s whole person is also very excited!

With this batch of dead soldiers, he was very confident in completing the task given to him by Chu Feng: “Don’t worry, Dragon King, in half a year, I will definitely bring down the global high seas!” ”

Chu Feng nodded.

Half a year to take the high seas, a year later, he will completely inherit the power of the dragon, and then it will be the time for a showdown with the world!.

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