Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1406: Fighting on the Sixth Heaven (Part 1)

1046: Fighting in the Sixth Heaven (Part 1)

When the chief judge announced Xuan Zun's decree, all the mortals present were shocked.

"Son of the Emperor of Heaven? Brother Lian'er is actually the son of the Emperor of Heaven?"

Meng Hongchen looked at Zhuo Buyao in front of him in disbelief.

No one would have thought that Zhuo Buyao was actually the son of the Emperor of Heaven, the son of God!

"Isn't this true! The son of the Emperor of Heaven actually stands with us?"

"No wonder he can use the Dragon Ball, no wonder he can destroy the Dragon Prince so easily. It turns out that he is the son of the Emperor of Heaven."

After being shocked, Meng Hongchen and others were once again worried about Zhuo Buyao's situation.

According to Xuanzun's will, these gods came specifically to capture Zhuo Buyao and bring him to justice.

What kind of gods are these? Even the son of the Emperor of Heaven dares to arrest and bring him to justice!

No mortal present could understand.

But Zhuo Buyao calmly put his hands in his trousers, and then looked at the gods above the sky.

"Knowing that I am the emperor, you still dare to come and arrest me!"

"Do you know who the ruling saint of your reincarnation heaven is to me?"

Zhuo Buyao seemed to have no fear at all.

After all, his father is the heaven and his mother is the queen. The Lord of Judgment of the Reincarnation Heaven is his master, and the entire God Realm is his back garden.

He is the young master, who dares to be rude to the young master?

However, among the gods present, who doesn’t know Zhuo Buyao’s identity?

When they came to arrest Zhuo Buyao this time, they must have come under Xuanzun's orders.

"Little Emperor, this is the order from Master Xuan. I'm sorry, we are also following orders."

"There are some things that I need to take you back to investigate. Please cooperate with me."

After the commander finished speaking, a group of heavenly soldiers beside him flew down towards Tiansu Sect.

Zhuo Buyao frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that these people would actually play tricks with him.

"don't want!"

Just when Zhuo Buyao was thinking about his next plan, Meng Hongchen suddenly rushed out and stood in front of Zhuo Buyao.

"My dear Immortal Officials, it was an ignorant little girl who stole the South China Sea Dragon Pearl. The death of Prince Long is also related to me, so please don't blame brother Lian'er."

"I am the one responsible for this matter. If you want to arrest me, arrest me!"

Meng Hongchen knew that this incident was all caused by her.

Therefore, she couldn't let these immortal officials capture her little brother for fun.

However, in the face of Meng Hongchen's surrender, those immortal officials were not moved at all.

"We have been ordered to capture only the criminal god Zhuo Buyao. Others, please stay where you are."

After the officer finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly all the mortals present were frozen in place, unable to move.

Zhuo Buyao, who saw this scene, immediately understood that these people were serious this time.

"Catch him."

As soon as the officer finished speaking, a group of heavenly soldiers flew towards Zhuo Buyao.

Golden chains flew out from their palms and wrapped around Zhuo Buyao.

But at this moment, Zhuo Buyao suddenly turned into a golden light and rose into the sky.

"Hahahaha, if you want to catch me, come and catch me!"

Zhuo Buyao turned into a golden light and disappeared in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, the commander frowned slightly.

"Isn't it really that simple?"

"Seventy-two god puppets, it's your turn!"

"At any cost, capture the little emperor back to me."

After the officer finished speaking, seventy-two golden lights flew out from behind him.

Those seventy-two god puppets are seventy-two god-level puppets made by Xuan Zun himself.

The strength is at least a high-level lower god.

In other words, there are now seventy-two gods at the lower god level, going to hunt down Zhuo Buyao.

Although Zhuo Buyao is the son of Heaven, he possesses one-tenth of the world power of Emperor Zhuo Bufan.

But after all, he is only a three-year-old boy, and his strength is only at the level of an ordinary lower god.

Facing the pursuit of seventy-two god puppets, it can be said that he is quite dangerous.

However, now, the little emperor Zhuo Buyao cannot sit still and wait for death.

"These bad guys actually dare to attack me."

"When I find my mother, I will deal with you again."

Zhuo Buyao's biggest hope now is his mother, Queen Xuansu Xuantian.

He didn't expect that these people would actually turn against him, the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

And his master, Xuan Zun, actually wanted to issue a killing order himself.

Now Zhuo Buyao realized that he might have really violated the rules of heaven.

At least his master couldn't protect him, and all he could count on was his mother and father.

That's why he will do whatever it takes to escape from pursuit.

However, before Zhuo Buyao could escape from the human world, seventy-two divine puppets had already blocked his way.

Seventy-two divine puppets turned into a dragnet, carrying countless sealing chains, and blocked Zhuo Buyao's escape route.

"Don't block me!"

Zhuo Buyao roared angrily, and dozens of immortal weapons flew out from around him.

Any one of these immortal soldiers can make the gods fight for them to the death.

He is so powerful just by relying on these immortal weapons, which cannot be compared to ordinary lower gods.

So when Zhuo Bufan released dozens of immortal weapons, he really shocked the seventy-two divine puppets.

Seventy-two divine weapons versus seventy-two divine puppets.

Although the God puppets were strong, facing the God weapons made by the Emperor and Empress, their nets collapsed in an instant.

"You want to stop me? No way!"

Zhuo Buyao used the God weapons to get rid of the pursuit of the 72 God puppets.

Finally, he escaped from the human world and came to the sixth heaven of the God Realm.

But when he reached the first heaven of the God Realm, another group of officials blocked him.

"Little Emperor, please surrender."

This time, an official at the peak of the lower god rushed forward and fought with Zhuo Buyao on the spot.

This official was Yu Baifei, the former Yangjie Tianjiao.

Yu Baifei was a Tianjiao of the same generation as Zhuo Bufan. He once stood out in the battle of the ten little saints in the Yangjie.

He was a famous peerless Tianjiao in the Yangjie. Later, when Zhuo Bufan was conferred a god, Yu Baifei was directly conferred as a lower god.

At his peak, Yu Baifei was once on par with Zhuo Bufan.

After Zhuo Bufan established the Heavenly Palace of Samsara, Yu Baifei joined the palace and became one of the officials.

He was ordered to intercept Zhuo Buyao who might take back the God Realm in the First Heaven.

So, when Zhuo Buyao appeared, Yu Baifei drew his sword without saying a word.

Yu Baifei was once the number one little saint in the Yang Realm.

After being conferred the God, his strength was even more unfathomable.

It was obviously more appropriate for him to stop Zhuo Buyao of the Little Heaven.

Zhuo Buyao looked at the man in white clothes in front of him and gritted his teeth slightly.

"Uncle Yu, you also want to stop me?"

Yu Baifei was Zhuo Bufan's friend, and it was not too much for Zhuo Buyao to call him uncle.

After hearing this, Yu Baifei said helplessly.

"I'm sorry, little emperor, you violated the rules of heaven. According to the rules of heaven, I must bring you to justice."

After Yu Baifei finished speaking, he suddenly released his divine breath.

The powerful divine breath enveloped the entire space.

"Heavenly One Divine Rule!"

In just a moment, Zhuo Buyao understood the means used by Yu Baifei.

The power used by Yu Baifei is called the Heavenly One Divine Rule.

This power was originally called a miracle rule by the Yang Realm.

Because under this rule, Yu Baifei is almost invincible in the same realm.

That is to say, in the realm of the lower god, Yu Baifei almost has the power of absolute dominance.

Because, his Heavenly One Divine Rule can make all time within the range change according to his will.

That is to say, he can send the opponent back to the starting point at the moment when he is about to hurt him.

Not only that, even the ability used by the opponent will be reset to zero.

In this divine rule, he is the master of time in this space.

It is equivalent to Zhuo Bufan being the world god of the Yin-Yang world.

Of course, this does not mean that Yu Baifei has the ability to compete with the Emperor of Heaven.

His Heavenly One Divine Rule belongs to the first-level rule power.

Above this level of rule power, there is also the second-level rule power, and above that, there is the third-level world power that only Zhuo Bufan has.

The rule power is just the lowest level of rule power.

Moreover, the Tianyi Divine Rule has a limited range, and there are also loopholes in the rules.

And this loophole has been known to everyone since the Renjie cocktail party.

"Uncle Yu, your Tianyi Divine Rule is indeed very powerful, but I have heard about your loophole in the rules from my father a long time ago."

"The Tianyi Divine Rule cannot be used when counterattacking."

"And, your rule power is useless in front of my world power."

"So, I have offended Uncle Yu."

Zhuo Buyao knows Yu Baifei's loophole in the rules.

He Yu Baifei is indeed invincible under the Tianyi Divine Rule.

But under his rules, he cannot actively hurt people.

Once he counterattacks, the rules will fail for a moment.

That is the best time for Zhuo Buyao to break through.

Zhuo Buyao picked up a magic sword, and then directly killed Yu Baifei without saying anything.

Yu Baifei was about to use the power of Tianyi Divine Rule to send Zhuo Buyao back to the starting point.

But at that moment, Zhuo Bu Yao suddenly opened his mouth and spit out the World-Destroying Pure Fire towards Yu Baifei.

The World-Destroying Pure Fire belongs to the world power, and its level is far higher than the power of rules.

So Yu Baifei has no ability to extinguish the World-Destroying Pure Fire that has been spit out.

Although Zhuo Bu Yao was sent back to the origin by Yu Baifei, the World-Destroying Pure Fire rushed towards him frantically.

His power is only the power of rules, and he can't stop the world-class power of the Stone-Destroying Pure Fire.

So facing the crazy rush of the World-Destroying Pure Fire, Yu Baifei had to fight back at the first time.

Then choose to dodge.

After all, this is the World-Destroying Pure Fire. If he doesn't dodge, he may be burned to ashes in an instant.

However, at the moment when Yu Baifei chose to counterattack and dodge, Zhuo Bu Yao seized the opportunity, stepped on the flying sword, and flew up to the second heaven with a whoosh.

"Uncle Yu, goodbye."

Zhuo Bu Yao laughed and left the first heaven.

Seeing this, Yu Baifei shook his head helplessly.

"What a terrible child, forget it, let him go!"

Yu Baifei saw Zhuo Buyao's methods and was shocked by his strength.

As the son of the Emperor of Heaven, Zhuo Buyao's future is limitless.

Yu Baifei failed to intercept him, so he naturally stopped chasing him.

Zhuo Buyao fled all the way to the second heaven.

However, as soon as he arrived at the second heaven, he was stopped by the garrison officer of the second heaven.

The garrison officer of the second heaven is called Huang Qidao, and he is one of the seven great kings of Zeng Yang Realm.

He is now the middle god in the divine world.

This man was once the greatest king of the Li Kingdom. When Zhuo Bufan was conferring a god, he did not hesitate to grant him the status of a middle god.

Huang Qidao is now also known as the God of Dawn. He specifically governs some gods in Lizhou in the human world.

When Zhuo Bufan was determined to establish the Samsara Heavenly Mansion, Huang Qidao was also the first to stand up and support him.

Today, in addition to being the God of Dawn, Huang Qidao is also a mid-level officer of the Samsara Heaven Mansion.

When Zhuo Buyao saw Huang Qidao, his scalp felt numb.

"What's wrong with this bad old man?"

"Huang Qidao holds the world in his sleeves, and he is not a vegetarian."

"This bad old man won't take this prince into his sleeve!"

Zhuo Buyao looked at Huang Qidao, who was wearing yellow clothes, and felt a little scared.

Because Huang Qidao is not the Yu Baifei before.

At least Yu Baifei would be wary of some feelings and dare not show his true feelings towards Zhuo Buyao.

But Huang Qidao is famous for being ruthless.

This old man will never be merciful to him.

"We just have to give it a try."

After Zhuo Buyao finished speaking, he spread his palms, and then he saw a lotus growing out of his palms.

"Pure Lotus Palm!"

As soon as Zhuo Buyao finished speaking, he rushed towards Huang Qidao.

The Pure Lotus Palm was a magical skill given to him by his mother, Xuan Su.

This is a great power that only superior gods can master, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can master.

Zhuo Buyao also learned this trick because he was born with one-tenth of Zhuo Bufan's world power.

The Pure Lotus Palm can reduce everything in the world to nothingness.

Caused by the palm of your hand, it was destroyed by ashes. It is the original force that purifies everything.

It can be said that the Pure Lotus Palm is Zhuo Bufan's second most powerful weapon after the World-Destroying Pure Fire.

Seeing Zhuo Buyao's Pure Lotus Palm attack, Huang Qidao frowned slightly.

The moment the Pure Lotus Palm was released, it meant that he could no longer dodge and could only resist.

Upon seeing this, Huang Qidao waved his sleeves, and a huge black hole was born in the cuffs.

"The universe is in your sleeves!"

As expected, Huang Qidao still used the Qiankun in his sleeves on Zhuo Buyao.

Seeing this, Zhuo Buyao slapped the lotus flower in his palm desperately on the black hole in his sleeve.

"Destroy it for me."

The power of the Pure Lotus Palm is that it can not only destroy matter, but also purify energy.

In other words, the universe can be contained within the sleeves, and the Pure Lotus Palm can also restrain it.

However, Zhuo Buyao's current strength is still somewhat lacking.

With the power of his Pure Lotus Palm, it is not enough to destroy the universe in the sleeves of the middle god.

Sure enough, in the next second, countless black chains flew out from the Qiankun in the Sleeves and wrapped around Zhuo Buyao.

Zhuo Buyao had no time to dodge, and his whole body was instantly covered with black chains.

And the pure lotus in his palm was slowly swallowed by Qiankun in his sleeves at the next moment.

After all, the gap above the divine level is too big.

Although Zhuo Buyao is Zhuo Bufan's son, his strength is only at the level of a lower god.

And his opponent, Huang Qidao, is a middle god, and a very powerful middle god.

Therefore, it was expected that Zhuo Buyao could not defeat Huang Qidao.

"Let me go, let me go."

Zhuo Buyao roared towards Huang Qidao.

However, Huang Qidao was unmoved at all, and the black chain pulled him directly into the Qiankun in the sleeves in the next second.

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