Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1405 Xuansu's intention

"My son Zhuo Buyao has a bad temper. He killed the dragon prince and offended the heavenly rules. According to the heavenly rules, he should be exiled to the divine world, sent down to the mortal world, and enter the reincarnation."

Xuan Su's words undoubtedly put the little emperor Zhuo Buyao into a desperate situation.

No one could have imagined that the Xuan Queen, as his biological mother, would decide to severely punish Zhuo Buyao without hesitation.

After hearing this, Xuan Zun said bluntly.

"Why don't you let the Emperor of Heaven make the decision on this matter! You don't have to worry."

"Besides, this matter is not without room for negotiation."

Xuan Zun didn't want his grandson to be sent to reincarnation like this.

After all, Zhuo Buyao is just a child. He is only three years old. A three-year-old child doesn't even understand the concept of right and wrong. What can he do?

Xuan Zun plans to let Zhuo Bufan deal with it. In this way, he can also give Zhuo Buyao a chance.

Because Zhuo Bufan will definitely not let his son be sent to reincarnation.

However, Xuan Zun had no idea that from the beginning, it was Zhuo Bufan who wanted to send Zhuo Buyao into the reincarnation.

So, in order to protect Zhuo Bufan behind her, Xuan Su said resolutely.

"Xuan Zun, don't think about it. You can't ignore the rules of heaven just because Lian'er is the son of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Please Xuan Zun make a wise judgment on this matter and enforce the law impartially."

"Please Xuan Zun send someone to arrest the rebellious son Zhuo Buyao."

Xuan Su's determination was incomprehensible to Xuan Zun and the official.

She is the mother of the little emperor. Does she really need to be so cruel to her son?

Xuan Su saw that Xuan Zun was still hesitant and said again.

"Please Xuan Zun, enforce the law impartially. You are the highest executor of the Reincarnation Heavenly Palace. What you represent is the mighty power of heaven and absolute justice."

"Buyao must pay the price for what he did."

Xuan Su repeatedly asked Xuan Zun to be fair and just. Xuan Zun was forced to have no choice. In the end, he could only sigh.

"In this case, Officer, send someone to arrest the little emperor!"

Xuan Zun really couldn't ignore the rules of heaven at this time.

As the executor of the Reincarnation Palace, he absolutely couldn't ignore the rules of heaven at this time.

So Xuan Zun could only enforce the law impartially and arrest the little emperor.

After hearing this, the officer was very hesitant, but Xuan Hou and Xuan Zun had already made up their minds, and he really couldn't ignore the divine power.

In the end, he could only lead the heavenly soldiers to chase the little emperor.


After the officer left, Xuan Zun couldn't help but look at Xuan Su.

"Did you set up a trap on purpose to deliberately send the little guy into the reincarnation?"

Xuan Zun was so smart that he could see at a glance that the whole thing was a trap set by Xuan Hou.

If it wasn't the case, Xuan Hou would never be so cruel.

The reason why Xuan Hou was so decisive was not to take into account the divine power of Xuan Zun, but because from the beginning to the end, Xuan Hou had decided to send the child into the reincarnation.

After hearing this, Xuan Su was slightly startled, and then looked at Xuan Zun with tears in her eyes and said.

"I have no choice. If this child is in heaven, he will be spoiled by everyone sooner or later."

"Now in the God Realm, everyone is on this child's side. If this continues, he will only be farther and farther away from his brothers and sisters."

"I have no other requirements for him, I just hope that he can be like his brothers and sisters, and be able to become a responsible child."

"He is absolutely not now. I can't let him lose his father's face."

Xuan Su finally confessed to Xuan Zun honestly.

In fact, she is the most painful.

As Zhuo Bu Yao's mother, she wants to protect this child more than anyone else.

However, Zhuo Bu Yao is now more and more lawless.

If this continues, he will sooner or later become more rebellious, until the end, he will no longer obey discipline.

This is what Xuan Su fears the most, so she will be cruel and must let Zhuo Bu Yao grow up.

After learning the cause and effect, Xuan Zun finally decided.

"I understand! In that case, let's do as the Queen said!"

"I also have an unshirkable responsibility for the child's current state."

"Perhaps you are right. The child should not be allowed to stay in the God Realm. It is difficult to hone heroes in this place."

Xuan Zun understood Xuan Su and the others' good intentions.

As the emperor, Zhuo Bu Yao may inherit the world in the future.

However, he is absolutely incapable of inheriting the world now.

Unless he can become a hero.

What this era needs is a hero, not a troublemaker.

Zhuo Bu Yao must grow up. Only by experiencing the six reincarnations in the mortal world can he grow into a reliable hero.

Therefore, this time, not only Xuan Su, but the people of the entire heaven must make up their minds.


On the other side, our little emperor Zhuo Bu Yao followed his little sister Meng Hong Chen to Tian Su Zong to save Meng Hong Chen's master.

Zhuo Bu Yao didn't know that what he had done this time was serious.

The official had sent the heavenly soldiers and generals to hunt him down.

Tiansu Sect is a branch of the world's number one female sect, Su Nu Sect.

Lan Yuyan, the leader of Tiansu Sect, got into a trance because of practicing martial arts.

Even the world's number one doctor was helpless against this disease. The only way was to ask the gods for help.

So Lan Yuyan, the leader of Tiansu Sect, could be said to be sentenced to death.

Fortunately, Meng Hongchen dreamed that an immortal showed her the way and asked her to go to Longzhu to steal the dragon ball.

The person who guided Meng Hongchen to steal the dragon ball was actually Xuan Tianhou.

And the reason why Meng Hongchen was able to steal the dragon ball smoothly was actually because Xuan Tianhou secretly helped.

All this was just to plot against her own son.

Xuan Su was indeed a bit cruel to do this.

But in order to ensure that her son would not become a disaster in the God Realm, she had to do this.

"Brother Lian'er, we are here. The front is where my Tiansu Sect is."

Meng Hongchen brought Zhuo Buyao to Tiansu Sect.

Seeing the senior sister coming back, a group of junior sisters hurried out to greet her.

"Senior sister is back, go and greet her."

Meng Hongchen and Zhuo Buyao fell to the ground.

After seeing the little Zhuo Buyao, these little girls surrounded him.

"What a cute little brother, so delicate and beautiful, just a cute baby."

"Sister, where did you find this baby?"

"So cute, is this your child?"


A group of little girls who had never seen a child came forward to pinch Zhuo Buyao after seeing him.

Meng Hongchen scolded him after hearing this.

"Don't be rude, leave now."

"It was this little brother who saved me, don't mess around."

The little girls were all incredulous when they heard that this little brother saved their sister.

"No way, sister? Did something happen to you?"

"That's right, sister, where did you get this little brother from?"

"Sister, where have you been these two days? Master and everyone are very worried about you."

In fact, these sisters didn't know where Meng Hongchen had gone. They only knew that when she left, she asked them to take good care of Master and the mountain gate.

Meng Hongchen replied after hearing this.

"I went to the South China Sea to steal the dragon ball!"

When Meng Hongchen told the truth, all the junior sisters present were shocked.

"What? Stealing the dragon ball? Senior sister, why did you..."

"Senior sister, are you okay? Why did you go to steal the dragon ball?"

Meng Hongchen knew that these junior sisters were very puzzled.

The reason why she didn't tell these junior sisters at the beginning was that she was afraid that they would worry.

"Some time ago, I was guided by an immortal in my dream. She told me that the South China Sea dragon ball can cure Master's natural illness."

"In order not to worry you, I didn't tell you in advance."

"But now it's good, I have successfully taken back the dragon ball."

"I will return the dragon ball after saving Master."

Meng Hongchen said everything.

As a senior sister, she needs to be responsible for her own actions, so she will explain.

But after hearing this, the junior sisters were all scared.

Going to the South China Sea to steal the dragon ball is simply unimaginable.

"Senior sister, can the dragon ball really save Master?"

The junior sisters asked.

If they can really save their master, then Meng Hongchen's adventure will not be in vain.

Meng Hongchen frowned slightly after hearing this.

"I don't know either, but the immortal told me in my dream, so I think it should be possible."

At this time, Zhuo Buyao beside him said.

"Of course!"

"The dragon ball is made of the essence of the dragon soul. It contains endless dragon soul power."

"Mortals' natural diseases are mostly problems with the soul. Dragon balls can easily solve them."

"So, leave it to me!"

Zhuo Buyao said to Meng Hongchen.

In fact, Zhuo Buyao does not need the dragon ball to save Meng Hongchen's master.

It's just that this dragon ball was obtained by Meng Hongchen desperately, so Zhuo Buyao can't let Meng Hongchen down for his sincerity and good intentions.

Meng Hongchen asked in surprise after hearing this.

"Is it really possible, brother Lian'er?"

"Yes, of course."

Zhuo Buyao is the son of the Emperor of Heaven. What's the difficulty in saving a mortal?

After hearing this, the younger sisters next to them all showed incredible expressions.

"Sister, who is this little brother? He sounds very powerful?"

"Yes, sister, can he save Master?"

Now these people understand that Zhuo Bu Yao is definitely not as simple as a three-year-old child on the surface.

At this time, Meng Hongchen said to the younger sisters.

"Shh, sisters, don't ask for now. Let's go save Master first."

After that, Meng Hongchen took Zhuo Bu Yao and entered the Tiansu Sect Palace.

When they came to the palace, they saw Lan Yuyan lying on the bed.

At this time, Meng Hongchen took the initiative to take out the dragon ball.

Then he handed it to Zhuo Bu Yao on the side.

When the dragon ball was taken out, waves of dragon roars roared in the palace, and the entire Tiansu Sect roared in the dragon roars. All the disciples began to shake their souls and suffered.

The dragon ball will only be calm in the sea. Once it leaves the sea, it will run wild.

However, Zhuo Bu Yao was here, and he just shouted in a low voice.

"Shut up!"

The sound of "shut up" made the countless dragon souls in the dragon ball stop their dragon roars.

He is the son of heaven, who dares to be presumptuous in front of the son of heaven?

The dragon roar stopped, and the light faded.

Zhuo Buyao placed the dragon ball on the top of Lan Yuyan's head, and then flicked his finger towards the dragon ball, and saw a ray of light injected into the dragon ball.

Then, the dragon clan began to project purple light, which merged into Lan Yuyan's body.

It only took a moment, and Lan Yuyan regained consciousness.

Soon, Meng Hongchen's master Lan Yuyan opened his eyes and woke up.


Seeing this scene, Meng Hongchen excitedly rushed towards Lan Yuyan.

"Hongchen, did you save me?"

Lan Yuyan, who woke up, didn't understand what happened at all.

After hearing this, Meng Hongchen shook his head.

"No, Master, it was Brother Lian'er who saved you."

Lan Yuyan looked at his little brother Zhuo Buyao beside him, and then was incredulous.

"Little hero, thank you."

Although it was incredible, she believed that Hongchen would not lie to her.

It was just that she didn't expect that she would be saved by such a young child.

The sisters behind him also cried with joy when they saw this.

"Great, Master is awake, Master is fine!"

"Little brother is really amazing, thank you little brother."

"Little brother, you are a great benefactor of our Tiansu Sect."

"Little brother, you are awesome!"

Hearing so many people's praise, Zhuo Buyao grabbed the back of his head and laughed foolishly.

"Hehe, it's just a little help, just a little help."

"No wonder Sister Nian Nian told me that the feeling of helping others in the world is really good."

Zhuo Bu Yao liked the feeling of helping others in the world.

"Next time, let Sister take me to the world for fun."

Zhuo Bu Yao thought to himself.

Just when everyone was celebrating Lan Yuyan's awakening, suddenly there were exclamations from the junior sisters outside.

"It's not good, it's not good! Master, it's not good."

Then, a group of junior sisters rushed into the room.

Lan Yuyan saw this and quickly sat up from the bed.

"What happened?"

The frightened disciple hurriedly said.

"Master, there are many immortals in the sky outside!"

When they heard this, everyone present was stunned.

"Immortals, immortals?"

"Yes, Master, they are coming from the sky, you go out and take a look!"

Hearing this, Lan Yuyan quickly took everyone in the palace out.

Zhuo Bu Yao followed closely and came to the outside of the hall.

When they came outside the hall, they saw rows of golden clouds above the sky of Tiansu Sect.

Among these clouds, there stood groups of immortals covered by fairy light.

They had a fairy spirit that was different from the mortal world.

Zhuo Buyao frowned slightly when he saw this.

He knew that these people all came from one place, that is, the first organization in the God Realm, the Samsara Heavenly Palace.

"Samsara Heavenly Palace?"

Zhuo Buyao couldn't help but say.

Meng Hongchen, who was standing by, frowned tightly after hearing this.

"Brother Lian'er, what is the Samsara Heavenly Palace?"

Zhuo Buyao replied.

"That is the highest judicial office in the heaven, presided over by the three most respected people in the heaven. It can govern everything in the world, and it is a place that even the Emperor of Heaven dares to manage."

Zhuo Buyao felt very puzzled. He didn't expect that people from the Samsara Heavenly Palace would come.

Meng Hongchen felt a little shocked after hearing this.

"I caused the trouble, let me come!"

Meng Hongchen thought that it was because he stole the dragon ball that attracted the heavenly soldiers.

However, at this moment, a celestial official who looked very majestic suddenly stepped forward and said, holding a celestial decree.

"In compliance with the will of heaven, Xuanzun decrees."

"The sinning god Zhuo Buyao, relying on himself as the son of the Emperor of Heaven, slaughtered the descendants of the dragon clan. He disregarded the celestial rules and his crime is unforgivable."

"For violating the first and third celestial rules, the sinning god Zhuo Buyao will be arrested and brought to justice, and handed over to the Heavenly Palace of Samsara to accept the punishment of Samsara."

"Accept the decree!"


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