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Chapter 1407: Battle on the Sixth Heaven (Part 2)

"The little emperor Zhuo Buyao has violated the rules of heaven. I will obey the order of Lord Xuan and bring him back to the Heavenly Mansion of Samsara to await judgment."

Huang Qidao used his own secrets to arrest Zhuo Buyao.

No matter how Zhuo Buyao struggled, it was to no avail.

The universe in that sleeve is a world of its own.

In the entire Yin and Yang world, I am afraid only Zhuo Bufan can break it.

Zhuo Buyao was trapped in the Qiankun in his sleeves and knew that Tianting was serious this time.

"Let me go, I want to see my mother."

Zhuo Buyao is now eager to meet his mother, Xuansu.

Because he knew that only Empress Xuan could save him now.

He knew his father very well, and as the Emperor of Heaven, he would never bend the law for personal gain.

Zhuo Buyao thought to himself, maybe his father is waiting for him to fall into the trap in Samsara Heaven Mansion now!

Therefore, you must never go to the Heavenly Mansion of Samsara.

"Let me go, asshole. I told you to let me go."

Zhuo Buyao roared at Huang Qidao.

He tried his best to blast his artifacts one by one into Huang Qidao's sleeves.

However, Huang Qidao's secrets were unmoved at all.

"Little Emperor, you'd better calm down!"

"It won't do you any good to continue like this."

"Instead of yelling here, it is better to think about how to explain to your father when you face Bo in court later."

"Torturing the Crown Prince of Dragon Palace, according to heaven's rules, you will be thrown into reincarnation."

Although Huang Qidao is a selfless person.

But he didn't want the little emperor to suffer a serious crime this time.

If possible, lock him in a wall for decades and he would feel that it is enough.

But if Xuanzun decides not to hide his personal feelings, then the little emperor will definitely suffer the pain of reincarnation.

When Zhuo Buyao heard that he was going to be thrown into reincarnation, he was so frightened that he howled.

"No, you can't do this to me." "I am the Son of Heaven, the son of the Emperor of Heaven. My father is the Emperor of Heaven, and my mother is the Queen of Heaven."

Zhuo Buyao wanted to use his lofty status and identity to threaten Huang Qidao.

However, Huang Qidao was not moved at all.

"It doesn't make any sense to say this."

"You said it yourself, your father is the Emperor of Heaven and your mother is the Queen of Heaven, so who do you think you are?"

"Is he a dandy who acts recklessly and despises the rules of heaven because he is the son of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven?"

"Believe me, if you were not the son of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven, you would have been torn into pieces long ago."

What Huang Qidao said was undoubtedly very hurtful.

Moreover, these words completely hit Zhuo Buyao.

Zhuo Buyao, who had always been proud, felt very uncomfortable after hearing these words.

There is a saying that Huang Qidao is right about.

If my father is not the Emperor of Heaven and my mother is not the Queen of Heaven, can I still do whatever I want?

These are just his origins, not his achievements.

"Do you know how your father created the Heavenly Court?"

"Do you know why this world is called the Yin and Yang World?"

"I don't know how much effort your father put in to unify this world."

"Everything you have today is just your father's achievement and has nothing to do with you."

Although Huang Qidao was a very stubborn old man, every word he said touched on Zhuo Buyao's pain points.

It also made Zhuo Buyao, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, finally have some self-reflection in his heart.

Zhuo Buyao never thought that one day he would become such a disgusting person.

Huang Qidao's words made Zhuo Buyao become much more honest.

Zhuo Buyao no longer just wanted to escape from the universe in his sleeves, but was honestly brought to the Reincarnation Heavenly Mansion by Huang Qidao.

The news that Emperor Zhuo Buyao violated heavenly rules and was arrested by Samsara Heavenly Mansion quickly spread throughout the God Realm.

For a time, everyone in the God Realm came to the outside of the Samsara Heavenly Mansion, waiting for this unprecedented judgment.

This matter obviously has a great impact.

The eldest brother Bai Zifan rushed back from the world wall as soon as he heard this.

After hearing the news, the eldest sister Jiya and the second sister Bai Zinian immediately gave up their mission in the mortal world and flew back to heaven as soon as possible.

It can be said that this matter has developed to this day and has become a top priority for the gods.

Soon, Zhuo Buyao was escorted to the Reincarnation Pillar in the Reincarnation Heaven Mansion.

From beginning to end, Zhuo Buyao did not resist.

He just lowered his head and ignored anyone present.

Obviously, Huang Qidao's words deeply hit this proud little emperor.

Now, Zhuo Buyao was thinking about what Huang Qidao said to him.

If he was not the son of the Emperor of Heaven, he would have been torn into pieces.

On the Immortal Platform, the three statues also remained silent at this moment.

In fact, differences have already occurred among the three deities.

Emperor Bai and Emperor Qing completely disagreed with Emperor Xuan's approach.

"Jiang Taixuan, it's not your idea to destroy relatives for the sake of justice."

"Little Lian'er is only three years old, and you can't wait to throw him into the six realms of reincarnation. Is your heart made of black charcoal?"

Emperor Qing directly scolded Emperor Xuan.

However, Emperor Xuan ignored his words at all.

Bai Di on the side was also very puzzled.

"I don't allow you to sentence Lian'er."

Bai Di just said these words calmly and with dignity.

It can be said that Emperor Bai and Emperor Qing are completely opposite to Emperor Xuan.

Emperor Xuan didn't say a word until now.

Now everyone is waiting for the arrival of the Emperor and Queen of Heaven.

Although Emperor Xuan is the highest executor of the Samsara Heavenly Mansion, it is the little emperor who will be executed this time.

As the Emperor of Heaven, Zhuo Bufan must be present.

It was clear that there was more than just a fight onstage.

Above the main hall of the Reincarnation Heavenly Mansion, Sun True Lord Bai Zifan stood resolutely in the center of the hall, confronting the Dragon King of the South China Sea face to face.

"Dragon King, although my brother is naughty, he will never kill innocent people indiscriminately."

"Why Prince Long died unexpectedly, this matter still needs further investigation."

"However, I, Bai Zifan, am willing to guarantee with my life that my brother Zhuo Buyao has definitely not violated the laws of heaven."

In order to protect his younger brother, Bai Zifan did not hesitate to use his own life as a guarantee.

The Dragon King of South China Sea was really speechless when facing the True Lord Sun in front of him.

After all, the difference in divine status between the two sides is too big. To put it bluntly, he, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, is just a small lower-level god.

The True Lord of the Sun in front of me is a high-ranking god.

He is also the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and he has a high status in the divine world and is deeply respected by all gods.

Even he himself was a respecter of the great emperor.

Therefore, at this moment, the Dragon King of South China Sea was in a very difficult situation and did not know what to do.

On one side is the Crown Prince of Dragon Palace, and on the other side is the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

It would be difficult for anyone else.

The Dragon King of South China Sea was even prepared to retreat.

"Otherwise, according to Yi Laolong, let's forget about this matter!"

The Dragon King of South China Sea said cautiously.

There was helplessness and fear in the words.

Helpless, because I am a soft-spoken person, and there is simply no room or weight to speak here.

Fearful because what he faced was not an ordinary mortal, but the world god of this world.

If the little emperor enters reincarnation because of his own Dragon Prince.

So from now on, their dragon clan will no longer have a foothold in the God Realm.

Therefore, the Dragon King of South China Sea was mentally prepared to retreat.

He really didn't expect that the person who killed his Long Prince would be the little emperor.

Now that things have happened, to put it bluntly, it can only be regarded as bad luck for him, the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Many other gods also believe that the best choice for the Dragon King of the South China Sea is to stop here.

After all, the little emperor is young and ignorant. If he suffers reincarnation because of this, I am afraid that it will be difficult to work with him in the Dragon Palace in the future.

The Dragon King of the South China Sea retreated at this time, which undoubtedly made Bai Zifan secretly happy.

It would be best if the Dragon King of the South China Sea gave up here.

"Dragon King, please rest assured, I will definitely ask the Emperor of Heaven to resurrect the Dragon Prince."

"And I will also make some compensation for the South China Sea in my own name."

Bai Zifan felt a little happy in his heart.

Because if the Dragon King of South China Sea is really willing to let the matter end here, that would be the best.

At least now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Xiaofan, when did you learn these mistakes?"

Upon hearing this, Bai Zifan immediately turned around and looked at the person coming behind him.


The visitors were none other than the Heavenly Emperor Zhuo Bufan and the two Queens.

When the Heavenly Emperor Zhuo Bufan appeared, all the gods present knelt down and worshiped.

Bai Zifan was so frightened that he quickly knelt down in front of Zhuo Bufan.

"My son has met my father."

Bai Zifan felt a little frightened at the moment, because his father's words just now made him realize that he had said the wrong thing.

Zhuo Bufan walked up to Bai Zifan, then reached out and patted Bai Zifan on the shoulder and said.

"Zifan, what you just did violated the laws of heaven."

"Do you know which rule it is?"

Zhuo Bufan's words made Bai Zifan stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

Bai Zifan recalled his behavior just now, and then he frowned deeply.

"Article 97 of the Heavenly Rules: Do not flout the Heavenly Rules. Interfere with the Heavenly Rules' decisions by any means."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly and said.

"Since you understand it, why do you still do such a thing? Do you really think you are helping your brother?"

Bai Zifan knew that he shouldn't do those unnecessary things.

"But father, my brother is still young. He is only three years old!"

Bai Zifan just wanted to plead for his brother.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"Age is no excuse to indulge him."

"Your sister Yaya, before she met me, her mind was stuck at the age of three forever."

"Has Yaya ever hurt anyone?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Yaya and Bai Zinian also arrived at Samsara Heavenly Mansion.

After hearing this, Yaya immediately retorted.

"Father, Yaya is Yaya, Lian'er is Lian'er."

"Although Yaya's mind was only three years old back then. But after all, Yaya has lived for tens of thousands of years and has seen all kinds of human beings."

"Having an almost numb mentality towards the world."

"But Lian'er is different. He is really only three years old. He has only experienced three short years from birth to now."

"It's only been three years, and he hasn't even left the God Realm."

Yaya seemed very excited. In order to protect her younger brother, she started an argument with Zhuo Bufan for the first time.

At this time, Bai Zi Nian, who was standing by, knelt down in front of Zhuo Bufan without saying anything.

Bai Zi Nian was a simple and violent sister, and her character was completely inherited from Zhuo Bufan.

No matter how much explanation, it would be easier to kneel down directly.

"Daddy, I only have this one brother."

"Please, give my brother another chance."

"Niannian promises you that from now on, my brother will be handed over to us to discipline."

After Bai Zi Nian finished speaking, Bai Zifan and Yaya, who were standing by, also knelt down.

"Please show mercy, Father Emperor, I am willing to be punished for Lian'er."

"I am willing to do so too, Father Emperor, if you want to punish me, punish me! I am willing to take the punishment of reincarnation for Lian'er."

"Second Mother, Lian'er is your biological child! Please ask Father Emperor not to hurt him."

The three children rushed to plead for Zhuo Buyao.

Seeing his three children kneeling in front of him, Zhuo Bufan shook his head helplessly.


Zhuo Bufan didn't say much.

No one can change his mind now.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's firm attitude, all the gods present knelt down.

"Please think twice, the little emperor does not need to suffer reincarnation for the mistakes he made!"

"Yes, Emperor, just lock up the little emperor for a few years."

"Emperor, the little emperor will not kill innocent people for no reason. There must be a hidden story."

"Maybe it was the Dragon Prince who did something wrong. It is not certain that the little emperor is doing justice for the heaven."

Almost all the priests present knelt down and prayed to Zhuo Bufan to show mercy and let the little emperor go.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan walked to the reincarnation pillar step by step, and then looked at Zhuo Buyao who was tied to the reincarnation pillar.

"This emperor has seen through the cause and effect of the matter."

"The sinful god Zhuo Buyao disregarded the rules of heaven and killed the dragon prince. His crime is unforgivable."

"According to the rules of heaven, Zhuo Buyao will be subject to the six reincarnations. Only after completing the six reincarnations can he return to the heavenly tribulation."

When Zhuo Bufan pronounced Zhuo Buyao's crime word by word.

All the gods present were stunned.

They did not expect that the emperor of heaven would really kill his relatives for the sake of justice without a trace of mercy.

"Three years ago, I said this when I established the Samsara Heavenly Palace."

"This Samsara Pillar can be used to tie up mortals below and the Emperor of Heaven above."

"Even if I violated the Heavenly Rules, I will be punished by Samsara."

"What? Do you think the words I said were all made of paper?"

"These words are engraved on this Samsara Pillar word by word. They will last forever."

"In the mortal world, there are emperors who break the law, and the common people are guilty of the same crime. Am I, the great Heavenly Palace, even worse than those mortals?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he came to Zhuo Buyao and looked at the child in front of him.

"Lian'er, do you know your crime?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Buyao slowly raised his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

At that moment, Zhuo Buyao did not have any hysterical behavior.

Instead, he laughed.


"Father Emperor, I understand your good intentions."

"Don't worry, I will definitely complete the task of the six reincarnations."

"From today on, I, Zhuo Buyao, will write my own legend."

It is said that Zhuo Buyao has one tenth of Zhuo Bufan's power.

So he probably understands Zhuo Bufan's painstaking efforts.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect this kid to have such a high level of understanding.

After listening to Zhuo Buyao's words, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"Good boy, I believe in you. Go write your own legend!"


As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he opened the reincarnation column.

The reincarnation punishment belonging to Zhuo Buyao slowly started.


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