The reason why Mo Chichi was disappointed with Zhuo Bufan was not because Zhuo Bufan failed to arrive.

Mo Chichi herself didn't know why, perhaps she blamed herself more.

It was because she relied too much on Zhuo Bufan, so when she was desperate, she held all her hopes and expected Zhuo Bufan to help her.

In fact, Mo Chichi was angry with herself and disappointed in herself.

As for Zhuo Bufan, she just didn't know how to face him.

After Tan Zhitian died, Mo Chichi had already decided to return to Daluotian and find Daluotiandao in person to end it all.

So, when Mo Chichi went back this time, she actually believed that she would die.

Therefore, Mo Chichi didn't want to have anything to do with Zhuo Bufan anymore, because she knew that if Zhuo Bufan was really involved, it would only bring danger to both parties in the end.

The best way is to stop provoking Zhuo Bufan and pretend that the two sides have never met.

Forgetting Zhuo Bufan and forgetting the past may be the best result.

"About your matter, I'm afraid we really can't help you."

"Okay, we still have to hurry, see you again if there's a chance!"

Mo Chichi said, and continued on his way with Li Mei.

Zhuo Bufan watched Mo Chichi leave, at a loss for a moment.

If Mo Chichi really left, who would let their two clones merge again?

Zhuo Bufan was stunned. He didn't want this to happen, so he bit the bullet and stopped Mo Chichi.

"Miss Chichi, can you please not leave?"

"I know I'm sorry for you, please give me a chance to atone for my sins and admit my mistakes."

"I really can't live without you now?"

"I need you, stay, okay?"

Zhuo Bufan has never said such a mushy thing!

But today, for Mo Chichi, in order to keep her, Zhuo Bufan said all these words that he wouldn't even say to his wife to Mo Chichi.

Li Mei on the side was like a bystander, with her mouth wide open, looking at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

"Boy, are you confessing your love?"

Li Mei asked.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he heard it.

He realized that what he said was a bit corny and had some confession.

But now, in order to keep Mo Chichi, he had to bite the bullet and continue even if it was corny.

"Miss Chichi, I know you love me deeply."

"I also know you love me deeply."

"In the past, I didn't know how to cherish and didn't understand your good intentions."

"But I'm not a fool, I can feel your heart."

"I don't want you to go back, I don't want you to die."

"So, I hope you stay, and we will face any difficulties together."

"It's just jealousy, please believe me, I can protect you."

In order to keep Mo Chichi, Zhuo Bufan can be said to have no scruples about his face.

Now he only hopes that Mo Chichi can forgive him and stay.

Because Zhuo Bufan needs her, this is not a joke, he really needs Mo Chichi.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's sincere confession, Mo Chichi stood there stupidly.

He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to say such words to her.

But for Mo Chichi now, these words are too late.

If Zhuo Bufan could have said these words to her earlier, maybe Mo Chichi's heart would be captured by him.

But now, Mo Chichi just wants to return to Daluotian.

Because Mo Chichi needs to return to Daluotian to save her fate.

This matter has nothing to do with Zhuo Bufan. Even if there is no Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi will go back.

When Zhuo Bufan saw that Mo Chichi was a little hesitant, he immediately continued.

"I know exactly what you are worried about now."

"The reason you want to return to Daluo Tiandao is nothing more than being forced into a desperate situation by Jealousy Heaven."

"I promise you that from now on, I will guarantee your safety."

"No, I have fought with Jealousy Heaven, and I know his ability."

"To be honest, it would be easy for me to kill him."

"So, when we meet Jealousy Heaven next time, I will help you get rid of him. I promise you."

Zhuo Bufan knew that only if Mo Chichi and the others felt safe would they be biased towards him.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's heartfelt words, Li Mei was suddenly a little moved.

"Can you really help us get rid of Jealousy Heaven?"

In fact, Li Mei didn't want to go back.

Because Li Mei couldn't bear to leave one person, that is Qiankun.

Li Mei knew that if she left, he might never see Qiankun again, which would be a torture for her.

So if she could choose, Li Mei actually hoped to stay.

They were really desperate and had no choice.

After all, Jealousy was getting stronger and stronger. If they continued to stay here, death would still be waiting for them.

Now, when Li Mei heard Zhuo Bufan say that he could protect them, her eyes naturally lit up.

Seeing Li Mei so excited, Zhuo Bufan nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I can protect you. With my strength, there is no problem in protecting you."

"If you are really worried, I can take you to the black and white world."

"The black and white world is a world that Jealousy will never find."

"Before, I was trapped in the black and white world, so I couldn't come to support in time."

"But now I'm out, I won't leave again."

Zhuo Bufan knew that now he could only rely on his eloquence to make Mo Chichi stay.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had a god assist.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Li Mei said to Mo Chichi.

"Chichi, why don't we trust him once!"

"It's a long way to go to Daluotian. It may take hundreds of years."

"This Jealous Heaven may chase us at any time."

"We may be killed by that beast before we can get back to Daluotian."

"So instead of running away, we might as well fight him."

Li Mei obviously didn't want to run away from the bottom of her heart.

The appearance of Zhuo Bufan undoubtedly gave her an opportunity. An excuse to stay.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi quickly said to Li Mei.

"Li Mei, we are not running away. We are going back to ask our father for clarification."

"What else is there to ask? If he hadn't agreed to kill us, would that Jealous Heaven come to kill us?"

"Don't you see who gave Jealous Heaven all those magical weapons?"

"That old man Tian Dao clearly wants to take back his power."

"He gave us his power in the beginning. Now he regrets it."

"That's why he wants to send Jealous Heaven to hunt us down and take back all our power."

"If we go back to Daluo Heaven now, we will definitely be caught in a trap."

"Chi Chi, don't be stupid. The old man Tian Dao has been confused for a long time."

Li Mei began to stand on Zhuo Bufan's side and persuade Mo Chi Chi.

"Chichi, you have to believe me and this guy."

"Just forgive him once. Didn't he say that he couldn't come to support us in time because he was delayed before?"

"And you saw the situation at that time. It was inevitable that Hun Dun would die. Even if I had the help of this kid's sky-repairing technique, I couldn't save the situation."

"So if that's the case, why should we bother with it?"

"Giving this kid a chance is also giving yourself a chance."

"And just now, didn't this kid confess to you? I think he is sincere, maybe he has feelings for you."

"Don't you always want to be with him? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Li Mei, this god assist, said every word to Zhuo Bufan's heart.

After listening to this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but narrow his eyes and nodded.

Li Mei said everything he wanted to say, and fully expressed what Zhuo Bufan wanted to say.

After listening to this, Zhuo Bufan also hurriedly spoke from the side.

"Miss Chichi, give me another chance, a chance to protect you."

"And I believe that Miss Li Mei definitely doesn't want to leave like this."

"Jun Zhitian's pursuit of you will never end."

"Even if you want to escape, I'm afraid you can't escape from his palm."

"I, Zhuo, promise you that if Jun Zhitian dares to come, I will make him never come back."

After hearing this, Li Mei clapped her hands and shouted.

"Good, great ambition. You kid finally speaks toughly."

"In this case, your aunt Li Mei has decided not to leave."

"Boy, you have to ensure my safety. Now my aunt's life and property are in your hands."

This Li Mei was not polite and directly handed her life to Zhuo Bufan.

She really trusted Zhuo Bufan's ability.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much, just smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Chichi, you heard it! He even protects me, an outsider, let alone you."

"It's really strange. You said that as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, we are here to hunt down this natural enemy. I didn't expect that now, we actually need the protection of this natural enemy. This is too ridiculous."

"However, although it's a bit strange, I'm happy with it!"

"As long as I can live, I think it's worth it."

Li Mei believes in Zhuo Bufan very much and keeps helping Zhuo Bufan to say good things.

Mo Chichi on the side saw this and finally sighed helplessly.

"Hey, Li Mei, you can't do this."

Mo Chichi didn't want Zhuo Bufan to protect her.

Not only because she couldn't get over it, but also because she didn't want to involve Zhuo Bufan.

After all, this is the grievances between them, the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao.

But now that they have come to this point, there are no more concerns.

At least this is what Li Mei thinks.

So Li Mei is happy to seek Zhuo Bufan's help.

"Chichi, go ahead if you want to go! I won't go. I thought about it, even if I go back, I will die."

"Rather than die at the hands of that old man Tiandao, I'd rather die next to the one I love."

"I've decided to go back to find Qiankun."

After hearing this, Mo Chichi said to Li Mei.

"Aren't you afraid of bringing him danger?"

"The Ronin cannot withstand another big blow."

Mo Chichi's words hit Li Mei's soul, leaving her speechless for a while.

Just as Mo Chichi wanted to protect Zhuo Bufan, Li Mei also wanted to protect Qiankun.

So, Li Mei was scared. But then she said again.

"I'll go back to see him, and then follow this kid and wander around the void."

"Isn't he going to find his other half?"

"Let's go find his other half."

Li Mei decided to rely on Zhuo Bufan.

After all, she also saw that Zhuo Bufan was the real thigh now.

Only by staying with Zhuo Bufan, they might have a chance to survive.

Zhuo Bufan saw that Mo Chichi was a little hesitant, and he hurriedly said.

"Miss Chichi, please stay, I really need you."

Zhuo Bufan now begged Mo Chichi sincerely. Li Mei on the side also begged hurriedly.

"Chichi, I beg you too, please stay! Don't go back."

"I won't feel at ease if you go back alone."

Facing the joint pleading of Zhuo Bufan and Li Mei, Mo Chichi silently closed her eyes.

Finally, she nodded and compromised.

"Okay then! I can stay, but I must explain to you that I am not sure that you two can completely merge."

"I am even less sure that you can become the leader of the soul."

Mo Chichi explained in advance.

What she said was true, of course. She was not sure that she could make this clone the leader.

Zhuo Bufan understood this.

"I understand, don't worry! When the time comes, just merge the two of us. As for me and him, who will be the leader, that's up to fate."

Zhuo Bufan now just wants to merge the two clones into one. As for who will be the leader, it depends on their ability!

Mo Chichi saw that Zhuo Bufan had realized it, and she nodded slightly.

"Well, where are we going next?"

Mo Chichi looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Li Mei also looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"Why don't we go back to the Eternal Star Domain? I want to see Qiankun."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head when he heard it.

"I'm afraid not!"

"Why?" Li Mei asked. She really wanted to see Qiankun. She missed Qiankun very much.

Zhuo Bufan answered after hearing it.

"I can't enter the Eternal Star Domain. Because I'm being hunted by the Eternal Heavenly Dao."

"How about this, you can send a message to Qiankun and ask him to wait for you outside the Eternal Star Domain."

"If you have no objection, I want to go find my other half of my clone next."

"When the time comes, I'll trouble you two to accompany me."

Zhuo Bufan said.

After hearing this, Li Mei shook her shoulders and replied.

"At this point, this is the only way."

"Forget it, I'll go to see Qiankun after the matter of Jealous Heaven is resolved!"

"In short, kid, you have to be responsible for the two of us next."

"You promised us that you would ensure our safety."

"I believe in you, so don't let us down."

Li Mei finally gave up the plan to see Qiankun.

She was ready to follow Zhuo Bufan directly to find his other half of his clone.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"In that case, let's go!"

After saying that, Zhuo Bufan took Li Mei and Mo Chichi and headed towards the direction where Zhuo Bufan's other half was.

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