Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1358 Disappointment

Zhuo Bufan's first clone sacrificed himself and saved the entire elf world.

This is Zhuo Bufan's reincarnation mission in this world.

When he decided to sacrifice himself, this reincarnation mission was completed.

Zhuo Bufan has his own mission for each reincarnation mission.

For example, dedication, help, strength, effort, and sacrifice.

Zhuo Bufan's mission this time is sacrifice.

Only when he has the consciousness of self-sacrifice, then this reincarnation will naturally be completed.

This is Zhuo Bufan's tenth reincarnation mission.

After completing this mission, Zhuo Bufan is getting closer and closer to the trial of the reincarnation tower.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's second clone on the other side is distressed about another thing.

Zhuo Bufan's second clone came to the reincarnation world through the black world and the white world.

However, he was blocked outside the gate of the reincarnation world.

The guardian of the gate told Zhuo Bufan that only the complete him is qualified to enter the reincarnation world.

Zhuo Bufan is now divided into two clones, not complete.

So for Zhuo Bufan, the most urgent task is to find his other half and merge with it.

Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan will never be able to enter the world of reincarnation.

However, Zhuo Bufan must enter the world of reincarnation, and he must go.

Because the Lord of Time is in the world of reincarnation.

Zhuo Bufan must find the Lord of Time, this is his mission.

But now, he is delayed because of the matter of the clone.

So for Zhuo Bufan, his most urgent task is to find his other half and merge with it.

It is not enough to find the other half of Zhuo Bufan, he must also find a way to merge with the other party.

The most important thing is that Zhuo Bufan must find a way to make his second clone the leader.

Everyone wants to be the leader of the fusion of two clones.

So the most important thing for Zhuo Bufan's second clone to do now is to find Mo Chichi first.

Because only Mo Chichi can make their two clones completely merge.

Moreover, Mo Chichi should have a way to make him the leader of the fusion.

"Find Mo Chichi first!"

"Feel where she is now."

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, and then used his soul power to feel where Mo Chichi was.

Zhuo Bufan had left a soul mark on Mo Chichi before, just to prevent this situation.

Because Zhuo Bufan knew that he would go back to find Mo Chichi one day, so this was also his backup plan.

When Zhuo Bufan was feeling where Mo Chichi was, he suddenly found that Mo Chichi was not in the Eternal Star Domain.

"Why is she not in the Eternal Star Domain?"

"That's good. If she is no longer in the Eternal Star Domain, then I can go find her with confidence."

Zhuo Bufan did not dare to enter the Eternal Star Domain directly before. Because the Eternal Heavenly Dao of the Eternal Star Domain had set his sights on him.

As long as he entered the Eternal Star Domain, he would be targeted by the Eternal Heavenly Dao, and once the Eternal Heavenly Dao caught him, he would kill him.

Zhuo Bufan is not the opponent of the Eternal Heavenly Dao now, so he has been wandering outside the Eternal Star Domain until now.

Now that Mo Chichi is found, Zhuo Bufan naturally rushes to the direction of Mo Chichi as soon as possible.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the place where Mo Chichi was, he found that Mo Chichi and Li Mei were moving in the direction of Daluo Tiandao.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared in front of Mo Chichi and Li Mei, and then blocked their way.

"Long time no see, you two."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mo Chichi and smiled slightly.

I thought that my arrival would surprise and surprise Mo Chichi.

Unexpectedly, Mo Chichi was indeed stunned after seeing me, but then Mo Chichi suddenly said coldly.

"What are you doing here?"

Mo Chichi suddenly became extremely cold, which surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what happened, but he still said awkwardly.

"We said before that if one day I need your help, maybe you can help me."

"It's about the fusion of me and another clone."

Although Zhuo Bufan found that Mo Chichi was a little wrong.

But now the most urgent task is to complete his task.

So in the face of Mo Chichi's indifference, Zhuo Bufan still reluctantly said what he wanted to say.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Mo Chichi replied indifferently.

"I don't think you need me."

"And I told you that your two clones have been separated for too long, and two completely different personalities have been born."

"I can't dominate your one personality as the only existence."

"But now it seems that I think maybe another personality is more suitable."

Mo Chichi suddenly said that she supported another personality, which surprised Zhuo Bufan.

Because Mo Chichi didn't say that before.

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes and didn't understand what Mo Chichi said.

Because Zhuo Bufan remembered deeply that Mo Chichi had said before that no matter what, she would support him now.

And Mo Chichi also said that if possible, she would try her best to help Zhuo Bufan.

But now, her attitude towards him has completely changed by 180 degrees.

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand why Mo Chichi's attitude towards him changed so much.

But now it seems that Mo Chichi obviously has a problem with him.

"Miss Mo, maybe you are the only one who can fuse the two of us now."

"We need your help."

Zhuo Bufan sincerely begged Mo ChiChi, but Mo ChiChi looked at Zhuo Bufan and slowly shook his head.

"Maybe, but now Li Mei and I still have things to do."

"I may not be able to help you for the time being."

"Li Mei, let's go!"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he took Li Mei and planned to continue on his way.

However, when Li Mei saw Mo Chi Chi's appearance, she decisively refused.

"Okay, Chi Chi, just say it clearly if you have anything to say. There's no need to be so confused."

"If you don't say anything, I'll tell him."

Li Mei knew very well why Mo Chi Chi suddenly became so cold towards Zhuo Bufan.

Because she knew what kind of despair Mo Chichi had experienced before.

After listening to Li Mei's words, Zhuo Bufan learned that they seemed to have encountered some problems before.

"You two, if you have anything to say, can you tell me clearly?"

Zhuo Bufan also wanted to know what happened. He knew that something must have happened that made Mo Chichi treat him so coldly.

You know, before, Mo Chichi was willing to sacrifice his life for Zhuo Bufan.

But now she is completely indifferent towards Zhuo Bufan.

Li Mei also looked at this situation and felt a little uncomfortable, so she stood up and spoke.

"It's not you!"

Li Mei scolded Zhuo Bufan without hesitation.

"What's the matter with you? Do you treat what you said as farts?"

"What my aunt hates the most is guys who don't keep their promises."

"A man without a sense of responsibility should not make promises to others casually."

"In the beginning, because of you, Chichi would not hesitate to betray all our incarnations of Heavenly Dao, even Daluo Heavenly Dao, and become our enemy."

"And it's good for you. When she needed you most, you were nowhere to be seen."

"Whatever you agreed to call me anytime you need me, I'll be there as soon as possible."

"What's the result? After exchanging you for a long time, I didn't even see a ghost."

"You guys are blind for nothing."

Li Mei didn't say anything about her dissatisfaction with Zhuo Bufan.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi on the side quickly pulled Li Mei and said.

"Okay Li Mei, let's go!"

"We have to rush back to Daluotian to give our father an explanation."

Mo Chichi said.

After listening to what Mo Chichi and Limei said, Zhuo Bufan stood there blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

Because Li Mei didn't explain everything clearly, he felt a little confused and didn't know how to answer.

Although Li Mei didn't fully explain what he said, Zhuo Bufan should have guessed that something had indeed happened that made Mo Chi Chi not appear immediately when she needed him most.

To put it bluntly, Zhuo Bufan disappointed Mo Chichi.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what happened that made Mo Chichi so disappointed in him.

However, he knew very well that the consequences of this matter would definitely be serious, otherwise Mo Chichi would not be so indifferent to him.

"I'm sorry, Miss Chichi, I went to other worlds before, so I may not feel your call at all."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to explain, but Li Mei on the side listened and said.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to explain."

"We don't have much expectations for you. From now on, we are on the same road, each going his own way."

"We won't be chasing you, and you don't need to bother us again."

"Now we have to rush back to Daluotian, please give way."

Zhuo Bufan said quickly after listening to Li Mei's words.

"You want to go back to Daluotian?"

"Didn't your heaven send people to hunt you down? If you go back now, aren't you throwing yourself into a trap?"

Zhuo Bufan said quickly.

After listening, Li Mei replied.

"It doesn't matter if you throw yourself into a trap, it's better than being hunted to death here."

"Even if we are going to die, we will not die in this cold void."

"Even if I have to die, I will die in my father's hands."

"He created us, so only he has the right to end our lives."

"When we went back this time, we had no intention of coming back alive."

After listening to Li Mei's words, Zhuo Bufan knew that something serious must have happened.

As a result, Mo Chichi and Li Mei would rather throw themselves into a trap than stay in this chaotic void.

It was indeed Mo Chichi's decision to return to Daluotian.

Mo Chichi wants to return to Da Luotian, even if he dies, he must die in the hands of Da Luotian, not in the hands of that cruel jealousy.

Moreover, Mo Chichi believed that Heaven was by no means ruthless, it must still have feelings and would not kill them.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't think so.

Zhuo Bufan believes that God is ruthless and God will never let Mo Chichi and the others go.

So when Mo Chichi and Li Mei return to Daluotian, they are throwing themselves into a trap and seeking death.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let this happen because he didn't want to see Mo Chichi die.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan resolutely stood in front of Mo Chichi and the others.

"Girl Chi Chi, you can't go back. Daluo Tiandao will definitely not let you go."

"You stay in this chaotic void, I will protect you."

"Although I don't know what happened to you, I promise you now that I will protect your safety."

"If that Jealous Heaven dares to come again, I will help you kill him."

Zhuo Bufan felt that he should do something and regain Mo Chichi's trust.

However, after hearing this, Mo Chichi shook his head decisively.

"No need, you go!"

"This is our own business of the Heavenly Dao clone, we will not let outsiders interfere."

"At this point, returning to Daluotian is our best choice."

Now, there are only three of the seven Heavenly Dao incarnations left.

Jealous Heaven has become more and more powerful.

The next time they meet, Mo Chichi and the others will definitely not be Jealous Heaven's opponents.

So Mo Chichi decided that they would return to Daluotian before Jealous Heaven came again.

Even if they died, they wanted to know why the Heavenly Dao, as their father, wanted to kill them.

They had to die with a clear mind, this was the idea of ​​Mo Chichi and Li Mei.

That's why Mo Chichi and Li Mei returned to Daluotian.

But now they want to leave, but Zhuo Bufan wants to keep them.

"Miss Chichi, I, Zhuo Bufan, promised you that I would protect you."

"You returned to Daluotian, = do you really think that your Lord Tiandao will let you go?"

"Heaven is ruthless!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

As a result, Li Mei on the side quickly questioned.

"Then are you affectionate? You said that Heaven is ruthless, aren't you equally ruthless to Chichi?"

"You should know that Chichi is the most infatuated woman in the world. She is the heaven of infatuation!"

"Her infatuation with you can be betrayed even by Lord Tiandao."

"But you ruthlessly rejected her.

"Not only that, you also ruthlessly played with her."

"When she needed you the most, you disappeared. When she was desperate, you disappeared. When she crushed the jade token to summon you, you didn't even have a shadow."

"Don't say you are not in this world, that's just an excuse. "

"Since you promised to protect Chichi, you should be ready for Chichi's call anytime and anywhere."

"What do you mean by protecting Chichi? Didn't you say so last time?"

"Then where were you when Chichi was in danger last time?"

"It wasn't you who protected Chichi. It was Hun Dun, our elder brother."

"It's a pity that he is gone forever. "

Li Mei's words made Zhuo Bufan speechless.

Of course, it also made Zhuo Bufan understand why Chi Chi was so cold to him.

It turned out that Mo Chi Chi and the others were being hunted by Jealous Heaven before. They had summoned me.

However, because I was in the black and white world at that time, I did not sense Mo Chi Chi's call for help.

That time was the most desperate time for Mo Chi Chi. She wanted to call Zhuo Bufan countless times, but Zhuo Bufan did not appear at all.

It was this experience that made Mo Chi Chi give up on me.

In this case, Zhuo Bufan knew that it was indeed his own fault.

Mo Chi Chi, disappointed in him!


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