Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1360 Matrilineal World

Zhuo Bufan's second clone finally convinced Mo Chichi, and then he led Mo Chichi and Li Mei to start looking for the reincarnation world where the first clone was.

The last time they met, Zhuo Bufan's second clone had left his divine thoughts on the first clone.

So he knew where Zhuo Bufan's first clone was now.

For Zhuo Bufan, the most urgent task was to merge the two clones.

As for Mo Chichi and the others, they had nowhere to go now, so they had to follow Zhuo Bufan.

After all, only together could Zhuo Bufan protect their safety.

"The last time I met him, he was with my brother Gao Yangxu."

"They seem to be in the reincarnation world."

"Let's go to the reincarnation world now, we should be able to find them."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Mo Chichi and Li Mei and rushed to the reincarnation world quickly.


On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's first clone was still undergoing trials in the reincarnation tower.

Now Zhuo Bufan has reached the fifteenth world.

Since the elf world, Zhuo Bufan has gone through the reincarnation of a spore world, a giant world, an angel world, and a demon world.

Now in the fifteenth world, Zhuo Bufan has entered a reincarnation world that he never dreamed of - the matriarchal world.

The matriarchal world here does not refer to a world where women are respected.

It refers to a world composed entirely of women.

There are only women in this world, no men. Even animals are only female, no male.

Naturally, Zhuo Bufan, who reincarnated into this world, also became a woman.

When Zhuo Bufan first came to this world, he was completely stunned.

After all, he had never thought of becoming a woman.

And Zhuo Bufan came to this world and grew up directly from a newborn baby girl.

Women in this world will automatically become pregnant when they reach the age of twenty.

So they have been multiplying to this day relying on this mysterious way of reproduction.

The whole world is divided into four major countries.

They are Eguo, Waguo, Jiguo, and Jiangguo.

Zhuo Bufan is the daughter of Jiang Yun, the ruler of Jiang State, and the crown prince of Jiang State and the future ruler.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan is not called Zhuo Bufan now, but Jiang Meng.

Zhuo Bufan never dreamed that he would become a woman one day, and have such a woman's name, Jiang Meng.

Zhuo Bufan, who became a woman, began to doubt his life.

"Meng'er, tomorrow is your fifth birthday. What do you want? Mother will prepare it for you!"

In the palace, Jiang Meng's mother Jiang Yun was trying to please Jiang Meng.

For Jiang Yun, Jiang Meng's daughter was really special.

Jiang Meng was different from other newborns.

When she was born, she didn't cry or make a fuss. She learned to read at the age of one, painted at the age of two, learned martial arts at the age of three, and wrote books at the age of four.

Now at the age of five, Jiang Meng seemed to have looked down on life. She sat there alone all day and sighed constantly.

Jiang Yun didn't know why her child sighed, and was afraid of Jiang Meng.

Because five-year-old Jiang Meng was so mature, Jiang Yun thought that he had given birth to a mother instead of a daughter!

Other children were still acting cute with their mothers and playing with their little sisters when they were five years old.

But Jiang Meng never acted like a spoiled child.

Of course, Jiang Yun didn't know that Jiang Meng was a reincarnationist.

And he was not an ordinary reincarnationist. Before she reincarnated, she was a man.

Of course, Jiang Yun didn't know what a man was, because there were no men in their world, so they didn't have the concept of men.

Seeing his daughter depressed all day, Jiang Yun naturally tried to make her happy.

Finally, he had a day of free time, and Jiang Yun planned to have fun with his daughter.

But Jiang Meng didn't seem to want to play happily at all.

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Meng shook his head, then sighed and said.

"Hey! Why is it a woman, why did you become a woman!"

Jiang Meng, that is, Zhuo Bufan.

For him, this reincarnation was too bitter.

Until now, he still didn't know what the reincarnation mission was this time.

Now, he is thinking about how to leave this hellhole all day long.

If Bai Su and the others knew that he had turned into a woman, his two wives would laugh to death.

Jiang Yun saw his daughter Jiang Meng sighing again, and he couldn't help but touch her head and sighed.

"Silly child, what nonsense are you talking about! What do you want to do if you are not a woman? Do you want to be an animal?"

Jiang Meng replied after hearing this.

"No, I want to be a man! I am a man!"

Jiang Yun was stunned after hearing this.


"Yes, a man with a penis."

Jiang Meng gestured, and Jiang Yun looked at his daughter blankly.

"Girl, what's wrong with you? Why don't you be a good person and want to be a monster?"

"What does it mean to have a penis? What kind of monster is a man?"

"Don't talk nonsense, don't let the queen worry!"

"Silly daughter, the queen only has you as a daughter, you must not think about it."

Jiang Yun hugged Jiang Meng and began to cry.

She thought Jiang Meng had a problem with his brain.

After hearing this, Jiang Meng shook his head helplessly.

"Hey, forget it! Let's make peace with it now! I hope I can get rid of this fate soon."

Jiang Meng also knew that no matter how helpless she was, she could not change the fact that he was a woman.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to find the reincarnation mission of this world as soon as possible, then complete the mission and leave this world.

But, what exactly is her reincarnation mission?

He spent five years and still had no clue.

"Do you want me to dominate the world?"

In the past five years, Zhuo Bufan, as Jiang Meng, has been investigating information about the world.

He learned that although the matrilineal world is now divided into four major countries, there are no battles or conflicts between the four major countries.

Because women are not as competitive as men, they will not compete with each other for fame and fortune.

The relationship between the four major countries is surprisingly good, so if you want to complete reunification, you must break the current peace. This made Zhuo Bufan a little bit intolerable.

After all, people all yearn for a peaceful life, and they cannot plunge the entire world into war for their own selfish desires.

Zhuo Bufan believed that this was not in line with the laws of the Reincarnation Tower.

"By the way, Meng'er, your sister Yan'er from Ji Country will come to celebrate your birthday tomorrow. Then you won't be lonely."

When Jiang Meng heard about Sister Yan'er, her eyes suddenly lit up.

She thought of that crazy little girl.

Ji Yan is a familiar person and can play with anyone.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Jiang Meng and Ji Yan have a very good relationship.

Although Ji Yan is two years older than Jiang Meng, Jiang Meng still treats her as a little girl.

The seven-year-old girl is not as old as her own daughter.


When she thought of Ji Yan, Jiang Meng sighed helplessly.

Jiang Meng, who was sitting as a mother, looked at this with tears in her eyes.

She didn't know what kind of blow the child had suffered. He sighed all day long and was very pitiful.

Jiang Meng looked at Jiang Yun crying silently, and she couldn't bear it.

Although she doesn't like her current female form, as a reincarnator, Jiang Yun is now her mother, Jiang Meng.

At least Zhuo Bufan felt the long-lost maternal love with Jiang Yun.

"Mom, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

"Give me some time to get used to it."

Jiang Meng needs time to adapt to giving birth to a daughter.

Although she has adapted to it for five years, she still feels aggrieved.

After hearing this, Jiang Yun nodded in response.

"Meng'er, you have always been the pride of the Queen Mother. Although the Queen Mother doesn't know what happened to you, the Queen Mother hopes that you can cheer up and get out of your confusion as soon as possible."

"The Queen Mother will pass the throne to you in the future."

"So you must cheer up. You must learn to be responsible for yourself and your people. Do you understand?"

Because in the matriarchal world, every woman can only give birth once in her life, and can only give birth to a daughter.

Therefore, Jiang Yun's throne will definitely be passed on to Jiang Meng in the future.

Moreover, the throne will be passed to Jiang Meng after she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child at the age of twenty.

After listening to Jiang Yun's words, Jiang Meng immediately remembered that she would be pregnant and give birth to a child when she was twenty years old.

When he thought of this, he felt dizzy.

"Pregnancy, giving birth! Oh my god, how will I face Susu and the others in the future!"

As Jiang Meng, Zhuo Bufan felt fear in his heart again.

But now, fear is useless.

Jiang Meng knew that sooner or later she would be pregnant and give birth to a child.

"Could it be that getting pregnant and giving birth to a child is my reincarnation mission?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

Although it is just a guess, the possibility is very high.

Of course, whether this guess is correct can only be determined after she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child.

He is less than five years old now, and there are still fifteen years before she becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child.

The next day, Jiang Meng celebrated her fifth birthday.

On her birthday, Jiang Meng put on the princess dress prepared by her mother, Emperor Jiang Yun.

Although Jiang Meng had a look of despair when she put on this long dress.

But after all, today was his birthday, so Jiang Meng didn't act too cold.

"Sister Meng'er, I'm here to play with you."

Sure enough, Princess Ji Yan of Ji State also came.

Ji State and Jiang State have been friendly for generations, so Ji Yan, the princess of Ji State, can also be regarded as Jiang Meng's good sister.

"Sister Meng'er, I have prepared an interesting gift for you. Guess what it is?"

Ji Yan held a long gift box in her hand and said to Jiang Meng.

Jiang Meng looked at the gift box that was nearly one meter long. Miller narrowed his eyes and didn't say much.

Seeing this, Queen Mother Jiang Yun on the side quickly came over and asked with a smile.

"Yan'er, let aunt guess, is it a sword?"

After hearing this, Ji Yan shook her head and said.

"Wrong guess, no."

Jiang Yun smiled awkwardly and said.

"Haha, I really can't guess that."

Ji Yan’s mother, Emperor Ji Xue, smiled and said, “Even I don’t know about the gift this girl has prepared.”

"Ji Yan, please stop trying to seduce your sister Meng'er and tell her what the gift is!"

"Look at your sister Meng'er being unhappy."

Jiang Yun quickly said after hearing this.

"Sister Xue misunderstood, Meng'er is not unhappy, that's just how she is."

Jiang Yun smiled helplessly.

At this time, Ji Yan saw that Jiang Meng refused to guess, so she simply opened the gift box.

As soon as the gift box was opened, a white snake suddenly stretched out its head.

Then it spit out its bright red snake tongue towards everyone present.

At that time, Jiang Yun and Ji Xue, who were also curious, were shocked.

"Sister Meng'er, look quickly. This is a gift from your sister. The ice and snow snake of our Ji country!"

The two mothers on the side were already pale with fear.

Ji Xue shouted directly.

"Ji Yan, what is this gift you gave?"

"It's your sister's fifth birthday, and you gave her a snake. Are you stupid?"

"What should I do if your sister is scared?"

Being scolded by Ji Xue, Ji Yan pursed her lips in grievance.

"I, I have prepared a gift for a long time!"

Seeing Ji Yan's aggrieved look about to cry, Jiang Yun on the side hurriedly said.

"Forget it, sister Xue, Yan'er is still young and ignorant."

Ji Xue quickly apologized.

"This girl has been a little silly since she was a child. I really didn't know that she prepared a snake as a gift for Meng'er."

"If I had known earlier, I would never let her bring this snake into the palace."

"You girl, you are getting more and more outrageous."

"When you came, you secretly told me that you prepared a surprise for sister Meng'er. Is this your surprise? You scared everyone."

Ji Xue turned back and scolded Ji Yan again.

Seeing Ji Yan about to cry, Jiang Meng on the side spoke up at this time.

"I like this snake very much."

"I heard that the ice and snow snake of Ji country is as white as snow and cold all over. It is a good product for cooling down in summer."

"I accept this gift."

After Jiang Meng finished speaking, he took the initiative to take the ice and snow snake out of the box and wrapped it around his hand.

Seeing this scene, the two queens Jiang Meng and Ji Xue were completely stunned.

And Ji Yan, who was about to cry, suddenly smiled.

"Hehehe, I knew that sister Meng'er would like it."

"Mother, you just blamed me, hum! Did you see that sister Meng'er likes the gift I gave her very much?"

"Sister Meng'er, let's go out and play with the little snakes, not with them."

After Ji Yan finished speaking, he grabbed Jiang Meng's hand and took Jiang Meng out of the palace.

The two queens watched their daughters leave, and suddenly felt like crying.

No one expected that the daughters of the two queens would become little monsters.

One was silent and the other was crazy.

The interesting thing is that the two of them could actually play together.

In response, the two queens could only sigh helplessly.



On the other side, Jiang Meng, led by Ji Yan, came to play outside the palace.

Poor ice and snow snake, was ravaged by the two problem girls and was worse than death.

Although Jiang Meng felt very bored, compared with other boring times, it was interesting to follow this crazy Jiguo princess.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan, as Jiang Meng, began her short and boring life in this matriarchal world.

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