Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1298 Eternal Heavenly Dao [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan, who perfectly merged with the Gray Lotus, had reached an unprecedented level of strength.

Facing the invincible Tyranny, he almost defeated him with one move.

Tyranny probably never dreamed that he would be killed instantly.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan's move could not take Tyranny's life.

After all, Tyranny was the incarnation of Heaven, and it was impossible for the incarnation of Heaven to die so easily.

However, Tyranny, who was hit by Zhuo Bufan's move, could not recover easily in a short time, let alone seek revenge on him.


Obviously, Zhuo Bufan's strength was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one thought that Zhuo Bufan would suddenly become so powerful.

Even Mo Chichi, who was saved by him, was shocked.

She stared at Zhuo Bufan in front of her in amazement.

She never thought that Zhuo Bufan would subdue Tyranny with one move.

Of course, at this moment, Mo Chichi did not care how powerful Zhuo Bufan became. What she cared about was that she could see Zhuo Bufan again.

"Zhuo Lang, I finally see you again."

Mo Chichi reached out and touched Zhuo Bufan's handsome face.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and shook his head slightly and said.

"Thank you for your guardian!"

Zhuo Bufan did not have too much affection for Mo Chichi, he was just grateful for Mo Chichi's help.

If it weren't for Mo Chichi and Hun Dun, he would not have successfully merged the gray lotus.

So Mo Chichi and Hun Dun also saved Zhuo Bufan's life.

But one thing is one thing, Zhuo Bufan can use the sky repairing technique to save Mo Chichi and Hun Dun.

But it is impossible to fall in love with Mo Chichi for no reason because of this.

So Zhuo Bufan still keeps a certain distance from Mo Chichi.

"Miss Mo, don't worry, I will do my best to save your lives."

"Although the sky repairing technique cannot completely restore the power of the heaven you lost, it should be no problem to save you."

Zhuo Bufan said confidently.

The sky repairing technique is worthy of being the first magical power of Daluotian.

Under the treatment of the Heaven Repairing Technique, the injuries of Mo Chichi and Hun Dun are slowly recovering.

Especially Mo Chichi's injury.

She was injured by Jealousy's Zeroing Knife and was seriously injured and dying.

The Zeroing Knife can make everything zero, but when it encounters the Heaven Repairing Technique, it can make up for all the losses.

So, the dying Mo Chichi was saved.

On the other side of the void, Jealousy, who had just absorbed the power of the Void and Crazy Heavenly Dao, suddenly felt the disappearance of Mo Chichi.

He was stunned immediately.

"Mo Chichi, was saved?"

Jealousy was very surprised, because the person injured by his Zeroing Knife must be dead.

But Mo Chichi is not only alive now, but also saved.

He can no longer obtain Mo Chichi's Heavenly Dao power, which is undoubtedly a loss for Jealousy.

It is also a very bad signal.

Because if Mo Chichi is really saved, it means that there is a restraint in this chaotic void.

As Jealous Heaven, he was sent by Heaven to hunt down the incarnation of Heaven and the natural enemy Zhuo Bufan, so he would never allow any accidents to happen.

Now that there was an accident, Jealous Heaven felt a sense of crisis.

"It seems that I must speed up and absorb all other incarnations of Heaven as soon as possible."

Jealous Heaven's mission is to hunt down other incarnations of Heaven and gather these scattered Heaven's powers together.

Daluo Heaven obviously does not need so many clones, he only needs one.

If the scattered Heaven's power is gathered, this Heaven's clone will become extremely powerful.

At least in the chaotic void, it will definitely be a first-class strongman.


Because Zhuo Bufan suddenly appeared, he used the Heaven Repairing Technique to heal Mo Chichi and Hun Dun.

Soon, Mo Chichi and Hun Dun began to recover.

Hun Dun recovered completely, while Mo Chichi was affected by the Zero Blade, and the Heaven's power has not recovered yet.

Although the Heaven Repairing Technique is a magical power close to perfection, it is still difficult to make up for the lost Heavenly Power.

"I finally found you."

Mo Chichi looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of her, and was extremely excited.

Since the first time she saw Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi has been deeply in love with him.

Mo Chichi has cultivated thousands of infatuations, but only this infatuation is the most difficult to cultivate.

Until now, she still can't forget Zhuo Bufan and is infatuated with him.

However, this infatuation is only one-sided. Zhuo Bufan really has no idea about Mo Chichi.

Zhuo Bufan is not a promiscuous person. Bai Su and Xuan Su are already the ones she loves in her heart.

Even Meng Chanyi, he has some estrangement in his heart. Not to mention Mo Chichi.

Zhuo Bufan is destined to disappoint Mo Chichi's friendship.

"Miss Mo, I am very grateful for your help."

"However, you and I are destined to be two different people."

"After this, I will still be the natural enemy of your Daluo Tiandao."

"So, you don't have to show mercy to me anymore, and I won't be soft-hearted to you either."

Zhuo Bufan said sternly.

He was a little tough with Mo Chichi.

He emphasized that he and Mo Chichi were strangers and hostile. Mo Chichi also understood that she was just burdened by her infatuation.

However, when she really heard what Zhuo Bufan said, she was still a little sad.

"No, I have already betrayed the Heavenly Dao, I am not your enemy."

"Now, I only have you in my heart, and I am only infatuated with you!"

Mo looked at Zhuo Bufan lovingly.

She wanted to express her feelings to Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"Miss Mo, I have my heart set on something."

"Moreover, you should know very well that your infatuation is just an emotion caused by your infatuation with the way of heaven."

"Do you really have feelings for me yourself?"

"You have practiced thousands of crazy thoughts. You should know very well that this is just a calamity of your cultivation."

"After this disaster, your infatuation will no longer exist, and you will completely forget me as a person."

Zhuo Bufan was enlightening Mo ChiChi.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, Mo Chichi's heart trembled.

Suddenly, she felt that what Zhuo Bufan said might be true.

Do I really have true feelings for Zhuo Bufan?

She is the heaven of madness, the incarnation of madness in the way of heaven.

Insanity is a kind of self-feeling.

Because you can't get a response from the other party, you become crazy.

Madness is a delusion.

Because of the inner lack, I want the feeling I long for.

Mo Chichi's infatuation with Zhuo Bufan is, to put it bluntly, just a delusional feeling.

It's not her love for Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, she and Zhuo Bufan had no real feelings, and it was impossible for Zhuo Bufan to have any affection for her.

Zhuo Bufan's words seemed to wake up Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi closed her eyes silently, thinking about what Zhuo Bufan said.

Zhuo Bufan was right, his so-called liking and love for Zhuo Bufan was just his own obsession.

He is the delusion of heaven and the delusion of the way of heaven.

If you say you know, are your feelings for Zhuo Bufan true?

Now, even Mo Chichi himself expressed doubts.

"Miss Chichi, I am not a stone, and I am not a fool."

"Of course I understand your feelings for me."

"It's just that I hope you understand. Is your feeling for me just a kind of infatuation, or is it true love?"

"That's it for now, just take care of yourself!"

Zhuo Bufan's last words made Mo Chichi completely confused.

What feelings do you have towards Zhuo Bufan?

Is it just an obsession?

"Sorry to bother you."

Mo ChiChi just wants to find a quiet place and think about it.

She suddenly didn't dare to face Zhuo Bufan because she didn't know what kind of feelings she had for Zhuo Bufan.

"Sister Chichi, let's go! Next, we have more important things to do."

Hun Chao on the side spoke.

The important thing in his mouth is naturally to solve the Tiandao fatwa.

They are now being hunted by the Heavenly Dao. If the Heavenly Dao clones do not unite together, they may soon usher in their demise.

So at this critical juncture, Hun Chao must cheer up Mo Chi Chi.

After Mo listened stupidly, he took another look at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan just looked at her with a smile and said.

"Go on, don't you have more important things to do?"

"As for the answer, you need to find it yourself."

"Also, I, Mr. Zhuo, owe you a life. If you need help in the future, I, Mr. Zhuo, will not hesitate to help you."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pushed with his palm, and a force of chaos enveloped Mo Chichi and Hun Chaos.

Under the mysterious gray mist, Mo Chimo and Hun Chaos disappeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan saw that Mo ChiChi was unwilling to leave, so he simply took the initiative to send Mo ChiChi away.

He didn't want to get too entangled with Mo Chichi because Zhuo Bufan didn't want to put too much thought into this impossible relationship.

After sending Mo Chichi away, Zhuo Bufan looked at the situation in front of him again.

At this moment, only two powerful men, Mu Shen and Yuan Zun, were left in the void.

Of course, the extremely powerful person described here is limited to the Eternal Star Domain.

However, in front of Zhuo Bufan, it can be said that they are no longer worth mentioning.

Zhuo Bufan can defeat even the arrogant Tyranny in an instant.

Not to mention Yuan Zun and Mu Shen.

When Yuan Zun and Mu Shen saw Zhuo Bufan blowing away Tyranny with one move, they were greatly shocked by this figure who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Especially the Shepherd, you must know that the Shepherd was able to easily control Zhuo Bufan's will and brainwash Zhuo Bufan before.

But now, he couldn't control Zhuo Bufan at all.

Because he felt that Zhuo Bufan's soul power was too powerful, dozens of times more powerful than himself.

"You, are you really Zhuo Bufan?"

The Shepherd looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him in stunned silence.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled coldly.

"Are you the faun?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Shepherd in front of him. His aura was completely different from before.

The current Zhuo Bufan actually has more of Luo Tian's aura.

So for the Shepherd God, he showed a strong aura.

The Shepherd God was completely dumbfounded after seeing such a powerful Zhuo Bufan.

"Impossible, how did you become so powerful?"

How could the Shepherd believe that Zhuo Bufan, whom he could use at will, has now become an existence beyond his reach?

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It bothers me, your abilities are really weird!"

"But now, there is no need for you to exist."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand towards the Shepherd God.

Shepherd God was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"Wait a minute, Brother Zhuo, I have treated you well, why are you like this?"

"Is that all you want to say?"

Zhuo Bufan said coldly, and then a strong gray mist gushed out of his palm.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan had the intention to kill him, the Shepherd God suddenly took out a piece of crystal from somewhere at the critical moment, then crushed the crystal and shouted.

"Heavenly Dao, save me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the stars in the Eternal Star Domain were seen flying rapidly in the air.

The entire galaxy began to undergo shocking changes.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly stopped his movements.

Then he stood with his hands behind his back, calmly watching the changes in the starry sky in front of him.

All the stars were undergoing vicissitudes of life.

"Is it the Eternal Heavenly Dao?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, because he felt that he was wrapped up by a strong willpower in an instant.

That willpower was close to infinity.

In this Eternal Star Domain, there is only one existence with such a powerful will, and that is the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Eternal Heavenly Dao, the self-consciousness born in the Eternal Star Domain.

It has no form, it is just a simple consciousness.

But this consciousness is infinitely powerful.

It is precisely because of this Heavenly Dao consciousness that the Eternal Star Domain is called the second world besides Daluotian.

The Heavenly Dao consciousness of Daluotian is the product of the failure of the Lord of Time, and it can be said to be created.

The Heavenly Dao consciousness of the Eternal Star Domain evolved by itself.

It is different from Daluotian. It is actually a collection of the wills of all the stars in the Eternal Star Domain.

A small shepherd god can actually summon the Eternal Heavenly Dao, which shocked Zhuo Bufan.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but even Yuan Zun was shocked.

"How is it possible? You can actually command the Heavenly Dao?"

Yuan Zun has fought with the Shepherd God for so long, and it is the first time he knows that the Shepherd God has such ability.

The Shepherd God laughed when he saw this.

"Hahahaha, where do you think my name as the Shepherd God comes from?"

"Lord Tiandao, do you feel it?"

"It's this guy, he got the mysterious power on the Gray Star."

"As long as you kill him, the power will be yours."

The Shepherd God suddenly spoke to someone in a nervous manner.

Yuan Zun was completely dumbfounded and didn't understand.

But Zhuo Bufan knew very well that the existence that the Shepherd God communicated with was the consciousness of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, the entire chaotic void was filled with a soul-shaking trembling sound.

Then, Zhuo Bufan felt his soul trembling.

An inexplicable pressure came, pressing his soul to the point of suffocation.

"So strong!"

You know, Zhuo Bufan had just merged with the Lotus of Chaos and possessed the heaven-defying ability of Luo Tian in his previous life.

Even the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu, was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent in one move.

However, facing such a powerful Eternal Heavenly Dao, Zhuo Bufan still had no power to resist.

The pressure became more and more intense, and Zhuo Bufan's soul was almost crushed.

This was just pure soul pressure, which made him feel extremely painful.


Zhuo Bufan howled, and his opponent, the Eternal Heavenly Dao, finally arrived.


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