Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1297 Heroes Appear [New Book Release]

Ba Tu's knife finally chopped down.

It ruthlessly chopped on Hun Dun's head.

Mo Chi Chi stared at this scene in amazement, and the whole person was completely dumbfounded.


She didn't expect that Hun Dun would stand up for her at this last moment.

It was he who blocked Ba Tu's famous blow for her.

Ba Tu's target was obviously Mo Chi Chi from the beginning. It can be said that if it wasn't Hun Dun, then Mo Chi Chi would definitely die under this blow.

However, at the critical moment of life and death, Hun Dun stood up.

He wanted to protect his sister, so he stood in front of Mo Chi Chi at all costs.

And Mo Chi Chi could only watch Hun Dun being hit by Ba Tu's Xing Tian Axe!

The destructive power of the Xing Tian Axe instantly eroded Hun Dun's body and soul.

Hun Dun also almost completely lost the ability to fight at the first moment.

Its huge body, like a mountain, began to weaken and shrink rapidly.

Until the end, it completely turned into a pet like a small fragrant pig and fell into Mo Chichi's arms.

"Brother, brother!"

Mo Chichi looked at Hun Dun who was beaten back to his original form, and was extremely shocked.

Hun Dun's original body is a pig.

When Tian Dao differentiated his first clone, he chose the most greedy creature in the world, that is, a pig.

So, Tian Dao's greed merged with a piglet to form Greedy Heaven.

The reason why Greedy Heaven Hun Dun did not have too high wisdom was precisely because its original body was a pig.

It was precisely because of this failure that Tian Dao knew that the host of Tian Dao's incarnation must choose a highly intelligent creature.

The incarnations of Tian Dao are actually some life forms that have integrated Tian Dao's emotions.

But once the original body is beaten out, it means that the power of Tian Dao's incarnation has been weakened.

And it has been weakened to the point of being on the verge of death.

After enduring the full-strength attack of Tyranny, Hun Dun was almost dying.

This time, not only Mo Chichi, but also Hun Dun will not have much time left.

This arrogant Tian Ba ​​Tu is really a completely ruthless person.

He really intends to kill Mo Chichi and Hun Dun, so he is very cruel.

After Hun Dun was hit by Ba Tu, not only did he return to his original form, but his life also began to wither instantly.

After all, he was killed by the Xingtian Axe, which represents absolute destruction.

"Brother, brother!"

Mo Chichi shouted while holding Hun Dun who was turned back to his original form in his arms.

When Ba Tu saw this scene, he laughed triumphantly.

"Hahahaha! Pig, a pig?"

"Hun Dun, I didn't expect your original form to be a pig!"

"This is too funny!"

"I was still wondering what kind of powerful creature your original form would be, but it turned out to be a fat pig!"

Ba Tu laughed at Hun Dun's original form crazily.

Mo Chichi felt very chilled after hearing this.

"You bastard!"

Mo Chichi began to burn her own life, preparing to launch the final attack on Tyranny.

She also held the consciousness of returning to her original form first, and vowed to fight Tyranny to the death.


Mo Chichi merged all her obsessions, and then began to overdraw her life and energy, which were already very little left.

For a moment, the blazing energy fire burned on Mo Chichi.

The powerful will of the Heavenly Dao emitted the last brilliant light.

However, when Tyranny saw this scene, he stood still and was indifferent.

"A trapped beast fighting, do you think you can be my opponent if you howl twice?"

"Mo Chichi, how can you always be so innocent and cute?"

"You are no longer worthy of being called the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao."

"I represent the Heavenly Dao and will destroy you!"

"Those who stand in my way will die!"

The Tyranny shouted angrily, and suddenly a very powerful energy condensed on his Xingtian Axe.

Facing Mo Chichi's desperate last blow, Tyranny said he was fearless.

But he used 120,000 percent of his strength, determined to turn Mo Chichi and Hun Dun into ashes.

This attack, for him, was also the final move!

"Destroy it!"

Batu raised the Xingtian Axe in his hand high into the void, forming countless brilliant lights above the void.

The lives illuminated by the brilliant light were instantly turned into ashes.

The people of the two major camps of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan had no time to escape, and began to disappear one by one under the illumination of this destructive light.

They didn't even have time to wail, and they had already died in this devastating disaster.

This part of Batu's enemies and friends, what he had to do was to purify everything.

And the breath of despair spread throughout the chaotic void for a while.

Even Mu Shen and Yuan Zun, facing this catastrophe, began to flee frantically.

"Sir Batu, please show mercy!"

"If you continue like this, you may attract the eternal heavenly punishment of the Eternal Star Domain!"

Yuan Zun did not run away, but under the illumination of Batu's destructive light, he could not bear it, so he had to support it bitterly.

Yuan Zun was not kidding with Tyrant. If Tyrant continued to destroy like this, he would definitely attract the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

Don't forget, this is not Daluo Heaven, this is the Eternal Star Domain.

There is an Eternal Heavenly Dao here.

Although the Eternal Heavenly Dao is not as good as Daluo Heaven, it is definitely a piece of cake to deal with Tyrant.

Because the Eternal Heavenly Dao is in the development stage, it originally maintains a natural attitude towards all the developments in this world.

So even if the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun fight to the death, and even trigger a war in the Eternal Star Domain, the Eternal Heavenly Dao will not take action.

Because it will think that this is a normal process of world development.

Fighting and rebirth coexist.

The current Eternal Heavenly Dao is still very simple, it is the real ruthless Heavenly Dao, watching the development of the world with cold eyes.

But the outsider, Tyranny, is now wreaking havoc on the Eternal Star Domain, which makes the Eternal Heavenly Dao define it as an invader.

Facing invaders, he will never tolerate it.

Yuan Zun kindly reminded Tyranny, but Tyranny ignored him at all.

"Eternal Heavenly Dao?"

"Haha, ridiculous, would I be afraid of the Eternal Heavenly Dao?"

"I'm cleaning up the house now, don't talk nonsense to me, if you don't want to die, get out."

Tyranny is an extremely arrogant and proud person, how can he care whether the Eternal Star Domain is dead or alive?


He raised the Xingtian Axe high, and then condensed the most terrifying destructive power of time.

Then, it slashed down at Mo Chichi and Hun Dun.

One move was enough to cut the entire Eternal Star Domain in half.

This was an extremely terrifying force.

The last move that Mo Chichi had originally released by burning his vitality disappeared instantly under the slash of the Xingtian Axe of Tyranny.

Seeing this scene, despair and helplessness surged into her heart.

Mo Chichi closed her eyes and waited for the final destruction.

There were tears in her eyes, which were regrets and helplessness.

She was very sorry because she could not protect Zhuo Bufan.

Although she was also swearing to stick to it until the last moment, she could not resist the power of Tyranny.

"Farewell, my wishful thinking!"

Mo Chichi closed her eyes silently, and the last tear fell from the corner of her eyes.

She said an intriguing sentence. She knew very well that her feelings for being extraordinary were an obsession that should not exist.

Now, all of this will be destroyed by Tyranny's Xingtian Axe.

Watching this earth-shattering move about to fall on the gray star.

At this critical moment.


Suddenly a gray light flashed by.

The next second, Tyranny's earth-shattering move disappeared.

For a moment, the scene was quiet.

Mo Chichi slowly opened his eyes.

Only to see a ball of gray fog wrapped around him.

It was the mysterious gray fog that completely blocked Tyranny's killing skills.

Tyranny also saw this gray fog.

The Xingtian Axe in Tyranny's hand began to tremble at this moment.

And at this moment, the gray fog slowly revealed its true appearance.

Then, a man in a gray robe appeared out of nowhere, appeared beside Mo Chichi, and picked her up.

Mo Chichi looked closely and couldn't help covering her mouth and nose, revealing rolling tears.

It was him, the man she had been waiting for. He was here.

Mo Chichi almost cried, because she never expected that at this last moment, the person she had been waiting for the most in her heart would really appear.

She was absolutely infatuated, and all kinds of thoughts turned into tears and slid down from the corners of her eyes.

This man who suddenly appeared was the person that Mo Chichi had been thinking about, Zhuo Bufan.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan came out.

He successfully accepted the inheritance of the Gray Lotus, and now he has all the power of the Gray Lotus.

Zhuo Bufan, who has completely merged with the Gray Lotus, is no longer Zhuo Bufan to be precise.

He is more like Luo Tian, ​​because he has completely inherited Luo Tian's will.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Zhuo Bufan hugged Mo Chichi, looked at the person in his arms, and said gently.

He knew that Mo Chichi had been protecting him.

If it weren't for Mo Chichi, he might have been destroyed by Tyranny along with Gray Star.

It can be said that it was Mo Chichi's guardian who made him successful.

So Zhuo Bufan was extremely grateful to Mo Chichi and was very touched by her.

Mo Chichi covered her mouth and shook her head repeatedly.

"No, this is what I should do."

"That's great. It's really great to see you again before I die."

Mo Chichi couldn't help but hug Zhuo Bufan's neck.

Then she hugged Zhuo Bufan contentedly.

Batu, who saw this scene, was even more furious.

"Ni Ni Wai Wai!"

"Mo Chichi, you bastard, you have completely lost the face of the Heavenly Dao."

"Today I will chop you two dogs and couples into meat paste."

Batu looked at Mo Chichi and Zhuo Bufan being affectionate, and he was even more furious.

He raised the Xingtian Axe again, and then slashed out shocking energy at Mo Chichi and Zhuo Bufan.

However, facing the power of Batu's Axe of Destruction, Zhuo Bufan didn't even look at him.

He raised his hand, and a gray mist sprayed out, easily blocking the slashing skill of Tyrant's Xingtian Axe.

"How is it possible?"

Tyrant himself looked at this scene in disbelief.

He was very clear about the power of his move. Although it was not as powerful as the previous one, it was definitely not something that an ordinary incarnation of the Heavenly Dao could block.

Not to mention Shi Zhuo Bufan.

In his cognition, Zhuo Bufan was just a weak chicken who needed to be protected.

"Weakling, you still dare to fight me?"

"Take another move from me!"

Batu chopped several axes in a row, and each strike could easily destroy a star.

However, Zhuo Bufan still calmly used the gray mist to sweep away Batu's killing move.

No matter how powerful Batu's power was, it would be dissolved by Zhuo Bufan's gray mist.

Seeing this scene, not only Batu, but even Mo Chichi was extremely shocked.

Of course, they didn't know that after Zhuo Bufan completely mastered the power of chaos, he was no longer in the same league as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

The power of chaos was too powerful. This energy was called the power of the beginning.

It could return all energy to the beginning, to chaos.

In other words, all the moves that Batu chopped out were easily absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan had the power of chaos, everything in the world could not escape chaos.


"Are you injured?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't even look at Batu, but looked at Mo Chichi in his arms.

He felt that Mo Chichi was seriously injured and needed timely treatment.

"You, can you save my brother?"

Mo Chichi was still holding Hun Dun, who had been beaten back to his original form, in his arms.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled calmly and said.

"Don't worry, he will be fine!"

"Your condition is more serious than his, I must save you first."

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Mo Chichi was almost completely dying.

Now saving Mo Chichi is the most important thing.

So he used the Heaven Repairing Technique as soon as possible and began to treat Mo Chichi's injuries.

In this world, if there is another ability that can save Mo Chichi, it is only the Heaven Repairing Technique.

Only the Heaven Repairing Technique can save Mo Chichi.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't think much about it at all, and directly used the Heaven Repairing Technique to heal Mo Chichi's injuries.

The opposite Tyranny saw this scene and was completely furious.

He didn't expect that he was so unpopular.

"You are looking for death!"

Tyranny held the Xingtian Axe tightly with both hands and raised it above his head.

Just then, he once again condensed a killing blow that shocked the world and made the gods and ghosts weep.

This time, he must destroy Zhuo Bufan.

However, that killing blow fell from the sky, but was once again easily blocked by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's gray fog was simply an absolute defense that could not be broken through.


"Why, why did you suddenly become so strong?"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

"You are not a natural enemy, you can't be a natural enemy!"

Batu saw that his strongest attack was easily resolved by Zhuo Bufan, and he began to find it difficult to accept.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Batu's hysterical appearance and sneered.

While healing Mo Chichi, he raised his hand to Batu and whispered.

"There are many things you don't understand!"

"It's over, disappear!"

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, a terrifying divine light attacked Batu crazily.


Seeing this, Batu immediately picked up the Xingtian Axe and blocked it in front of his chest.

As a result, the Chaos Divine Light, along with Tyranny himself, was pushed hundreds of light years away!

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