Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1299: The clones met and escaped [Subscription Request]

The soul pressure from the eternal heaven came overwhelmingly on Zhuo Bufan's soul.

That was the soul pressure of an entire Heavenly Dao. How could Zhuo Bufan bear it?

Even if Zhuo Bufan merges with the Lotus of Chaos, he cannot be the opponent of eternal heaven.

After all, this is a close and mature will of heaven.

The Lotus of Chaos that Zhuo Bufan merged with was just the will of Heaven that had just been formed.

The purpose of Eternal Heaven's pursuit of Chaos Lotus is obvious, because Chaos Lotus is about to form another Heavenly Will.

The Eternal Star Realm does not need the will of two Heavenly Dao, so the Eternal Heavenly Dao will destroy it.

This is why Eternal Heaven couldn't wait to destroy Zhuo Bufan as soon as he saw it.

Because this is a serious problem for Zhuo Bufan for the will of heaven.

Therefore, it is not that the God of Shepherd can summon the eternal heaven.

But the eternal heaven gave him the power to call him.

Of course, the premise is that the Shepherd must help him find the will of heaven.

The moment the God of Shepherd summoned the will of heaven, Zhuo Bufan felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

That sense of crisis is like facing Daluo Tiandao.

"The will of heaven, it seems that the heaven here cannot tolerate me!"

Zhuo Bufan is under pressure from eternal heaven.

At this time, he saw a sky-covering hand made entirely of energy condensing towards him in the void above his head.

"here we go again!"

That big hand that covers the sky is so familiar to Da Luotian's hand that covers the sky.

The will of heaven can gather the power of all living beings and impose sanctions on anything.

The moment Zhuo Bufan saw the big hand that covered the sky, he couldn't help but think of the big hand that covered the sky that he faced when he escaped from Daluo Tiandao.

Back then, if it hadn't been for the help of the Three Emperors, Zhuo Bufan would have been crushed to pieces by the big hand that covered the sky.

Now, this big hand that covers the sky strikes again, but the Three Emperors can no longer help Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan can only face this eternal way of heaven.

"It seems it's not a good place to stay for a long time!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to fight Eternal Tiandao.

Because it is impossible for him to defeat Eternal Heaven. You must know that the Eternal Heavenly Dao is second only to the Great Luo Heavenly Dao.

With Zhuo Bufan's current ability, it is absolutely impossible for him to be the opponent of Eternal Heaven.

Unless the three generations merge, there may still be a chance.

So running away is the most correct and wisest choice.

However, how could Zhuo Bufan's opponent let him escape?

The Chaos Lotus fused by Zhuo Bufan has begun to take on the will of heaven.

Before, it used the energy of chaos to cover up its own aura, so that Eternal Heaven was never able to discover his existence.

However, when it merged with Zhuo Bufan, its situation was exposed.


Zhuo Bufan didn't want to get too entangled with this eternal way of heaven.

His first thought was to escape.

So he turned into a gray mist and prepared to disappear into the starry sky.

However, Zhuo Bufan wanted to leave, but it was not as simple as he thought.

At least this eternal heaven cannot let him leave easily.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to escape, the big hand covering the sky fell.

Then, five fingers directly sealed the starry sky.

Nothing in this starry sky can escape. The gray mist transformed by Zhuo Bufan was once again returned to its original form.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he had been trapped by the heaven-covering hand of eternal heaven.

Looking up, a huge hand covered the sky, forming an unbreakable world wall.

As expected of the power of heaven, he could cover the sky with one hand and control the universe.

With just one big hand that covers the sky, he can actually create a world barrier.

The current strength of Eternal Tiandao is definitely not comparable to Zhuo Bufan's.

Although there is still a certain gap compared with Daluo Tiandao, it is undeniable that Eternal Tiandao has grown up.

Therefore, what Zhuo Bufan is currently facing is already a mature will of heaven.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was lost for a moment, countless shrunken sky-covering handprints suddenly descended from the sky above his head.

These hands covering the sky were grabbing at Zhuo Bufan frantically.

Each hand was bound by a soul, making it impossible for Zhuo Bufan to hide his soul and body.

"Sword of Chaos!"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and condensed the energy of chaos into a divine sword.

For a moment, the sword energy soared into the sky, killing a hand that covered the sky on the spot.

That was the hand of heaven that covered the sky, and it was actually destroyed by Zhuo Bufan's chaotic sword energy.

Zhuo Bufan's current strength is evident.

Since there is no way to escape, the only option is to fight.

"Chaos Bell!"

Seeing countless indestructible and indestructible hands that cover the sky, they attack again.

Zhuo Bufan used the energy of chaos to condense a Chaos Divine Bell.


It's as if the chaos clock of the past has reappeared in the world.

The entire chaotic void trembled, so the flying hand covering the sky disappeared into ashes and shattered into dust the moment it approached Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell.

However, this hand of heaven is endless and impossible to cut off.

And as Zhuo Bufan became stronger, these hands that covered the sky also continued to become stronger and larger.

Hands covering the sky, shattering the stars, crushing pieces of the void world tyrannically.

The extraordinary Chaos Clock began to weaken under the torn apart by those giant hands that covered the sky.

Until the end, the chaotic energy on the Chaos Bell completely disappeared.

Zhuo Bufan's defense collapsed instantly.

Then, the hands of the Heavenly Dao around him split into countless small hands, and then grabbed Zhuo Bufan's body.

They were like hounds, opening their ferocious mouths, and then biting Zhuo Bufan one by one.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that the chaotic energy on his body was completely swallowed up.


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but start howling.

Because he felt that the Chaos Lotus in his body was forcibly separated by the will of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

This Eternal Heavenly Dao wanted to swallow the Chaos Lotus to make itself stronger.

So it had to get the Chaos Lotus out of Zhuo Bufan's body.

So, Zhuo Bufan felt that his body was constantly torn apart.

That feeling was exactly like being cut into pieces again.

"Heaven Repair Technique!"

Zhuo Bufan used the Heaven Repair Technique to repair his lost body and soul as soon as possible.

However, no matter how powerful the Heaven Repairing Technique was, it could not withstand the terrifying swallowing of the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao represented a heaven. Zhuo Bufan did not have the ability to defy heaven yet, so he could not resist the swallowing of the Eternal Heavenly Dao at all.

"Damn it, I just got the Lotus of Chaos, and I am going to be forcibly deprived of it?"

Zhuo Bufan was howling in his heart, because for him, losing the Lotus of Chaos was tantamount to losing everything.

He could not let him be beaten back to his original form and become the helpless and powerless Zhuo Bufan before.

"If you want to devour me, come on!"

Zhuo Bufan roared, and for a moment, endless chaos burst out of his body.

Then, the chaos covered all the hands that covered the sky.

These hands that covered the sky began to decay rapidly under the siege of the chaos, and then returned to nothingness.

The chaos is also called the primordial power.

Even the most powerful existence could not resist the influence of the primordial power.

Zhuo Bufan finally exploded once, causing the Eternal Heavenly Dao to retreat a little.

However, Zhuo Bufan was now doing something stupid, like an ant trying to shake a tree.

To him, the Eternal Heavenly Dao was a towering tree.

And he was just an ant.

How could an ant push down this tree?

Sure enough, the next second, the Eternal Heavenly Dao also exploded.

From the sky in the palm of his hand, a sky-covering wisdom eye suddenly opened.

It was an eyeball of infinite size.

When it opened, a golden light rushed down from the sky and blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan felt the coming of the power of death almost immediately.

He felt that he could never resist this move of the Eternal Heavenly Dao, and he was doomed to die.

But at this critical moment, an equally huge black hole suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

The black hole directly absorbed the Eternal Heavenly Dao's eye-opening killing.

Then he was released outside the Eternal Star Domain.

For a moment, everything within a radius of hundreds of light years was wiped out.

"Huh, finally caught up!"

Before Zhuo Bufan could be shocked, he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

He turned his head and saw two familiar figures not far away.

And one of the figures was exactly the same as himself.

That's right, another clone of Zhuo Bufan has arrived!

"My clone?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned and felt a little strange.

Because he saw another self, and the other party had an independent consciousness.

To be precise, the other party was originally Zhuo Bufan's upper body, and he was just Zhuo Bufan's lower body.

The two parts of them each turned into two bodies.

Zhuo Bufan's upper body is called clone No. 1.

And Zhuo Bufan's lower body is called clone No. 2.

At this moment, clone No. 2 looked at clone No. 1 and Gao Yangxu standing next to him, and looked extremely shocked.

"Gao Yang, brother?"

The second clone was a little surprised to see Gao Yangxu.

After hearing this, the first clone hurriedly said.

"Now is not the time to reminisce about the past. I will explain it to you later!"

"What the hell did you provoke, you guy? Is it the Heavenly Dao?"

The first clone, Zhuo Bufan, who mastered the law of swallowing, looked at the world in his palm in front of him and was a little stunned.

After hearing this, the second clone immediately explained.

"The other party is the Eternal Heavenly Dao. I am afraid that in this void, it is the existence second only to the Daluo Heavenly Dao."

"We can't beat it, so we have to run away!"

The second clone knew the other party's strength very well.

Of course, he didn't know the power of the first clone.

He also didn't know that his first clone had mastered the third law in the chaotic void, the law of swallowing.

"Brother, go support my clone."

"Let me try!"

The first clone turned around and said to Gao Yangxu.

Then he looked at the period in his palm above his head.

At this moment, a huge eye was open in the void.

When the No. 1 clone saw the eye, he thought of the time when he escaped from Daluo Heaven and saw the Eye of Heaven of Daluo Heaven.

This is the Eye of Heaven, which has the power to see through everything.

The No. 1 clone looked at the Eye of Heaven above the sky, and his eyes were fixed.

The next second, black hole light balls appeared around him one by one.

On the other side, Gao Yangxu came to the side of the second clone.

At this time, the second clone obviously had not reacted yet.

He looked at Gao Yangxu, and before he could reminisce about the past, he looked at his first clone.

"If you can't beat me, get out of my way!"

The second clone suddenly shouted at the first clone.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the first clone suddenly disappeared in the air.

The next second, he suddenly appeared in the void with a circle of black balls. Then those devouring black balls crashed into the Eye of Heaven in the sky.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

After a series of earth-shaking explosions, all the devouring black balls turned into devouring black holes, and then began to open up crazy devouring power.

The powerful devouring power actually began to devour the power of Heaven.

That's right, the devouring law has the devouring power, and now even the power of Heaven can be devoured.

This is the most terrifying part of the devouring law.

However, even so, it was too wishful for Clone No. 1 to challenge Eternal Heavenly Dao alone.

Because at this moment, suddenly, the second Heavenly Dao Eye opened above the sky of the palm world of Eternal Heavenly Dao.

When the second Heavenly Dao Eye opened.

All the matter in the palm world began to disintegrate.

Both space and time began to be destroyed.

"No, run away!"

Clone No. 1 originally wanted to use his Devouring Law to resist Eternal Heavenly Dao.

But when he saw the entire palm world begin to collapse, he knew that he was too arrogant.

He thought he had mastered the Devouring Law, and there was almost no opponent in the entire chaotic void.

However, this Eternal Heavenly Dao was second only to Daluo Heavenly Dao.

How could he be his opponent.

Boom boom boom boom!

Pieces of space began to explode, and time began to shatter.

The entire palm world sealed by the hand of Heavenly Dao began to completely disintegrate.

Everything in it will be reduced to ashes and no longer exist.

This will be an irreversible and irresistible doomsday catastrophe.


When the No. 1 clone saw this situation, he immediately released a swallowing black hole in the air, trying to open a space channel to escape.

Just like when he entered this world.

He thought he could come and go freely, but the space of the entire world in his palm began to be destroyed.

Without the power of space as a medium, he could not open a space channel at all.

This is equivalent to not being able to dig a well without soil.

Now the space is equivalent to soil, and the well is equivalent to the space channel.

When the space begins to collapse, it means that the earth begins to tremble and the soil begins to disappear.

Then the space channel will also disintegrate and cannot be opened at all.

Seeing that the space that can open the space channel is getting less and less.

"Is it too late?"

The first clone looked at the overwhelming destructive force coming towards them.

At this moment, suddenly the No. 2 clone used his chaotic power to hold on to the last piece of space.

"There is still a piece of pure land here, hurry up!"

The No. 2 clone shouted to the No. 1 clone in time.

Seeing this, the No. 1 clone immediately opened a space channel in the last space.

Then, the three of them immediately went in.

Bang, bang, bang!

With the ultimate bombardment of the destructive force, the last space also disintegrated.

Even the space channel they escaped from began to collapse.

At the last moment, the three escaped from the other end of the space channel.


Looking back, the exit disappeared in an instant.

They finally escaped at the last moment!

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