Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1296 The clone arrives [New book release]

Outside the Gray Star, the battle between Mo Chichi and Hun Dun has entered a fierce stage of life and death.

And inside the Gray Star, Zhuo Bufan's inheritance is still continuing.

A magnificent palace of light appeared in front of him.

In the palace, golden books floated.

"This is Luo Tian's spiritual library!"

"It contains all of Luo Tian's discoveries and experiences."

The voice of Huilian came from his mind, and Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing it.

This is Luo Tian's life experience, and now he has to experience everything Luo Tian has experienced.

Cultivation, fighting, love, suffering, etc.

He has to experience everything Luo Tian has experienced.

Although he can't empathize, it is enough for Zhuo Bufan to understand what Luo Tian experienced at the beginning.

Wandering in this palace of light, Zhuo Bufan can pick up a golden book at will.

The book records Luo Tian's past and memories.

“Born in obscurity, rising from the grass!”

“Luo Tian’s life is indeed more legendary than mine!”

“His era is brilliant and glorious!”

Zhuo Bufan was attracted by Luo Tian’s life.

Whether in the world of cultivation or in the world of Daluotian, Luo Tian’s life is worthy of praise!

He went from an ignorant boy to a mature uncle, until the end, for the future of mankind, he went to the chaotic void alone to find the Lord of Time.

This is Luo Tian, ​​a great man worthy of praise for all eternity.

“It’s hard to believe that this is me!”

“Sure enough, do you have this kind of selfless and fearless feeling in your bones?”

Zhuo Bufan never thought that one day he would follow his previous life and come to this chaotic void.

This choice is also very strange.

"During this period, you have also read a lot of Luo Tian's memories in this spiritual book pavilion."

"Whether you recall the past or not, I will merge with you next."

"Accept my power!"

"This world needs you, and the future of the world also needs you."

"As for your past, let you find it yourself."

After Huilian finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt his heartbeat begin to accelerate.

Bang, bang, bang, bang...

Bang bang bang bang...

As the heartbeat continued to accelerate, Zhuo Bufan felt that his little heart was about to jump out of his heart.

That feeling was like a big iron hammer, constantly hitting his chest.

Every time the hammer went down, it felt like the heart would explode.

Zhuo Bufan's heart is like this now.

Bang, bang, bang!

It seemed to explode at any time.

Obviously, the fusion of Huilian began.

Huilian is the heart of Luotian, so naturally it has to replace Zhuo Bufan's current little heart.

Zhuo Bufan's heart now is not an ordinary heart, but a heart of life and death with the mysterious power of life and death.

This heart contains the power of the origin of life and death.

However, it can't be compared with the Gray Lotus after all.

The Gray Lotus is the heart of Luo Tian, ​​the Lotus of Chaos, the unique and even the most powerful heart in this world.

If Zhuo Bufan obtains this heart, his body will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Soon, the intense pain spread throughout Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan felt his chest was extremely hot, as if there was a branding iron branding it.


Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but let out a low roar.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan can still hold on to this little pain.

Although the pain penetrated deep into his bones, Zhuo Bufan still gritted his teeth and persisted.

After all, he had experienced so much pain in order to practice the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has experienced the limit of pain that humans can bear.

So facing the inheritance of the Gray Lotus, he has always gritted his teeth and persisted.

Different from the previous fusion of spiritual power.

This time, Zhuo Bufan could feel an unprecedented powerful force pouring into his body.

This feeling is very mysterious.

It is as if a small lake was forcibly injected with a vast ocean.

The limiters of Zhuo Bufan's body and soul seem to be opened.

In fact, the fusion of Gray Lotus is to open the limiter of Zhuo Bufan's ability.

He wants Zhuo Bufan's ability to be developed to no limit.

Without the limiter, Zhuo Bufan's abilities in all aspects are growing wildly.

It is a torrent that flows into Zhuo Bufan's heart.

The endless power will be integrated into Zhuo Bufan's limbs, soul and body.

Zhuo Bufan also gained enlightenment from it.

He understood what this power is.

It is the first energy that existed at the beginning of the creation of this world. There are many ways to say it.

Hongmeng Qi, Chaos Power, Taichu Energy, Origin Power, etc.

There are many ways to say this energy, but in the final analysis, it is the most primitive power of the entire chaotic void.

This kind of power is not something that everyone can cultivate.

I'm afraid that there are only a handful of people in the entire Primal Chaos Void who can cultivate it.

And one of them is obviously the Lord of Time.

This is the energy that can only be cultivated by a powerful person like the Lord of Time.

And now, this energy is cultivated and controlled by Zhuo Bufan.

In the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan still has to thank Luo Tian.

Because this Hongmeng Qi, to put it bluntly, was cultivated by Luo Tian.

Later, it was passed down to Zhuo Bufan from Luo Tian's Heart, also known as Gray Lotus.

With the continuous integration of the power of chaos, Zhuo Bufan felt more powerful than ever before.

And this process is still continuing.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that he was undergoing transformation.

What becomes powerful is not just extraordinary strength and body.

The same goes for his soul.

As Zhuo Bufan's soul continues to grow stronger, his soul energy becomes even more powerful.

And in the Samsara Star Field tens of thousands of light years away.

Another clone of Zhuo Bufan who was originally helping his brother Gao Yangxu to build the road to reincarnation.

Suddenly I felt the power of another clone of myself.

"Brother Zhuo, what's wrong?"

Gao Yangxu noticed the fluctuation of Zhuo Bufan's soul and asked quickly.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"I feel the soul power of the other half of my body."

"The other me seems to be becoming stronger!"

Zhuo Bufan said.

Gao Yangxu frowned slightly after hearing this.

He had heard Zhuo Bufan say before that he had two clones.

I am just one of the clones, and there is another clone who has gone somewhere.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan planned to find another clone of himself.

But it's not easy to find a clone in the chaotic void.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan is not looking for his other half for the time being.

However, now, the other half of his clone has exploded with powerful soul power.

That soul power is like a beacon in the darkness, guiding the way.

Zhuo Bufan's clone felt the presence of another clone almost immediately.

"The soul power is still getting stronger, still getting stronger!"

"My other clone should have received a rare opportunity."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that he would not only understand the law of devouring.

Another clone also got a huge opportunity.

"Brother Zhuo, go!"

At this moment, Gao Yangxu suddenly spoke to Zhuo Bufan.

He hoped that Zhuo Bufan would go find his other half now.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu.

"But! What will you do if I leave?"

"Who will help you build this road to reincarnation?"

Because of Zhuo Bufan's help, their path to reincarnation was able to be built so quickly.

Today's road to reincarnation has more than three hundred steps.

This speed was something Gao Yangxu could not imagine.

Before him, the sands of time could only gather one grain at a time.

But since Zhuo Bufan arrived, the speed at which they gathered the Sands of Time was gathering in piles.

That's why they built the road to reincarnation so quickly.

Zhuo Bufan originally planned to help Gao Yangxu repair the road to reincarnation as soon as possible.

After all, the road to reincarnation is also the passage to the world of reincarnation.

This is also very important to Zhuo Bufan.

But the current situation puts Zhuo Bufan in a dilemma.

However, when Gao Yangxu saw this, he replied.

"It's nothing to worry about. Don't forget, before you came, I was building the road to reincarnation alone."

"And my building the road to reincarnation was originally my task alone."

"Brother Zhuo, you have helped me enough."

"Besides, you have collected all the Sands of Time opportunities within the Samsara Star Territory."

"Perhaps you can help me collect the Sands of Time in other places during your outing!"

The reason why Gao Yangxu said this was actually because he didn't want his affairs to delay Zhuo Bufan.

After all, in this world, everyone has their own mission.

He has his own mission, and Zhuo Di has Zhuo Di's mission.

Moreover, from a certain perspective, Zhuo Bufan's mission is even more important.

After all, Zhuo Bufan came here and reached this point in order to save the world.

Therefore, I am even less able to hold him back.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was deeply grateful. He did not expect that Gao Yangxu, his elder brother, would support him so much.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Bufan finally said.

"How about this, brother, you accompany me to find my clone."

"Then when I find the clone, the two clones merge into one!"

"I will come back then to help you practice the path of reincarnation."

"Anyway, I need to go to the world of reincarnation through the road of reincarnation. So I must help you build this road of reincarnation."

Now, for Zhuo Bufan, the most effective or easiest way to travel to the world of reincarnation is to build a road to reincarnation.

So even if he finds his clone, he will eventually come back here to help Gao Yangxu and continue to complete his unfinished business.

After Gao Yangxu heard this, he thought about it and finally smiled.

"sounds good!"

"I haven't left the Samsara Star Territory for a long time."

"It just so happens that we have almost collected the Sand of Time in the Samsara Star Territory. We need to go to other star territories to collect the Sand of Time!"

"Okay, Brother Zhuo, I'll accompany you to find your clone."

"Tell me, in what direction do you feel your avatar is?"

Gao Yangxu is a vigorous and resolute person.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was ready to take Zhuo Bufan to find the clone.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"I still need some time to find the specific location, but I've probably determined the location."

"Well, let's go!"


After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his right hand and released a powerful swallowing black hole in the air.

Then, the swallowing black hole swallowed them directly.

Zhuo Bufan, who has mastered the law of swallowing, can now easily perform space jumps.


On this side, Zhuo Bufan's first clone has arrived.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's second clone is accepting the fusion of the gray lotus.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has risen comprehensively this time.

And it is a leapfrog rise.

Whether it is the first clone or the second clone, Zhuo Bufan has grown to a very powerful level.

And any clone is an existence that can beat the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Needless to say, the clone who has comprehended the law of swallowing, even the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce has to give him three points of courtesy.

The president of the Void Chamber of Commerce once said that there are only a handful of people who are stronger than Zhuo Bufan in the entire chaotic void.

And now, Zhuo Bufan's other clone has obtained the inheritance of Gray Lotus.

It feels like all of a sudden, all the opportunities in the world are enjoyed by Zhuo Bufan alone.

It is hard to imagine how powerful Zhuo Bufan will be in his complete state after the two clones merge into one.

"Mo Chichi, Hun Dun! You two traitors, I wonder how long you can bear it."

The battle between Tyranny and Mo Chichi has entered a white-hot stage.

At the beginning, Mo Chichi was able to fight Tyranny for a few moves.

But gradually, Mo Chichi was already a little powerless.

Because Tyranny was so powerful that Mo Chichi simply couldn't continue to fight him.

The most important thing is that Mo Chichi was already seriously injured.

After she was severely injured by Jealous Heaven, the power of Heaven was almost completely gone.

Therefore, in the later stage of the battle, Mo Chichi was completely unable to fight Tyranny.

Only Hun Dun was still fighting Tyranny.

However, without Mo Chichi's assistance, Hun Dun was almost no match for Tyranny.

Even though Hun Dun used the power of time reversal, he was powerless in the face of Tyranny's Xingtian Axe.

Xingtian Axe can even cut off the power of time.

Therefore, facing Tyranny's strength, Mo Chichi and Hun Dun were almost unable to hold on.

"Traitors, you should die!"

"You are about to collapse!"

"If you can't hold on, then die!"

The Xingtian Axe in Batu's hand once again condensed the power to split time, and then chopped down at Hun Dun with an axe.

"Brother, be careful!"

Mo Chichi shouted while standing on Hun Dun's back.

Hun Dun saw this and immediately condensed a time hourglass.

Then he also tried his best to control time and exerted the power of time reversal.

However, this time, time reversal could not reverse the power of Xingtian Axe.

I saw that Xingtian Axe cut off layers of time waves.

Finally, it chopped towards Mo Chichi on top of Hun Dun's head.

"Chichi, be careful!"

Hundun stepped forward immediately and released his most powerful time barrier.


The next second, the whole space was thundering!

The world was annihilated, all things were silent, and chaos swept over!


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