Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1254 Eternal Star Domain [Subscribe]

Meng Chanyi disappeared along with the time vortex.

This made Zhuo Bufan not know what to do for a while.

Should he continue to wait or move forward?

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan himself was a little confused.

He had just met Meng Chanyi not long ago, but he didn't expect to be separated now.

"Will we meet again?"

Zhuo Bufan felt a little lost.

He was even ready to reload the game.

But this time, he could only reload the game a long time ago.

Back to before he and Meng Chanyi met.

"I don't know what happened to my other half!"

"No, I must find my other half as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't just choose to reload the game.

At least before that, he had to find his other half.

Zhuo Bufan certainly didn't know that his other half was in the Void Chamber of Commerce at the moment, undergoing the highest level of baptism.

He was comprehending one of the three supreme laws of the void, the law of devouring.

The process of comprehending the law was slow and difficult.

Therefore, it would take more than one day for Zhuo Bufan to comprehend the law of devouring.

"Let's go, Xiaoyan!"

Zhuo Bufan finally chose to leave.

He had more important things to do, and it was impossible for him to wait here for Meng Chanyi to come back.

If Meng Chanyi really went to the reincarnation world, then Zhuo Bufan believed.

One day, he would definitely meet her again.

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he took Xiaoyan away from the space-time crack.

Under the leadership of Xiaoyan, Zhuo Bufan and his friends passed through the space-time crack safely.

However, Zhuo Bufan, who came out of the space-time crack again, was completely confused about the world he saw in front of him.

"Where is this?"

In front of Zhuo Bufan was a brilliant galaxy.

All the stars were emitting brilliant light.

They were like light bulbs lit up on a black curtain, making people's eyes blurry and infinitely brilliant.

This was also the first time that Zhuo Bufan saw such a beautiful galaxy.

The galaxy was beautiful, but it was quite unfamiliar to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan even felt a little lonely.

"No matter how beautiful the galaxy is, there is no one to enjoy the beauty with me!"

Zhuo Bufan came to a cold star.

His heart was really a little unhappy.

Now Zhuo Bufan has nothing except an inner world.

He even lost the Wheel of Life.

If there was a Wheel of Life, he could still find other lives through it.

However, Zhuo Bufan had no Wheel of Life, so he had no means to find other lives.

What should I do next?

Zhuo Bufan looked at the galaxy in front of him and did not go there immediately.

After thinking for a while, Zhuo Bufan decided to go back to the inner world to take a look.

Zhuo Bufan has not been back to Earth for a long time.

Today's Earth is developing wildly in the era of spiritual revival.

The inheritors chosen by Zhuo Bufan have completely passed on his creed.

Now everyone in the world knows that there is a world god named Zhuo Bufan.

The spiritual revival of the entire earth is all due to the gift of this world god.

When Zhuo Bufan appeared in the Palace of Miracles again,

Zhang Jing and the other twelve inheritors immediately knelt down to meet him.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Venerable, return to Earth."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhang Jing and others kneeling in front of him and smiled indifferently.

He then sat on the throne of the Palace of Miracles, then narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhang Jing and said.

"I haven't been here for a while, tell me about the current situation on Earth."

Zhuo Bufan actually only needs to release his soul to cover the entire Earth, so as to know all the situations on Earth.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't want to do this.

His purpose was not to know what happened on Earth.

He wanted to take this opportunity to consider what to do in the future.

Now he has lost the protection of Meng Chanyi, lost his other half's cultivation, and even lost the clues about the Lord of Time.

So Zhuo Bufan is a little confused at the moment.

On this side, Zhang Jing and others don't know what the specific situation is.

Seeing the return of the Heavenly Venerable, they immediately reported to him the development of the Earth during this period of time.

"Tianzun! The entire earth is currently divided into four major alliances, and these four alliances are all controlled by our Miracle Palace."

"Among them, the Eastern Alliance has established a sect, and its overall strength is currently the strongest."

"In the alliance, there are already three people who have reached the Nascent Soul Realm! This is already one of the best in the entire earth environment."

As the leader of the Eastern Alliance, Zhang Jing is very proud of his people.

"The second is the academic school established by the Western Alliance. The academic school is also very strong at present, and has also developed a combination of spiritual energy and technology, which is called spiritual machinery technology."

"There are already several spiritual machinery technology academies."

The Eastern sects and Western academic schools are the two strongest factions.

"As for the religious sects in the south, they are developing relatively slowly. There are still some limitations and difficulties for new religions to be accepted by everyone."

"In addition to the religious sects in the south, the scattered cultivation sects in the north are also difficult to develop."

"The scattered cultivation sects advocate free cultivation. Because there is no unified system and method of cultivation, many people have gone astray in their cultivation."

"Even forces like the Demon Cult have emerged."

"Now the Demon Cult is under our observation. Once we find it threatening, we will destroy it as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard it, and he said.

"The Demon Cult?"

"Why should we destroy them?"

When Zhuo Bufan asked this question, Zhang Jing was suddenly stunned.

He didn't expect his master to ask this.

"The Demon Cult, the Demon Cult kills people like crazy and does all kinds of evil. Naturally, everyone can punish them. So..."

"So they should be destroyed?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at Zhang Jing and said.

"The Demon Cult is a normal product after the revival of spiritual energy. In the future, there will be more than one Demon Cult, and there may be tens of thousands of Demon Cults."

"The Demon Cult exists in accordance with the development of God's will."

"Just because they are evil, do they have no need to exist?"

"As the inheritors of the spirit, you should not have your own personal feelings."

"Whether it is justice or evil!"

"You are just my eyes in this world, and you exist as observers."

"What observers need to do is just to observe, and there is no need to interfere too much in development."

"The Demon Cult in the world will naturally be eradicated by the forces of the world, so don't interfere."

Zhuo Bufan didn't know why he said such a thing.

If it were in the past, when he heard about the Demon Cult, he would definitely have a sense of justice, and then shout that everyone can kill the Demon Cult.

But now, for Zhuo Bufan, everything in the world has no distinction between good and evil.

Good and evil have their reasons for existence.

Existence is the truth.

This is the final feeling that Zhuo Bufan has summed up over the years.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's teaching, all the inheritors present suddenly realized.

After listening, Zhang Jing knelt down and said.

"What the Heavenly Venerable taught is right!"

"As your eyes, we only need to quietly observe the development of this world."

"Let the things in the world develop on their own!"

For Zhang Jing's words, Zhuo Bufan once again scolded him.

"You are wrong again! Letting you become observers does not mean that you will do nothing."

"When the order of the world begins to be disordered, you must take on the responsibility of maintaining the order of the natural enemy."

"This is the will of heaven!"

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would say such a thing.

He obviously did not realize that when he said these words, he had imagined himself as a role like the Heavenly Dao.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan is the Heaven of the Earth.

"The Heavenly Dao is ruthless. As the Heavenly Dao, you should forget about human nature!"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

Is the Daluo Heavenly Dao really a wrong existence?

In order to become a competent Heavenly Dao, it differentiated all its human nature.

It just wants to be the ruthless Heavenly Dao.

The so-called Heaven should be high above, overlooking the world, the cycle of life and death, good and evil, joy and sorrow.

"Maybe, Daluotian did nothing wrong!"

Zhuo Bufan was very conflicted. The more he thought about it, the more conflicted he became.

If he were to become the new host of Heavenly Dao, would he really be suitable?

"Perhaps, only time can tell me everything."

"I shouldn't continue to waste time here. I should continue to look for the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, raised his hand and waved, and a row of stones appeared in front of Zhang Jing.

"Zhang Jing, test the age of these stones for me."

Zhuo Bufan was going to continue looking for the Lord of Time.

These stones were rocks he collected in the new galaxy.

Zhuo Bufan did not give up the method of using the "Big Bang" idea to find the Lord of Time.

Now no matter what method, it is a clue for Zhuo Bufan.

"Next, I will send you a batch of stones regularly."

"You must let Ou Liyang and others accurately test the age of these stones for me."

"As for the development of the earth, let it develop freely!"

"You still have a long time to evolve yourself."

"When the time comes, new immigrants will naturally enter this new world."

"Take care of yourself!"

Zhuo Bufan said, and disappeared in the Palace of Miracles.

After leaving the Palace of Miracles, Zhuo Bufan immediately returned to the brilliant star field where he was.

In any case, finding the Lord of Time first is the most important thing for Zhuo Bufan at present.

So Zhuo Bufan didn't want to waste time. He turned on all his soul radiation and then covered all the stars that could be covered, trying to find stars with life.

With Zhuo Bufan's efforts, he actually found the existence of life.

"Found it!"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

He didn't expect that he actually found life.

And it was an extremely strong breath of life.

"I don't know if the other party is a friend or an enemy. Should I go over?"

After finding the breath of life, Zhuo Bufan fell into entanglement again.

Do I need to contact this life?

What if the other party is an enemy?

The most important thing is that his cultivation has dropped by half.

And he has no means of self-protection.

Even the most important archive door is gone.

So Zhuo Bufan is a little panicked and confused now.

"Want to go?"

"What the hell! How can I achieve great things if I am timid?"

Zhuo Bufan was not a timid person to begin with.

What's more, he is now obsessed with finding the Lord of Time.

Have you encountered too few dangers?

Even if you are not afraid of being chased by the incarnation of heaven, why should you be afraid of unknown life?

And just when Zhuo Bufan was worried, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon Xiaoxiu said.

"Is this the legendary Eternal Star Territory ahead of us?"

When Xiao Xi said this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"Eternal Star Realm?"

Meng Chanyi told Zhuo Bufan before he sounded.

Mo Chichi made an agreement with her to meet her on Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Territory.

"Yes, this should be the Eternal Star Territory."

"The Eternal Star Territory seems to be very famous?"

"Of course, the Eternal Star Territory is second only to the Three Emperors Star Territory in the Chaos Void."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He knew that the Three Emperors Star Territory was actually Da Luo Tiandao.

It's just that the incarnation of the Three Emperors was so radiant that even the heavens lost their brilliance.

Therefore, the creatures in the chaotic void are generally not called Daluo Tiandao, but are called Three Emperors Star Territory.

"So, this Eternal Star Realm also has its own will of heaven?"

"It seems yes, there is a heavenly existence similar to that in the Three Emperors Star Territory."

"But it is rumored that the Heavenly Way in the Three Emperors Star Region is a defective product created by the Lord of Time."

"And the way of heaven in the Eternal Star Territory is formed by self-evolution."

"Furthermore, the way of heaven in the Eternal Star Territory has not fully evolved, and is also very immature."

"But the way of heaven in the Eternal Star Territory embraces all living things, which is completely different from the exclusive nature of the Three Emperors Star Territory."

"So there are a lot of lives in the Eternal Star Territory. This is also the chaotic void, and the number of lives is second only to the Three Emperors Star Territory."

After listening to Xiao Xi's words, Zhuo Bufan probably understood what was going on.

"I see, I didn't expect that there is such a place in the chaotic void."

"Okay, let's go take a look."

After Zhuo Bufan learned about the situation in the Eternal Star Territory, he decided to search for the location where the life he discovered existed.

Since the Eternal Star Territory is a gathering place of life, presumably many of the lives here should be very friendly.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan and Xiao Xiang arrived around the target star.

It was a blue planet that looked so familiar.

Just by looking at this star, I knew there must be life on it.

And it’s not just one kind of life, but a star suitable for life to survive.

However, there is a powerful life force above this star.

This made Zhuo Bufan very worried.

Because he could feel that the life force was not weaker than him at all, or even stronger.

And just when Zhuo Bufan was approaching the star, a powerful energy suddenly hit him quickly.


When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he frowned slightly and did not dare to move.


Only a sonic boom was heard.

Then, a blue phantom appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled when he saw this.

It was a beautiful blue enchantress who made people's eyes light up.

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