Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1255 Crisis on Blue Planet [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan quietly looked at the blue enchantress who appeared in front of him.

She has a blue body and an amazing figure.

The whole person was wrapped in a layer of blue seaweed-like substance.

But her lower body is a fish tail.

In addition, there was a faint mist of water vapor surrounding her body, giving her a hazy sense of beauty.

"A fish man?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

This was the first time he had seen such a creature.

He looked a bit like the fish-man he knew.

The opponent's soul power was very powerful, and Zhuo Bufan could feel that even when he was at his strongest, he should not be a match for the fish-man in front of him.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was not too nervous.

There are thousands of people in this world who are stronger than him.

Zhuo Bufan himself was very calm.

Seeing the blue enchantress in front of him, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to communicate with her using his soul.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, passing by this star field. May I ask if this is the eternal star field?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the other party responded.

"This is Blue Mercury in the Eternal Star Territory! I am the Lord of Blue Mercury and also the guardian of Blue Mercury."

"Where did you come from, and why did you break into my Blue Mercury territory?"

The other party didn't show much hostility.

And from what the other party said, Zhuo Bufan learned that this was indeed the Eternal Star Territory.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan also showed a certain degree of friendliness.

"I have no intention of breaking into your star domain, and I have never wanted to disturb your lives."

"Just wanted to find out where to go."

"I wonder if this star master has ever heard of the Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Territory?"

Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi agreed to meet at Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Territory.

Now that Zhuo Bufan is in the Eternal Star Territory, he can go to Mufa Star to wait for Mo Chichi's arrival.

Now that Meng Chanyi has gone to the world of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan must rush to the world of reincarnation as soon as possible.

Before going to the world of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan must find his other half.

If he wants to find the other half of his body, he must first find Mo Chichi.

Because only Mo Chichi knows where his other half is.

All these things, that's why Zhuo Bufan had to rush to Mufa Star as soon as possible.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's purpose, the other party did not respond immediately.

She looked at Zhuo Bufan suspiciously, as if doubting the authenticity of what Zhuo Bufan said.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what the other person was thinking, so he just looked at him calmly.

The two looked at each other and were silent for a while.

After a while, the blue mermaid enchantress said.

"Why are you going to Mufa Star?"

The other party asked directly.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the other party's expression looked slightly serious when he asked this question.

This made Zhuo Bufan realize that the other party was probably listening to his answer to decide whether he was a friend or an enemy.

In other words, the other party may have other relationships with Mufa Star.

No matter what the relationship is, Zhuo Bufan cannot easily answer this.

"Staying neutral may be the best choice."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, and finally answered.

"I went to Mufa Star to find someone. I have nothing to do with Mufa Star."

Zhuo Bufan followed his own example and maintained a neutral attitude.

"Find someone?"

After hearing this, the other party frowned slightly.

Then she said: "Do you dare to go to Blue Mercury with me?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he immediately felt that the other party might have ulterior motives.

"Why do you need to make things difficult for me?"

"I don't mean any harm, but since you refuse to tell me the whereabouts of Mufa Star, I don't have to stay here for a long time."


Zhuo Bufan suspected that the other party had ulterior motives, so he turned around and left without thinking too much.

But now, it's not that simple if he wants to leave.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to turn around and leave, suddenly the surrounding space began to distort.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible cage appeared around Zhuo Bufan.

It was a cage made of the ultimate water element.

It can be said that it is the ultimate water spell, which has touched the realm of the law of water.

Zhuo Bufan just radiated it with his soul and felt that his soul was about to drown.

"What are you doing, Your Excellency?"

Zhuo Bufan immediately turned around and looked at the blue enchantress.

At this moment, the mermaid has become a warrior guarding the stars.

He changed into a suit of aqua blue battle armor, and held a trident divine halberd in his hand!

"I'm sorry, you may have to come with me."

The other party had no intention of letting Zhuo Bufan leave.

Zhuo Bufan also didn't expect that the other party was preparing to start a war without any explanation.

This is simply a shame for Zhuo Bufan.

"Why should I go with you?"

"I think I should have made it clear enough."

"If you don't let go of this prison, don't blame me for being rude."

That's what Zhuo Bufan said, but in fact he is very weak now.

With his cultivation level dropped by half, he was no match for the mysterious banshee in front of him.

He couldn't even break through the cage in front of him.

The other party obviously also saw Zhuo Bufan's helplessness.

So she just smiled at Zhuo Bufan's words.

"Then you can try it."

"If you can break my water prison, I will let you go."

After the other party finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan in the water prison and flew down towards the blue star below.

"Damn it!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that women's hearts are the most poisonous.

I originally thought she would be a beautiful girl who is easy to talk to.

I didn't expect that she was an unreasonable and savage woman.

Zhuo Bufan tried to get Xiaoxiu to break free from the cage as well.

However, this woman is not simple.

Her water prison actually completely cut off space, and it was ridiculously powerful.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely lucky and struck the water prison with punch after punch.

However, the water prison was motionless and impossible to break through.

Zhuo Bufan felt anxious, knowing that it was impossible for him to break out of the water prison.

"What on earth do you want to do?"

Zhuo Bufan roared at the woman, but she was not moved at all.

Until Zhuo Bufan followed the woman and entered the blue mercury.

Approaching Blue Mercury, Zhuo Bufan discovered that almost 99% of this planet is ocean.

In other words, almost all life is marine life.

The eternal star field is the star field in the entire chaotic void that is closest to the world of Daluotian.

Many stars here have given birth to life.

Zhuo Bufan said no more or asked any more questions.

The woman took him all into the depths of the ocean.

After entering the ocean, Zhuo Bufan saw an underwater world he had never seen before.

The entire seabed is exceptionally gorgeous, filled with bright light everywhere.

Palaces, fortresses, walls, and cities.

The world under the sea is more prosperous than Zhuo Bufan imagined.

Thousands of mermaids surrounded Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Star Lord, who is this?"

Each of these mermaids held weapons in their hands and were hostile to Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, they all regarded Zhuo Bufan as their enemy.

These mermaids called the woman Star Lord, and it was obvious that she was the god of this mermaid star.

After hearing this, the Star Lord said.

"Open the Divine Court immediately, and I will interrogate him personally."

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

He didn't expect that he was actually regarded as an enemy.

It seems that he has become a prisoner of this mermaid star.

Toot toot toot…

As the horns of the fish people sounded, the entire underwater world began to enter a state of battle.

The entire Great Wall of Murlocs is fully armed and waiting sternly.

Zhuo Bufan was led by the Star Lord into a palace completely made of coral and pearls.

Entering the palace, all the elder-level fishmen stood on both sides.

The Star Lord, on the other hand, stepped onto the throne step by step.

"The divine court is opened and the trial begins."

As soon as the other party finished speaking, the water prison around Zhuo Bufan turned into circular water patterns, trapping him.

Zhuo Bufan struggled for a moment, but found that he couldn't break free, and finally just smiled coldly.

"Haha, this is how you treat guests?"

"I was just passing through here, and you captured me here. It's really ridiculous."

Zhuo Bufan sneered.

After hearing this, everyone else present turned hostile towards Zhuo Bufan, shouting one after another.

"Hmph, you must be a spy sent by the law enforcement faction. Star Lord, I suggest you kill him directly and don't talk nonsense to him."

"I, Blue Mercury, have always stayed aloof from the world, and I will not participate in the struggle between the Mufa Star and the Primarch Star."

"So no matter where you are sent from, we at Blue Mercury will not let you get what you want."

These people obviously regarded Zhuo Bufan as their imaginary enemy.

Zhuo Bufan obviously heard the meaning of their words,

I know that I am being treated as an imaginary enemy.

So he quickly explained.

"I see, do you think I'm a spy from Mufa Star?"

"It's really ridiculous. If I were from Mufa Star, why would I throw myself into a trap?"

At this time, the star master said.

"The Mufa Star and the Original Body Star form cliques in order to compete for the eternal will. Now all other life forms in the entire Eternal Galaxy are in their two camps, struggling to survive."

"I don't know where you are from, nor what your purpose is, nor why you want to go to Mufa Star."

"If it's like you said, you are just a passerby. Then I advise you not to go to Mufa Star."

"If you go there, you will only become a slave to the secret."

The Star Lord's words made Zhuo Bufan realize that the situation in the Eternal Star Territory might not be as simple as he imagined.

From the words of these murlocs, Zhuo Bufan roughly understood that the Eternal Star Territory was currently in a state of war.

The two sides in the war are mainly the two camps dominated by Mufa Star and Primarch Star.

The murlocs of Blue Mercury obviously belong to the neutral faction.

The reason why they wanted to capture him was obviously because they were worried that he was a traitor sent by the two camps.

Now the entire Eternal Star Territory is shrouded in the haze of war.

It is actually understandable that this blue Mercury is so vigilant.

After all, in such extraordinary times, anyone suspicious may be an enemy.

Of course, this did not allow Zhuo Bufan to understand their stupid act of kidnapping him.

Zhuo Bufan had no intention of forgiving these guys.

"I think there is indeed some misunderstanding between us."

"First of all, I am not from the Eternal Star Domain. I came here only because I agreed with my friend to meet at the Mufa Star."

"Secondly, where I want to go is my own business. You have no reason to interfere with my going or staying."

"The most important thing is that I am going to the Mufa Star, not the traitor you said."

Faced with Zhuo Bufan's accusation, the star master was silent.

Indeed, she was a little rash to suddenly capture Zhuo Bufan.

They were too nervous, afraid that they would be involved in the war.

The Eternal Star Domain is actually very large, with a total diameter of nearly 300,000 light years.

Their Blue Mercury is just a speck of dust in the Eternal Star Domain.

Even if the Mufa Star and the Primitive Star fought, it would not affect them.

"Is everything you said true?"

Realizing that he had captured the wrong person, the star master began to soften his tone.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan responded firmly.

"Every word is true."

"I come from a more distant world and have nothing to do with your Eternal Star Domain."

Zhuo Bufan said.

After confirming that he had caught the wrong person, the star master suddenly removed the restrictions on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan, who had regained his freedom, looked at the star master in front of him again, and felt that these people were too nervous.

"It seems that I caught the wrong person."

The star master said.

"I'm sorry, some time ago, an envoy from the Mufa Star came to threaten my Blue Water Star. So during this period of time, our Blue Water Star has been fully armed and ready for war."

"I thought you were from the Mufa Star, so I invited you to come here without saying anything."

After listening to the star master's words, Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

No wonder he saw many fish warriors waiting seriously along the way.

It turned out that the fish people were suffering from a war that was about to break out.

Because of the battle between the Mufa Star and the Primitive Star, other creatures in the entire Eternal Star Domain were in panic.

After understanding the other party's behavior, Zhuo Bufan also calmed down.

Now that Mufa Star is in the midst of war, do I really have to go to Mufa Star to wait for Mo Chichi's arrival?

"But I still advise you that everyone on Mufa Star is in danger now, and the natal star has been blocked."

"It is impossible for people from the outside to enter Mufa Star."

"With your ability, going there is just to die."

The star master kindly persuaded Zhuo Bufan.

It must be said that Zhuo Bufan also began to think seriously because of her words.

If what the other party said is true, then he really shouldn't go to that Mufa Star now.

However, except Mufa Star, he has nowhere to go.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking about what to do next.

Suddenly, a group of fishmen rushed in from outside the Divine Court.

"It's bad, it's bad!"

"The envoys of Mufa Star are here again."

I saw a blue fishman rushing into the hall in a hurry, and then fell in front of everyone.

When everyone heard that the messengers from the Shepherd Star had arrived, they were all frightened and panicked.

At this time, the Star Lord sitting on the throne frowned and asked.

"How many people came?"

The fishman warrior in charge of reporting said.

"A whole fleet!"

"What? A fleet?"

"Oh my God, are they really going to destroy us?"

"Star Lord, what should we do?"

"Why don't we agree to them! Join the Shepherd Star, just join them."

"Yes, Star Lord, we can't beat them."

"They also said that as long as we are willing to join their Shepherd Star camp, they will let us go."

"Star Lord, we have no choice. We exist in this eternal star field, and we are destined to have no power of choice."

After hearing this, the Star Lord sighed slightly, and then shook his head helplessly.

"Alas, my Blue Star can't escape this disaster after all?"


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