Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1253 Time Vortex [Subscribe]

It is rumored that the cracks in time and space have a passage to the world of reincarnation.

Regardless of whether this is true or not, Meng Chanyi will try her best.

Meng Chanyi has never wanted to find the Lord of Time as soon as possible.

Only by finding the Lord of Time can she meet the person she has longed for.

Therefore, they jumped into the space-time rift without hesitation.

Because of the existence of the time-space nightmare dragon Xiaoxi, Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi were not too afraid of the devouring power in the space-time rift.

Space-time nightmare dragons are born from the rifts in time and space, and they can release a magical energy shield.

It is this energy shield that can protect them from harm in the cracks of time and space.

Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan stood on Xiao Xi's back, floating in the world within the rift in time and space.

My eyes were filled with darkness and chaos, and I couldn't see anything clearly.

In the chaos, heavier and more violent energy was bombing. If it weren't for the time and space shield of the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, they would have been blown to pieces.

Meng Chanyi has been observing the situation in the cracks in time and space.

She wants to find a passage to the world of reincarnation in this crack in time and space.

"Little Nightmare, can you feel anything abnormal in this space-time rift?"

Zhuo Bufan does not have as powerful a soul power as Meng Chanyi.

So he could only rely on Xiao Xi's power to find the cracks in time and space.

Xiao Xiang searched for a long time in the world of time and space cracks, and finally shook his head.

"No, it's too chaotic here. Explosions and destruction are happening all the time."

The world in the cracks of time and space is like the inside of the sun, bombarded all the time.

Here, even the power of time and space is chaotic, let alone the power of human souls.

Even for Meng Chanyi, it would be extremely difficult to use the power of her soul to sense the passage of reincarnation in the cracks in time and space.

"I can only find the exit, but I can't find the entrance to the world of reincarnation you call it."

Little Nightmare doesn't know much about the world of reincarnation.

But he also knew that the Lord of Time was in the world of reincarnation.

However, it really doesn't know whether the entrance to the world of reincarnation is in the crack of time and space.

On this side, Meng Chanyi holds the Shocking Cicada Sword in her hand, facing the extremely violent and chaotic world of time and space rifts.

She tried to stop the never-ending explosion.

Meng Chanyi raised the Jingchan Sword in his hand, and then slashed it down.

The Shocking Cicada Sword is indeed the most powerful divine sword in the world.

Has the power to stop time.

The moment the Jing Cicada Sword struck down, the whole world stopped.

Then, the inner world of the extremely violent space-time rift actually stopped in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan looked at this scene and was stunned with surprise.

"Is this her power?"

"Shocking Cicada Sword! The power that can stop time and startle cicadas in a dream."

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little horrified.

Under the power of Meng Chanyi's Jingchan Sword, the world in the time and space rift was calmed.

She also released her soul power into the entire space-time rift in a very short period of time.

She was quietly sensing the anomalies inside the space-time rift.

Soon, Meng Chanyi seemed to have discovered something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

"found it."

Meng Chanyi shouted in surprise at Zhuo Bufan.

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was also ecstatic.

"did you find it?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure. There is a vortex of time in that direction."

"That's the only place that's not affected by my Jing Cicada Sword."

Meng Chanyi pointed to the distant place and said.

Her Cicada Sword can stop time.

But just now she discovered that in the cracks in time and space, there was something abnormal about the time in one place.

Then time did not stop, and not only did it not stop, but there was a terrifying whirlpool.

It was a terrifying time vortex, and the time power of his own Cicada Sword was actually swallowed up by that time vortex.

So Meng Chanyi guessed that the entrance to the reincarnation world they were looking for was probably there.

"There's something really weird about that place."

At this time, Xiao Xi also said.

Apparently it also sensed something unusual.

In the world within the space-time rift, time and space are inherently violent and abnormal.

But that strange time crack is obviously different.

"Then let's go take a look."

Zhuo Bufan finally decided.

Meng Chanyi obviously made Zhuo Bufan's final decision. When she knew that Zhuo Bufan decided to go and have a look, she smiled in surprise.

Then, with the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon Little Nightmare opening the way, they flew towards the time vortex.

Before he even got close to the time vortex, Zhuo Bufan felt something was abnormal in his soul.

"What a powerful force of time. Do we really want to go through it?"

Zhuo Bufan asked with a frown.

Because he found that his mental strength began to become weak.

The vitality in the body is passing quickly.

Life is beginning to decay, time is stealing all his strength and making him age again.

You know, for those who have cultivated to their level, living for hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years is not a problem at all.

However, Zhuo Bufan could now clearly feel that his vitality was rapidly draining away.

If he really gets close to that time vortex, I'm afraid Zhuo Bufan will age quickly.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, Meng Chanyi also felt the terrifying power of time.

"Sure enough, time is the most terrifying force in this time."

"No force can escape the sanction of time."

Meng Chanyi was able to say these words, and it was obvious that she also felt the life force that was rapidly passing away from her body.

Time is the origin of all matter, all energy, and all life.

Because of the birth of time, all laws, all energy, and all matter began to exist.

Those who control the power of time are the most powerful beings in the world.

There is obviously a reason why the Lord of Time can become a being that even the incarnations of Heaven are jealous of.

Although Daluo Tiandao also controls the power of time, he cannot grasp the law of time.

So even he will be punished by the Lord of Time.

His first clone is called Greedy Sky Hunchao, which represents his greed for the power of the Lord of Time.

Chaos has the power to turn back time, which is why it comes from this.

However, unlike the Lord of Time, the time power controlled by Da Luotian is still too weak after all.

It cannot transcend the power of time, let alone the Lord of Time.

Time is the ultimate power in this world.

In the face of this power, even Meng Chanyi would feel afraid.

"Are we really going there?"

Even the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon was scared.

You must know that the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon is the only creature living in the rift of time and space.

For them, the rift in time and space is the sea, and they are the fish in the sea.

They are also the only existence that can thrive in the rifts of time and space.

But even fish are afraid of the whirlpools in the sea.

Therefore, it is normal for the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon to be afraid of this time vortex.

It no longer dares to move forward.

"I feel very bad. If we get any closer, we may be wiped out!"

"And haven't you noticed that our vitality is declining and we are aging rapidly?"

Xiao Xiu reminded Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also frowned slightly.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan may be the one who feels it most clearly.

Because his hair has begun to turn gray.

His whole body is aging.

Because his cultivation is too weak, his ability cannot resist the invasion of time.

And now there is a very important question.

That's because Zhuo Bufan just discovered that there are only two save doors left in his save world.

When he discovered that he only had two save doors left, he was dumbfounded.

Soon, he thought that there was a possibility that something went wrong with his other half and the save door was used.

He looked at the two archives on the archive door, and Zhuo Bufan hesitated.

The two remaining archive doors are "Reincarnation World - Long River of Time" and "Yin Yang World - Mass Grave"

Zhuo Bufan cannot overwrite these two archives casually.

First of all, over time, this archive is the only archive that Zhuo Bufan can use to enter the world of reincarnation.

But once this archive is selected, all the people around Zhuo Bufan will disappear.

Therefore, this archive cannot be selected by Zhuo Bufan unless it is absolutely necessary, let alone overwritten.

As for the first archived mass grave.

This archive is the starting point of everything, and it also has a deep meaning for Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan would not just choose to overwrite this archive.

As a result, Zhuo Bufan now has no place to save.

Of the original three archives, only two are left.

what to do?

Zhuo Bufan originally thought that by saving the file first, he would be able to venture into the time vortex.

But now, he no longer has such a choice.

Meng Chanyi saw this and said to Zhuo Bufan.

"I'll go take a look first. You just wait here."

Naturally, Meng Chanyi would not let Zhuo Bufan take risks.

So she decided to go alone to find out.

Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

"No, I can't let you take risks either."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's expression of concern, Meng Chanyi was moved in her heart.

However, even though she was moved, she did not forget her purpose.

"Don't worry! I won't die so easily."

Meng Chanyi has too many ways to protect herself, whether it's the immortal Chanyi magic, the omnipotent sky-repairing magic, or the Jingchan sword that can even stop time.

In short, Meng Chanyi's vitality is probably more powerful than Zhuo Bufan who has the archive door.

Therefore, Meng Chanyi is willing to take a risk.

Seeing Meng Chanyi decide to take the risk, Zhuo Bufan frowned deeply after hearing this.

"I'd better go with you!"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't let Meng Chanyi do this kind of thing alone.

After Meng Chanyi heard this, she shook her head.

"No, nothing is more important to me than your safety."

"I'm just going to take a look. If something happens, I will come back as soon as possible. You guys are waiting for me here, do you understand?

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she suddenly raised the Jingchan Sword in her hand and slashed at Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan was frozen in place.

Obviously, Meng Chanyi was worried that Zhuo Bufan would follow her on the adventure, so she immobilized Zhuo Bufan with a sword.

After trapping Zhuo Bufan with a sword, Meng Chanyi fell in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Then suddenly he reached out and hugged Zhuo Bufan.

After an affectionate hug, Meng Chanyi let go of Zhuo Bufan again.

Then, she looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was completely still.

Love is evident in her beautiful eyes.

Meng Chanyi hesitated for a moment, suddenly stood up on her tiptoes, and then kissed the corner of Zhuo Bufan's lips.

The red lips are soft, there is not too much lingering love, only the shyness of a girl who is pregnant with spring.

"wait me back!"

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she turned around and flew in the direction of the time vortex.

For Zhuo Bufan, he was unaware of everything that had just happened.

Because Meng Chanyi directly stopped his soul.

So for Zhuo Bufan, he didn't have any reaction to what happened just now.

I don't know how long it took before Zhuo Bufan recovered from the state where time stood still.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan discovered that Meng Chanyi was missing.


"Where are the people?"

Zhuo Bufan said in a panic.

He remembered that just now Meng Chanyi suddenly slashed the Cicada Sword in her hand towards him.

This scene is familiar to me.

In order to save Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi used his moon knife to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Although the knife struck Zhuo Bufan, it also saved him.

But now, in order to prevent Zhuo Bufan from following her on the adventure, Meng Chanyi also slashed at Zhuo Bufan with her sword.

Zhuo Bufan immediately understood that Meng Chanyi did this for him.

"How stupid!"

Zhuo Bufan said heartbroken.

"No, I can't let her take risks, Little Nightmare, let's go take a look."

Zhuo Bufan said.

At this time, Xiaoxiang answered.

"Boy, have you noticed that the power of the time vortex has disappeared!"

After hearing what Xiao Xi said, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

Then, he reacted.

He did find that the power of the time vortex disappeared.

Not only the power of the time vortex, but also the power of Meng Chanyi disappeared.

"Quick, let's go take a look."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to let Little Nightmare take him flying towards the direction of the time vortex.

However, when Zhuo Bufan and the others got closer, they found that the time vortex seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

It's like it never existed.

"How is that possible? What about that time vortex?"

Zhuo Bufan could no longer feel the power of time.

The most important thing is that he cannot feel the loss of his life force.

Obviously, the time vortex disappeared.

Not only the time vortex, Meng Chanyi also disappeared.

Then there is only one possibility. Meng Chanyi entered the time vortex and disappeared along with it.

Meng Chanyi may have entered the world of reincarnation.

"Damn it, if I had known, I would have gone with her."

Zhuo Bufan was filled with regret. He didn't expect that Meng Chanyi would suddenly freeze him.

Of course, Meng Chanyi did not expect that the time vortex would suddenly disappear.

By the time Zhuo Bufan came over, she had disappeared along with the time vortex.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the empty chaos, feeling somewhat inexplicably uncomfortable and remorseful in his heart.

"Did she go to the reincarnation world?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that Meng Chanyi might have gone to the world of reincarnation.

"Hope she's okay."

"Everything is fine!"

Zhuo Bufan has nothing else to ask for now, he just wants Meng Chanyi to be safe.

There is no use regretting some things. After all, Zhuo Bufan doesn't even have the capital to regret now.

The missing save door prevented him from loading the file again.

Zhuo Bufan must accept this fact as soon as possible.

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