In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng attended classes at Panhuang Academy with their apprentice certificates.

As apprentices, they can choose the courses they want to attend at will.

The course Zhuo Bufan chose was the derivation technique mentioned by the teacher Xuanzhou.

Derivation technique is both the technique of derivation and the technique of deduction.

It is mainly used to infer good and bad luck, avoid danger, predict the future, etc.

Moreover, the technique of deduction does not require high cultivation. It relies on observing the Qiankun Bagua and Liuren Yin and Yang, which is a real knowledge.

However, Zhuo Bufan, who entered the school halfway, obviously knew nothing about the tortoise shell technique, ape corpse technique, stargazing technique, etc. taught by the teachers. After two days of listening, the only thing he knew was that the peak figure of derivation technique was Wahuang.

Wahuang has two peerless magical powers, one is the "Sky Repairing Technique" ranked first on the magical power list, and the other is the "Sky Derivation Technique" ranked fourth on the magical power list.

Needless to say, the Sky Repairing Technique is the most powerful magical power.

It is said that when the Three Emperors fought against the Heavenly Dao, the Heavenly Dao was severely damaged and the world was facing collapse.

It was Queen Wa who used the Heaven Repairing Technique to complete the Heavenly Dao, which saved the world and created the current Daluo Heaven.

The Heaven Repairing Technique may not be the most powerful magical power, but its significance to the world is well deserved to be ranked first.

In addition to the Heaven Repairing Technique, Queen Wa also has a peerless magical power, which is the "Heavenly Evolution Technique".

Queen Wa can use the Heavenly Evolution Technique to predict what will happen in the next ten thousand years.

In other words, the current Queen Wa can see the vicissitudes of ten thousand years.

Of course, Queen Wa can't see the future of everyone.

For example, she can't see Zhuo Bufan's future.

Not only Queen Wa can't see Zhuo Bufan's future, but Daluo Heavenly Dao can't see it either.

It is precisely because he can't see Zhuo Bufan's future that he has unlimited possibilities and can solve the impending disasters of heaven and earth.

"Every person's life in this world has been set up by the Heaven since birth."

"Whether it is a beggar on the street or an emperor in the palace, their lives have long been arranged by the Heaven."

"The so-called Yanshu is to borrow the eyes of the Heaven to see through the destiny arranged by others."

"In this world, very few people can break the destiny arranged by the Heaven. Once this destiny is broken, they can achieve supreme greatness."

"I don't know if I am the person destined to be."

Zhuo Bufan would also think after listening to the class.

However, this kind of self-boring question obviously can't think of any results.

So in the end, he could only sigh helplessly.

Soon, five days of the ten-day class time had passed.

During these five days, he and Zhou Peng went out early and came back late every day, and they would listen to the class as long as they had free time.

Zhou Peng obviously knew more than Zhuo Bufan.

Zhou Peng chose to focus on numerology, after all, he was a puppeteer.

And the most important ability of a puppeteer is to be strong in numerology.

And numerology is actually the art of science.

Calculation, reasoning, formula, truth!

This is the eight-character mantra of numerology.

Zhuo Bufan also attended two numerology classes, which were basically some advanced mathematics problems. Zhuo Bufan was very confident about these problems.

Zhou Peng was amazing. Zhou Peng was obviously a numerology genius.

He was even better than the teacher.

He had already calculated the results of many problems before the teacher figured them out.

Although he was just a disciple, he was afraid that there was no opponent in the whole academy in terms of numerology.

After all, he was a genius puppeteer.

He was a peerless genius who had lived for more than a hundred years. You should know that many numerology formulas learned in this academy were discovered by him, but they were not signed.

This was equivalent to asking Gauss to learn high school mathematics. For him, these problems were not difficult at all.

However, Zhou Peng himself was quite humble. Even if those problems seemed as simple as one plus one to him, he would still calculate seriously.

"Zhou Peng, have you heard of binary?"

On this day, Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng were attending a first-order numerology class again.

Zhou Peng quickly figured out the answer to the question given by the teacher on the desk.

Zhuo Bufan saw that he was bored, so he suddenly threw him a question.

Although this world is very developed, the decimal system is still used in mathematics.

Zhuo Bufan did not intend to show off, but just wanted to ask Zhou Peng a question that he would not find so boring.

After hearing this, Zhou Peng looked at him.


"Yes, the mathematical rule we are learning now is to add one every ten. But the rule of binary is to add one every two."

"In ordinary calculations, we have digits from zero to ninety. But in binary calculations, we only have two digits, zero and one."

"Now you use binary to calculate your results just now, and you will find something different!"

Zhuo Bufan mentioned it casually, and he never thought that he would open a new door to mathematics for Zhou Peng.

"Interesting, really interesting, let me calculate it!"

Zhou Peng began to tinker with the binary calculation rules that Zhuo Bufan mentioned.

And Zhou Peng, as if he had discovered a new continent, began to study it continuously.

Under Zhuo Bufan's explanation, he began to master binary, and then began to convert binary to decimal.

Next, Zhou Peng began to study continuously on his own, focusing on this binary.

They didn't know yet that a crisis was approaching quietly.


In five days, Feng Lao Mo finally brought his helper Ghost Face Shura to Kaitian City in Panhuang Territory.

They came to Kaitian City to meet up with Gui Tong and Yu Luosha.

"Let me introduce him to you. He is the Ghost Face Shura, who is known as the Puppet Killer."

Feng Lao Mo wanted to introduce Ghost Face Shura to Gui Tong and Yu Luosha.

Unexpectedly, this guy really wore a ghost mask, and no one knew what face was under the mask.

He wore a black cloak and a black devil mask.

The mask had only two eye holes.

Through the eye holes, you can see a blood-red eye.

"I have heard of Ghost Face Shura, who is known as the Puppet Killer."

"With the help of Ghost Face Shura, we will definitely be able to take down those two guys this time."

Yu Luosha looked at Ghost Face Shura and said.

Facing Yu Luosha's flattery, Ghost Face Shura snorted coldly.

"This time, I want to monopolize 60%!"

Ghost Face Shura opened his mouth as soon as he came up.

When Gui Tong heard it, he was a little dissatisfied.

"Sixty percent, isn't that too much?"

"You take sixty percent, and the four of us only get fourty percent. That means we each get one percent. No, you want too much."

As soon as the ghost boy finished speaking, a sharp blade suddenly appeared on his neck.


The ghost boy said with wide eyes.

Behind him, a puppet wearing a mask like the Ghost Face Shura appeared at some point.

The sharp knife belonged to the puppet.

"Little ghost, without me, can you kill the target?"

"You begged me to come, obviously you don't have the ability. Since you don't have the ability, it's me who has the final say."

"I only want sixty percent. If you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will kill you. With one less person to share, I can get seventy percent."

Ghost Face Shura's words made the ghost boy shudder.

The knife was on his neck. Just one word from Ghost Face Shura might really take his life.

Fortunately, at this time, Feng Lao Mo stood up and said.

"Okay, both of you, don't hurt the harmony."

"Since we are all here for Zhou Peng and the two guys, there is no need to rebel against each other."

"Ghost boy, I have discussed this division with Ghost Face Shura. He is responsible for killing Zhou Peng and the boy's puppets. We only need to be responsible for killing Zhou Peng and the boy."

"In other words, Ghost Face Shura will play a crucial role, and the success or failure of this operation also depends on him. So we have no objection to him taking 60%."

Feng Lao Mo stepped forward to mediate. He had no way to recognize the people he brought, so he had to give Ghost Boy and the others a reasonable explanation.

However, Ghost Boy was obviously unwilling to accept it.

"Whatever you want!"

Seeing that the two sides were on the verge of a fight, Yu Luosha also stepped forward to mediate.

"It's okay, Ghost Boy. Even if it's only 10%, it will be enough for us to spend our whole life."

"Those two puppets can definitely be sold for a good price."

Feng Lao Mo also said: "That's right! If we do this, we won't have to worry about the rest of our lives."

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's plan how to deal with these two guys."

"They will enter Panhuang Academy in a few days. We must kill them before they join Panhuang Academy."

Then, Ghost Boy didn't say anything more.

They began to discuss the action plan, but Ghost Boy was not interested and turned around and left the room.

"You guys chat, I'll go out and buy some food."

Ghost Boy left the hotel with his fairy puppet.

"Little kid, he is so arrogant. Lord Shura, don't bother with him."

Feng Lao Mo said.

After hearing this, Ghost Face Shura snorted coldly and didn't say much.


On this side, Ghost Boy was in a bad mood and left the hotel.

"Damn it, this damn guy, why should he get 60%?"

"Feng Lao Mo is so old and confused, he is so stupid."

Ghost boy was venting his anger, and at this time, the fairy floating beside him came behind him and hugged him in his arms.

"Child, don't be angry, I'm here!"

This woman is Ghost boy's puppet.

Ghost boy calls her mother, because he created this puppet according to her mother's appearance.

Ghost boy is indeed a genius puppeteer. Don't look at him as a child, he is actually more than a hundred years old.

However, when he was twelve years old, his family suddenly suffered a change.

His mind, age and height were sealed on that day.

So he never grew up and always looked like a child.

Although he is a child, this child is not simple.

He created this puppet with his strong willpower.

His own cultivation also reached the Tianyuan realm.

He is an excellent puppeteer, but also a lonely and cruel puppeteer.

This is why Feng Lao Mo invited him to his Rakshasa group.

Now, Gui Tong is not satisfied with Feng Lao Mo's decision, so he decided to go alone to find Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Mom, if we complete this order, we can get a lot of essence."

"As long as we have enough essence, we can get the Heaven-Repairing Stone of Empress Wa, and then we can revive you as a human."

In fact, Gui Tong has always had a dream in his heart.

That is to revive his mother.

The one next to him is just a puppet after all.

But Gui Tong had heard that as long as he had the Bu Tian Stone, he could turn a puppet into a human.

So Gui Tong had been working towards this goal all these years.

Later, he found out that a big boss in the black market had a Bu Tian Stone.

However, the price of this Bu Tian Stone reached 1 billion Yuan Jing.

In order to earn more Yuan Jing, Gui Tong joined the Rakshasa Group and became a puppet killer.

They specialize in hunting puppets, obtaining puppet cores, and then selling them on the black market.

Over the years, he has also saved a lot of Yuan Jing, but it is still a long way from 1 billion.

However, now, he has Zhuo Bufan's Zhuoyue and Zhou Peng's Nana.

If he sells their two puppets on the black market, he will definitely be able to save 1 billion.

With this 1 billion, he will be able to get the Bu Tian Stone.

He wants to turn the puppet next to him into a living person.

Become his real mother.

"Child, no matter what decision you make, your mother will support you."

This puppet was set up with the character of his mother by Gui Tong.

Although she has the personality of her mother, she is still a puppet after all.

There is no real feeling for Gui Tong.

And Gui Tong can't feel the warmth of her mother in her.

What he can feel is just the obedience of a puppet.

"Well, let's go!"

After saying this, Gui Tong took his "mother" and rushed to the hotel opposite.

Through observations over the past few days, Gui Tong found that Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng would go to the academy to attend classes during the day.

During this period, they would leave Nana and Zhuoyue in the hotel.

But Nana secretly ran out to work with Zhuoyue.

The two of them wanted to earn tuition for Zhuo Bufan and Zhou Peng.

This is not the first day that Nana has worked behind Zhou Peng's back.

When she was in Jiang Mi City before, Nana would often secretly go out to distribute flyers and post small advertisements behind Zhou Peng's back.

Strictly speaking, Nana is no longer just a simple puppet sometimes.

In fact, the rumor that Gui Tong heard is true. The Bu Tian Stone can really give puppets personality.

In the core of Nana's puppet, there is a piece of Bu Tian Shi fragment fused by Zhou Peng.

This is why Nana looks more humane.

Although Zhuoyue is a puppet with a ten-orifice exquisite heart.

But Zhuoyue looks very dull and stupid.

However, Nana is very smart, and ordinary people can't really tell that she is a puppet.

This is because a small piece of Bu Tian Shi fragment is fused into the core of Nana's puppet.

And Bu Tian Shi can really give puppets personality.

"At this time, the two of them should be handing out flyers in North Street."

"The puppet with a knife on his back looks very difficult to mess with. Let's go and catch Zhou Peng's puppet."

Five days of observation, it is not without gain.

During this time, Gui Tong found that Zhuoyue's strength is far higher than Nana.

Although Zhuoyue looks stupid, he is not sure that he can defeat him with his exaggerated equipment.

But if it is Nana, Gui Tong can subdue her with his "mother".

So, this Gui Tong decided to take action against Nana.

As he was talking, he came to North Street and saw Nana handing out flyers alone.

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